Att Edinburgh the First day of December Jaj vjc nynty and Eight years
Act In favours of Mr George Brown
Anent The Petition given in to the Lords of his majesties privy Councill By Mr George Brown minister Shewing That wheras Their Lordships petitioner hath of Late Invented and made ane Instrument called his Rotula Arithmetica wherby he is not only able To Teach Those of a very ordinary capacity who can but read the Figures To Add Subtract multiply and divide, In the space of Four hours Tho they are not otherways able Readily to Condescend, whether seven and four be Eleven or Twelve. But the Instrument will be found Likeways very usefull, If not necessary for the ablest accomptants There being nothing yet found Comparable to it, not only for dispatch and Certanty, But for freeing the mind from all that Rack of Intortion to which it is oblidged in long additions; as some honourable persons of their Lordships number (with whom he hes hade the Honour to Converse on that head) are able to Instruct. And Their petitioner is ready more fully to demonstrate In their Lordships presence or in the presence of any of their Lordships number whom their Lordships should think fitt to appoint for that purpose, And now their being nothing to hinder the publication of the same But the want of money And a clause in their Lordships Deliverance upon their petitioners last Bill oblidgeing him to find Baile Before he can have the Benefite of his Licence, which their petitioner not being able to doe And Therfore Humbly craving to the Effect underwrittin as the said petition bears. The saids Lords of his majesties privy Councill Having Considered this petition given in to them be Mr George Brown minister They doe heirby Recall their former sentence of Banishment pronunced against the Petitioner, And declairs him quite thereof and free therefrom in time Coming. And allows him to Return to Edinburgh or any other where as his Majesties other subjects He first before Extracting heirof giving his own Bond (without finding caution) acted in the Books of privy Councill, That he shall not preach baptize marry nor Exercise any pairt of his ministeriall Function within the Burgh of Edinburgh priviledges Suburbs pairts or pertinents thereof nor in any other place within this Kingdom untill he be qualified according to Law under the penalty of Two Thousand merks scots toties quoties in caice he shall transgress in any part of the premises. And ordains the magistrats of Edinburgh and and their clerk to deliver up to the petitioner the Bond taken by them from him And The saids Lords doe heirby grant to the petitioner and his heirs and assigneys The Sole priviledge of framing making and selling his said Instrument called Rotula Arithmetica for the space of Fourtein years yet to come from the day and date heirof, And discharges any other persons To make or sell the said Instrument during the space forsaid without Express Liberty and Licence from the said Mr George Brown and his Forsaids under the pain of Fyve Hundered merks Besides Confiscation of the Rotulas made or sold, And in the mean tyme nominats and Appoints The Earles of Galloway and Lothian, The Lords Strathnaver and Carmichaell, The Lairds of Pollock and Blackbarrony To be a Committee to view and consider the petitioners Instrument forsaid, And Recommends to the said Committee to meet tomorrow at Three in the Afternoon, And declairs any Three of the said Committee to be a quorum. And allowes any other of the members of privy Councill To be present with the said Committee, And to Report their Opinion what Furder Encouradgement shall be given to the petitioner for the Invention forsaid.
1. NRS, PC1/51, 496-7.
1. NRS, PC1/51, 496-7.