Proclamation, 23 June 1699, Edinburgh

Warrant, 21 December 1699, Edinburgh

Att Edinburgh The Twenty Third day of June Jaj vjc nynty nyne years



Proclamation Against Exporting of Wool and Importing of woolen Cloath

Proclamation against Exporting of wool, and Importing of Woolen Cloath. Being Read was voted approven and signed whereof the Tenor follows
William By the grace of God, King of great Brittain France and Ireland defender of the faith: To […] macers of our privy Councill, messengers att armes our Sheriffs in that pairt, Conjunctly and Severally Specialy constitute Greeting. Forasmuch as by the fourtieth act of the parliament Jaj vic sixty one. Entituled act for Erecting of manufactories, and relative To many former Acts of parliament and Councill. It is Expresly provided That in Regaird of the great prejudice To the Kingdom, by Exportation of Wool; Therfore all and Every person whatsomever, native or Stranger, are discharged To Export out of this Kingdom any wool under the declaration contained in the said act, Certifieing such as doe in the Contrary, They shall forefault such Wool or the Just value thereof the one half to us, and The other half To the Informer who shal discover, Apprehend and prosecute the Same before our Exchequer Besides That The persons and Estates of such contraveeners shall be lyable To such punishments and fines for the Same as our Exchequer shall Appoint, And farder the forsaid Act, Discharges all Regraters and fore-stallers of mercats of Wool, And That no merchant or other person whatsomever, Buy and Keep up wool unto dearth, But that they bring the same to be sold in open mercats under the pains contained in the acts of parliament made against Regraters and fore-stallers Likeas By the Twelfth act of the parliament Jaj vic Eighty one years Entituled Act for Encourageing Trade and Manufactories, All merchants and other persons whatsomever, are Strictly prohibited and discharged To Import into this Kingdom, any forraign Cloaths and Stuff made of Wool (no ways comprehending flannel Arras-Hangings and Forraign Carpets) As also forraign woolen Stockings, with Certification, That all such forraign Cloaths Stuffs and woolen Stockings as shall be Imported contrary to the said Act, Shall be Burnet and destroyed, And The Importers and Resetters thereof fyned in the value of the saids goods: And The Tacksmen and Collectors of the Customes, Surveyors, Collectors Waiters or their Servants, are thereby Strictly commanded To Search for, Seize upon, Apprehend Burn and destroy any of the saids prohibited Woolen cloaths, Stuffs or Stockens That Shall be Imported contrary to this act, with Certification to them if they failzie and Suffer the saids prohibited goods To be Imported, Either by Tollerance or Connivance They shall not only amitt and Lose their places, And for Ever be Incapable To Service in that or any such publict charge, But also fyned in the value of the saids goods That Through their fault and neglect shall happen to be Imported and any merchant or other person, who shall In-form against any of the farmers, Collectors Surveyers or waiters, for neglect of their duty in the premises, and prove the same, shall have their fines for their Reward, Which acts of Parliament Being most advantageous for the good of the Kingdom and the Improvement of manufactories and at this time more Especialy necessary, for the Imploying of Idle persones and of the poorer sort, in the work of the said manufactories and for their necessar cloathing and subsistance, We with Advice of the Lords of our privy Councill, Have Thought fitt To Revive, And do heirby Revive the same, And ordains them To be putt To Strict and Vigorous Execution for the discharging of the said Export of Wool, And for dischargeing the forestalling and Regrating the mercats of wool: As also for the discharging of the Import of all Forraign cloaths, and Stuffs made of wool, (Flannel arras-hangings and forraign Carpets only Excepted) and of all forraign woolen Stockings, and that from and after the day and date hereof, and with and under the Certificationes and penalties mentioned in the saids acts of Parliament: which wee with advice forsaid, Doe heirby ordain To be most Strictly observed and Executed in caice of contravention, And further for the more Effectual observance of the premises, Wee with Advice forsaid Doe heirby grant the same Encouragement To any merchant or other person who shall Inform against the Importers of the saids goods, heirby prohibited to be Imported, That is granted by the said Act of Parliament To these persons who Inform against any of the saids farmers, and others neglecters of their duty in the premises viz: That they shall have their fynes for their Reward. Our Will is Heirfore. And we charge yow strictly and Command That Incontinent these our Letters seen ye pass To the mercat Cross of Edinburgh And Remanent mercatt Crosses of the head Burghs of the severall shires and stewartries of this Kingdom, And make publication heirof. And Appoints our Solicitor To Transmitt Coppies heirof And to Take care that the same be published at the mercat Crosses of the Several Seaport Towns within this Kingdom and att the custom-houses or offices within the same, And ordains these presents to be printed, Given under our Signet att Edinburgh The Twenty Third day of June, and of our Reign the Eleventh year 1699. Sic subscribitur.

Att Edinburgh The Twenty Third day of June Jaj vjc nynty nyne years



Proclamation Against Exporting of Wool and Importing of woolen Cloath

Proclamation against Exporting of wool, and Importing of Woolen Cloath. Being Read was voted approven and signed whereof the Tenor follows
William By the grace of God, King of great Brittain France and Ireland defender of the faith: To […] macers of our privy Councill, messengers att armes our Sheriffs in that pairt, Conjunctly and Severally Specialy constitute Greeting. Forasmuch as by the fourtieth act of the parliament Jaj vic sixty one. Entituled act for Erecting of manufactories, and relative To many former Acts of parliament and Councill. It is Expresly provided That in Regaird of the great prejudice To the Kingdom, by Exportation of Wool; Therfore all and Every person whatsomever, native or Stranger, are discharged To Export out of this Kingdom any wool under the declaration contained in the said act, Certifieing such as doe in the Contrary, They shall forefault such Wool or the Just value thereof the one half to us, and The other half To the Informer who shal discover, Apprehend and prosecute the Same before our Exchequer Besides That The persons and Estates of such contraveeners shall be lyable To such punishments and fines for the Same as our Exchequer shall Appoint, And farder the forsaid Act, Discharges all Regraters and fore-stallers of mercats of Wool, And That no merchant or other person whatsomever, Buy and Keep up wool unto dearth, But that they bring the same to be sold in open mercats under the pains contained in the acts of parliament made against Regraters and fore-stallers Likeas By the Twelfth act of the parliament Jaj vic Eighty one years Entituled Act for Encourageing Trade and Manufactories, All merchants and other persons whatsomever, are Strictly prohibited and discharged To Import into this Kingdom, any forraign Cloaths and Stuff made of Wool (no ways comprehending flannel Arras-Hangings and Forraign Carpets) As also forraign woolen Stockings, with Certification, That all such forraign Cloaths Stuffs and woolen Stockings as shall be Imported contrary to the said Act, Shall be Burnet and destroyed, And The Importers and Resetters thereof fyned in the value of the saids goods: And The Tacksmen and Collectors of the Customes, Surveyors, Collectors Waiters or their Servants, are thereby Strictly commanded To Search for, Seize upon, Apprehend Burn and destroy any of the saids prohibited Woolen cloaths, Stuffs or Stockens That Shall be Imported contrary to this act, with Certification to them if they failzie and Suffer the saids prohibited goods To be Imported, Either by Tollerance or Connivance They shall not only amitt and Lose their places, And for Ever be Incapable To Service in that or any such publict charge, But also fyned in the value of the saids goods That Through their fault and neglect shall happen to be Imported and any merchant or other person, who shall In-form against any of the farmers, Collectors Surveyers or waiters, for neglect of their duty in the premises, and prove the same, shall have their fines for their Reward, Which acts of Parliament Being most advantageous for the good of the Kingdom and the Improvement of manufactories and at this time more Especialy necessary, for the Imploying of Idle persones and of the poorer sort, in the work of the said manufactories and for their necessar cloathing and subsistance, We with Advice of the Lords of our privy Councill, Have Thought fitt To Revive, And do heirby Revive the same, And ordains them To be putt To Strict and Vigorous Execution for the discharging of the said Export of Wool, And for dischargeing the forestalling and Regrating the mercats of wool: As also for the discharging of the Import of all Forraign cloaths, and Stuffs made of wool, (Flannel arras-hangings and forraign Carpets only Excepted) and of all forraign woolen Stockings, and that from and after the day and date hereof, and with and under the Certificationes and penalties mentioned in the saids acts of Parliament: which wee with advice forsaid, Doe heirby ordain To be most Strictly observed and Executed in caice of contravention, And further for the more Effectual observance of the premises, Wee with Advice forsaid Doe heirby grant the same Encouragement To any merchant or other person who shall Inform against the Importers of the saids goods, heirby prohibited to be Imported, That is granted by the said Act of Parliament To these persons who Inform against any of the saids farmers, and others neglecters of their duty in the premises viz: That they shall have their fynes for their Reward. Our Will is Heirfore. And we charge yow strictly and Command That Incontinent these our Letters seen ye pass To the mercat Cross of Edinburgh And Remanent mercatt Crosses of the head Burghs of the severall shires and stewartries of this Kingdom, And make publication heirof. And Appoints our Solicitor To Transmitt Coppies heirof And to Take care that the same be published at the mercat Crosses of the Several Seaport Towns within this Kingdom and att the custom-houses or offices within the same, And ordains these presents to be printed, Given under our Signet att Edinburgh The Twenty Third day of June, and of our Reign the Eleventh year 1699. Sic subscribitur.

1. NRS, PC1/51, 588-90.

1. NRS, PC1/51, 588-90.