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Editorial Introduction
Historical Introduction
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Warrant, 21 December 1699, Edinburgh
5 January 1699
Act: Reprive to four Egyptians
Act: Reprive To John Scarlet
Act: Reprive To William Young
12 January 1699
Commission by the Council: Commission To Livetennent Caldwel anent forstallers
Order: Recommendation To the Lord Advocate To write to the sheriff deput of Renfrew anent some witches
Act: Act of Liberation Dingwal and Ross
17 January 1699
Procedure: [No public business]
19 January 1699
Warrant: Warrand for changing the sentence of death to Banishment pronunced against Scarlet Young and Bailies
20 January 1699
Act: Act Anent William Cochran of Ferguslie
2 February 1699
Order: Mr William Dunlop and John Alexander craving a nationall Fast
Warrant: Warrand To the Clerks of Council to write to Dinguall and Inverness anent the pole
Procedure: Kelburne Receaved a privy Councellor
Warrant: Warrant for demolishing the fortifications of the Bass
7 February 1699
Procedure: Commission To John Lord Carmichael To be Conjunct Secretary of State
Procedure: Commission To John Earle of Lauderdale To be Generall of his Majesties Mint
Proclamation: Proclamation for a solemn and national Fast
Procedure: Act of the General Assembly anent a solemn national Fast and Humiliation
Act: Act Taking off Mr John Heburnes Confynement
9 February 1699
Procedure: Patent of Honour In favours of David Lord Boyle
Act: Act Banishing Severalls To America and Liberating others
Act: Act Banishing John Foubister to America
Act: Act Indemnity and Liberation Weir and Tweddale
Warrant: Warrand To persue John Burd Sheep Stealer criminally
14 February 1699
Procedure: Commission to Adam Cockburne of Ormistoun To be Lord Thesaurer Deput
Procedure: Commission To Sir John Maxwell of Pollock to be Lord Justice-Clerk
Procedure: Commission To the Earle of Mar To be Captain of his Majesties Company in garrison in Stirling Castle
Act: Act Allowing Andrew Sympson to Transport some persons to the West Indies
16 February 1699
Procedure: Commission To Livetenant Colonell Erskine to be governour of Dumbarton Castle
Procedure: The Lord Carmichaell goes to London to Attend his Majesty
21 February 1699
Letter: Answer to the Lord high Chancellors Letter from the Lords Cheiff Justices of Ireland
Order: Recommendation To the Earle of Argile To quarter Colonell Hamiltons Regiment at Air Irvine and Kilmarnock
23 February 1699
Proclamation: Proclamation Anent Excise after the first of March next 1699
Warrant: Warrand to send a party of Souldiers to Bring John Frazer and Hutcheon Oig from Elgin to Edinburgh Tolbooth
2 March 1699
Procedure: [No state business]
6 March 1699
Procedure: [No public business]
7 March 1699
Warrant: Warrant For Liberating Campbell of Ormandale and Captain Richardson
Order: Recommendation To the Lord high Chancelor for stopping the appending the great Seall to Wishart of Logie's Remission
10 March 1699
Procedure: [No state business]
14 March 1699
Act: Act And Intimation Anent this current Parliament
16 March 1699
Warrant: Warrant To the Commissioners of Justiciary to goe in circuit for the Shires of Stirling Renfrew and Air
Commission by the Council: Warrant To Andrew Myreton of Leny to be a Commissioner of Supply within the Shire of Midlothian
21 March 1699
Letter: royal: Letter from the King for Adjourning the Parliament
Proclamation: Proclamation Adjourning the parliament
Commission by the Council: Act Adding Grant younger of Freuchie to the Commissioners of Justiciary for secureing the peace of the highlands
Procedure: Approbation of the Lords Advocates causing Imprison John Whytfoord of Milntoun
Act: Severall Gentlemen within the Stewarty of Kirkcudbright anent their pole
Act: Act of Indemnity for Margaret McBrayer to witnes against Key
23 March 1699
Act: Act Anent the Polemoney
Order: Recommendation To the Lord Advocat To write to the Sheriff of Forfar for regulating the mercats
Order: Recommendation To the Earle of Argyle To remove half a Troop from Kilsyth to Falkirk
Act: Act stopping the Interloquitor in favours of the heretors of Traquair
23 March 1699 (pm)
Order: Order and act To Colonell Row to Suppress the Tumult at St Andrews anent Breaking Girnells
Act: Act For putting the proclamatione against Regraters and Fore-Stallers of victuall in Execution
28 March 1699
Act: Act Adjourning the Circuits for this year
Letter: royal: Letter from the King Anent the Staple Port
Act: Act Appointing Garrison in the Highlands
30 March 1699
Proclamation: Proclamation For Re Establishing the Staple port at Camphire
Procedure: committee formed: Committee anent the Earle of Seaforth
Order: Recommendation To the Lord Advocate To process Kincardine Gray and others as forstallers of the mercats
31 March 1699
Proclamation: Proclamation Anent prices of victuall
Order: Act For open prison To Mr Cornelius Con
Order: Recommendation To the Lord Advocat to Fill up the blanks in the proclamatione anent the poor
Order: Recomendation To the Lord Advocat To prepare a list of Commissioners who are to sett prices upon victuall
3 April 1699
Procedure: committee formed: Committee Anent a Letter from the Commissioners of Justiciary for the peace of the Highlands
Warrant: Warrant To Colonell Row to quarter a Company of men at St Andrews
Warrant: Warrant For pairties to be sent to Brae-Marr, Blair-Findie and Curgaff
Procedure: committee formed: Committee Anent publict Affairs
Warrant: Warrand Allowing Colonell Row to goe to London
13 April 1699
Letter: royal: Letter from the King to the Council For receaveing The Lord Strathnavers and Colonell Fergusones Regiments into Pay
Act: Act For disbanding and Reduceing of the forces
4 May 1699
Act: Act Explaining a clause in the Proclamation anent Setting prices upon Victuall
Act: Act For pursueing Severall persones as forstallers of victuall
Act: Act Allowing Brigadier Maitland, To Import 600 Bolls of meal and malt, For the use of the garrison at Fort William
Act: Act To the Lord Strathnaver to quarter his Regiment at Innerness
4 May 1699 (pm)
Order: Act To the Solicitor To pursue the Duke of Gordon and others taken at a popish meeting
Order: Act For quartering of Colonel Colziers and Rows Regiments
8 June 1699
Warrant: Warrand For Imprisoning Sarah Greir and other Rablers
Warrant: Warrand For Imprisoning Thomas Spence
Procedure: Additionall Commission anent the Exportation of Wool
Letter: royal: Letter from the King for adjourning the Parliament
Letter: royal: Letter from the King to the Councill Authorizeing them To Appoint persons To act as Sherifs Lords and Bailies of the severall Jurisdictions mentioned in the Letter
Warrant: Warrant To the Clerks of Councill To Revise the Gazetts before they be printed
Warrant: Warrand For Imprisoning Captain Donaldson Gazetteer
Warrant: Warrant To the Solicitor To take tryall what Sheriffs Lords and Bailies of Regalities are not qualified
9 June 1699
Proclamation: Proclamation For Adjourning the Parliament
Proclamation: Proclamation Allowing the free Transporting of victuall from one Shire to another and the Importation of Forraign victuall free of custom, and Twenty Shilling Scots, for Each imported Boll thereof
Order: Order To the Sollicitor To cause cite Bailie Duncan in Dundee
13 June 1699
Procedure: The Lord Forbes Took the oaths as a privy Councellor
Procedure: Committee For considering the Acts of parliament anent quartering of Souldiers
Warrant: Warrand To the Solicitor to write To the Severall Sheriff Clerks of this Kingdom anent Jurisdictions
Warrant: Warrand For Transporting John White from Kinross To Edinburgh Tolbooth
Act: Act Liberating Thomas Spence
Act: Protection To Mr Alexander Cockburn
Commission by the Council: Warrant Nameing the officers for commanding the Highland Garrisons
Act: Act Liberating James Donaldson
15 June 1699
Procedure: committee formed: Committee anent The Dutches of Hamilton
20 June 1699
Procedure: The Viscount of Seafield Receaved a privy Councellor
Commission by the Council: Commission for Trying Erasmus Irvine and Margaret Magnus for murthering their own child
Warrant: Warrand For the Lairds of Blackbarrony and Stevenson to oversee the Roup of the plack of the pint ale in the Town of Edinburgh
22 June 1699
Judicial Proceeding: Commission Anent The Duke of Gordon
Warrant: Warrand For Imprisoning the Duke of Gordon
23 June 1699
Warrant: Warrant To the Lord Advocat To write to the magistrats of Aberdeen Anent Bailie Aidie
Proclamation: Proclamation Against Exporting of Wool and Importing of woolen Cloath
27 June 1699
Order: Recommendation To the Lord high Chancellor To write To Brigadier Maitland anent Glengerie
Warrant: Warrant for quartering parties att Blair-Findie and Curgaff
29 June 1699
Procedure: [No public business]
6 July 1699
Procedure: The Earle of Forfar Receaved a privy Councellor
Procedure: committee formed: Comittee Anent the Pole
Act: Liberation The Duke of Gordon
Act: Reprive to John McTavish younger of Meggavie and Hutcheon Fraser alias Oge
11 July 1699
Procedure: The Earle of Cassils admitted a privy Councellor
Procedure: committee formed: Committee Anent the heretors of Tyrie
Procedure: committee formed: Comittee Anent Bailie Edie and Bailie Chancellor
Procedure: committee formed: Comittee Anent the poor and the Dutches of Hamiltons Petition
Procedure: committee formed: Committee Anent Drawing a Bond To be subscribed by the heretors in the Highlands
13 July 1699
Procedure: Patent of Honour In favours of Sir David Colyear Creating him Lord Portmore and Blackness
Warrant: Warrant For Bailie Adie To Renew his Bonds And Recomends to the Lord Advocat To Raise a process against him
Procedure: committee formed: Committee For Examineing persons come from France
Procedure: The Viscount of Sea field added to the Committee anent Bailie Adie and Chancellour
Act: Act Appointing Bailie Chancellor To give Bond For his peaceable Behaviour
Act: Act Captain William Gordon in Brigadier Maitlands Regiment
Act: Act Andrew How of Pannell
Warrant: Warrand To Thomas Glaswell and others for shutting up the meeting house att Dudhope
18 July 1699
Warrant: Warrant For giveing up Bailie Edies Bonds
Warrant: Warrant For Transporting Hannay to the Tolbooth of Edinburgh
Commission: Commission For Trying and Judgeing Twelve Witches in the north
20 July 1699
Act: Reprive To John Weir sentences to death
25 July 1699
Act: Act For a Contribution To the Magistrats of Kinghorne
Letter: royal: Letter from the King to the Councill approveing of their proceedings against the Duke of Gordon
Procedure: The Earle of Kintore Receaved a privy Councellor
Order: Recommendation To the Lord Advocate To Enquire in the matter Represented in the Taxmen of the customs petition
Act: Act Henry Payne
Procedure: Lyble Mr Fleckfield and John Blair agent For the Kirk against Mr Duncan Comrie
27 July 1699
Act: Act Anent Jaffray and other printers
Procedure: Committee For considering the memorandum anent the Pole
Procedure: committee formed: Committee Anent The Earle of Niths-dale
Warrant: Warrant To the Solicitor To make Further Enquiry anent Jurisdictions of unqualified persons
1 August 1699
Warrant: Warrant Allowing the Earle of Nithsdale to go home
Procedure: Commission To the Viscount of Seafield principall Secretary of State To be Baillie of the Regality of Huntly etc
Procedure: Recomendation To the Lord Advocat To prepare a proclamation anent the Pole
Commission: Commission To Sir Colin Campbell of Aberuchill To be Stewart Principall of the Stewartry of Monteith
31 August 1699
Letter: royal: Letter from the King For adjourning the Parliament
Proclamation: Proclamation Adjourning the Parliament
12 September 1699
Act: Act Recalling the Viscount of Seafeilds Comission to be Bailie of the Regality of Huntly etc
Procedure: Committee For drawing A Proclamation anent the poor
Act: Act for Transporting William Baillie ane Egyptian To America
Decreet: Decreet of Deprivatione His Majesties Advocat against Mr James Gordon
Procedure: committee formed: Committee For Considering what persones may be allowed to be present at the meetings of privy Councill
Act: Act Commuteing the Sentence of Death pronunced against David Chapman to Banishment
Warrant: Warrand For Liberating of George Brown
Warrant: Warrand For Liberating of Andrew Hunter, Wm Simpson and Rott Gray
14 September 1699
Commission: Commission To The Lord Forbes to be Baillie of the Regality of Huntly etc
Commission: Commission By the Councill To the Earle of Tullibardin to Exerce in some Jurisdictions which belonged to his father
Act: Act For quartering the Troops and Regiments of the Forces
Procedure: The Lord Forbes qualified himself as Baillie of the Regality of Huntly
Procedure: Recomendation To the Lord Advocate To draw a proclamation For building of Correction houses
15 September 1699
Warrant: Warrant To Alexander Ogilvie of Forglan To be printed warden of the mint
Warrant: Warrand For Banishing John Weir
Proclamation: Proclamation Anent the Poor and provideing Correction-houses for them
Procedure: The Two Secretaries of State acquainted the Councill That they were going to Court
15 September 1699 (pm)
Proclamation: Proclamation Regulating Severall particulars anent the Pole, and Intimating the next years pole
4 November 1699
Letter: royal: Letter From the King for adjourning the Parliament
Proclamation: Proclamation Adjourning the Parliament to the 5th of March 1700 years
7 November 1699
Procedure: Address of the Commissioners of the Generall assembly craveing a day of Solemn prayer and Thanksgiveing
8 November 1699
Proclamation: Proclamation For a Solemn nationall Thanksgiving and publick prayers
9 November 1699
Procedure: committee formed: Committee For Considering the Petition given in by Livt Coll Dalziell in name of Coll Rows Regiment
14 November 1699
Decreet: Decreet His Majesties Advocate against Baillie Edie
Warrant: Warrand To the commander in cheiff To Remove the detachments From one place to another
Decreet: Decreit The Lord Advocate Against Mr James Campbell
16 November 1699
Warrant: Warrand To Colonell Row to goe to London
21 November 1699
Act: Approbation of My Lord Thesaurer deput Committing Graham of Boquhaple
Warrant: Warrand To Livetennent Haddo To goe to England
23 November 1699
Procedure: Committee For Considering the Report anent witches in the North-Countrey
28 November 1699
Warrant: Warrand Allowing Graham of Boquhaple his wife Servant and Phisicians and others to have access to him
Act: Reprive To John McTavish and Hugh Finser
Act: Act Relaxing from the Horn Donald Camron alias McCoil Roy, and others, and Indemnifying them
Procedure: Committee For considering a Letter from a Justiciary court att Forres
5 December 1699
Procedure: : The Viscount of Tarbat Receaved a privy Councellor
Procedure: : Recomendation To the Lord Advocate To raise a Lyble on the Subject Matter Contained in this memoriall
Procedure: : Recommendation To the Lord Advocat To write to some Sheriffs anent the poor
7 December 1699
Procedure: : [Note of Business]
14 December 1699
Proclamation: : Proclamation Dischargeing the Export and allowing the Import of victuall
16 December 1699
Letter: royal: : Letter from the King, anent the Company trading to Africa and Indies and signifieing his displeasure with their Address
18 December 1699
Procedure: : Sir Gilbert Elliot acquainted the Councill That he hade made Intimation of his majesties letter, to the clerk of the Company trading to Africa and Indies
Proclamation: : Proclamation Anent Petitioning
Procedure: : Excuse made by the Thesaurer Deput, For Blackbarrony
19 December 1699
Act: : Act Suspending the Sentence of Death pronunced against William McEskine
21 December 1699
Act: : Act Banishing John Weir
Act: : Act Discharging a peck to the Boll of victuall in the Shire of Stirling
28 December 1699
Procedure: : Committee For considering a Letter to the Lord Chancellor from the Commissioners of the north District
Acts: : Act Anent Exchange of money
Acts: : Act Anent John Givan Smith in Glasgow
5 January 1699
Act: Act In the suspensione Gordons Against Grant and Wiseman
12 January 1699
Act: Act John White for Collecting Polemoney
17 January 1699
Act: Act Anent Captain Baillies papers
Act: Act Anent the Lists of Poleable persons
19 January 1699
Act: Act Lord Justice Clerk etc for opening the Earl of Kincardins Chartor Chist
Act: Act The Commissioners of Supply of the Shyre of Roxburgh and Magistrats of Jedburgh for a bridge
Act: Act and Comittie James Walkinshaw Merchant
Act: Act Captain Kennedy for printing the Late history of Europe Abridged
2 February 1699
Act: Act and Remitt Udney of Auchterellen Against Forbes of Wattertoune et e contra
7 February 1699
Act: Act John Philp Sone to David Philp
9 February 1699
Warrant: Warrant for removeing of Dragoons
Procedure: Recomendation To the Lord advocat to wryt not to stopt meall comeing to Glasgow
14 February 1699
Act: Act Forbes of Foveraigne against Brown
Act: Act Jean Gordon relict of Knockgray
23 February 1699
Act: Act George Murray Councill post
2 March 1699
Act: Act The Earle of Annandale for a Stipend
6 March 1699
Act: Act Christiana Forbes for a Stipend
Decreet: Decreet Sussana Weir and her husband Against Anna Johnstone and her husband
Decreet: Report and Interloquitor Carnwath Against Pennicook
Act: Act Ogilvies
Act: Act Mr William Fraser Minister
10 March 1699
Act: Act John Adam and others merchants in Glasgow for Pine etc Manufactury at Glasgow
Act: Act James Donaldson Gazetteer to print buriall Letters
Act: Act James Donaldson for printing the Gazett
Warrant: Warrant for giveing up James Richardsones bond
16 March 1699
Act: Act Robert Logan Cabinat maker
21 March 1699
Act: Act The Earle of Marr, anent the Bridge of Tillibody
Procedure: Committie Anent Collonell Buchan and his officers
30 March 1699
Act: Act Dame Lillias Setton relict of Sir James Ramsay
4 May 1699
Act: Act Mr Rodrich Mckenzie of Prestonhall
20 June 1699
Judicial Proceeding: protestation: Protestation for no insisting Stewart and Mcandish against Agnew younger of Lochnaw persewer
27 June 1699
Decreet: Process for no insist The Magsitrats of Aberdeen Against Jean Skeen
Act: Act Earle of Marr
29 June 1699
Act: Act Maxwell of Sprinkell for a stipend
Act: Act The Magistrats of Aberdeen Against Jean Skeen
6 July 1699
Decreet: Decreit Certification Brand against Fea of Whythall and others
Act: Act Dame Lillias Seatton
18 July 1699
Act: Act Lord James Le Blanc
20 July 1699
Act: Act The Marquess of Douglas anent William Simpson
25 July 1699
Decreet: Decreit Muray of Abercarny and others Against Gilbert McEwen The Laird of Leny and others
27 July 1699
Act: Act Changing John Weirs Sentance
Decreet: Decreit James Brown against The Laird of Foveraigne
Act: Act Gilbert Campbell anent Maxwell
Act: Act Samuell McClelland merchant and others
Act: Act Samwell McClelland
Act: Act William Frazer merchant
Act: Act Robert Johnstoun merchant
Act: Act Charles Gray Merchant
Act: Act John Hay merchant
1 August 1699
Act: Act William Blaikburn merchant in Glasgow
Decreet: Decreet James Waddell against Androw Garnoch
Decreet: Decreet Suspending the Letters Alexander Leith Against Patrick Gordon and others
Act: Act David Edie late Baillie in Aberdeen
Act: Act Jean Jaffrey Merchant in Edinburgh
Act: Act John Cowie merchant in Aberdeen
12 September 1699
Decreet: Decreet Cochran of Ferguslie Against Spence and others
14 September 1699
Procedure: Remit Anent Alexander Bruce and Home of Kinnergeine
Act: Act Captain Thomas Hay Merchant
15 September 1699
Act: Act John Vallange Stationer for Printing some Decisions of the Lords of Session
Act: Act [...] Cant relict of Mr James Whyt Minister for a Stipend
9 November 1699
Decreet: Denunciation Clepan and others against Halyburton and others
Act: Act George Mossman Stationer Anent the Printing of the works of Mr George Buchanan
Warrant: Warrant To James Sinclar anent his horsies etc
14 November 1699
Act: Act for Liberating of Mr Robert Whyt
Warrant: Warrand Anent David Edie
16 November 1699
Decreet: Decreet The Magistrats of Edinburgh Against Monteith
21 November 1699
Act: Act Mr George Campbell anent a new way of making salt
Procedure: Remitt The Earl and Countes of Southerland against James Whyt etc
Act: Act Sir William Enstruther and David Simpson for a Stipend
23 November 1699
Decreet: Decreet The Lairds of Boggie Against Mr Robert Whyt of Bennochie
28 November 1699
Warrant: Warrant Anent The Rotula Arthmetica
Order: Order To Jean Ogilvie for Produceing her suspensione against Finlasone
7 December 1699
Decreet: Decreit absolvitor John Mores and others Against Nairn and others in St Androwes
Act: Act Rober Broune of Cornhaugh
14 December 1699
Act: Act James Chrighton of Auchingoul and Alexander Stewart
Act: Act [...] Setton relict of Lewis Viscount of Frendraught
Procedure: bill of suspension: [Bill of Suspension]
19 December 1699
Act: Act and Remitt Telman Goden Against William Murray
21 December 1699
Act: Act and Remitt Mr William Gordon Against Sir William Hope
Act: Act For a Woolen Manufactory at Glasgow
Warrant: Warrant allowing James Spence to go home