Att Edinburgh The Twenty day of December Jaj vjc nynty Eight years
Commission by the Council
Commission For Additional Commissioners of supply To the shire of Angus
The Lords of his majesties privy Councill Considering That by The sixth act of the second session of his majesties current parliament of this his ancient Kingdom of Scotland, There are Commissioners appointed in each shire of this Kingdom for proportioning the supply by the said act Granted to his Majesty and for ordering the uplifting of the samen, furth of the Respective shires wherof they are appointed Commissioners. And That by severall subsequent acts of the severall sessiones of the same current parliament. There are new Supplies granted to his majesties and severall Additionall Commissioners Besides these first nominate, Appointed in the saids Acts for proportioning the saids several Supplies. And That by the saids acts of parliament, It is Remitted to the saids Lords of his majesties privy Councill, To nominate other persons to be Commissioners upon the death or not acceptance of any of the saids persons mentioned in the saids acts, And The saids Lords being Informed By the Right honourable […] Earle of Northesk for himself and in name and behalf of the Earle of Strathmore and other Commissioners of Supply within the Shire of Angus, That the most pairt of the Commissioners of Supplie nominate in the saids acts for the said shire, have not qualified themselves for the Exercise of their said office and Trust of Commissioners By swearing and signing the oath of alledgance and signing The Assurance and Associatione in the Terms of the acts of parliament and Councill So That there can scarce a quorum of the saids Commissioners be gott to meit, when their meeting is needfull for his majesties service, or the publict Concerns of the nation. Therfore The saids Lords of his majesties privy Councill. Doe heirby nominate and appoint The persons following Viz John Lyon of Whitewell, Patrick Lyon of Balgillo […] Fletcher younger of Ballingshe, John Mylne in Boyssick Milnes, John Lindsay younger of Pirscandlie, William Lyon of Easter-Ogill […] Duncan of Lundie […] Scrimzeour of Kirktoun; Mr Patrick Lyon of Carse, John Lindsay of Cairne, William Stewart in Bandogh Robert Carnegy of Balindarg […] Strachans Elder and younger of Balgayes […] Livingstone younger in Mernes, John Livingston of Balrounie, Patrick Livingston Bailie of the Regality of Breichen, John Oughterlony of […] Clerk of Arbroth, Thomas Lyell of Balconell, John Mundie of Gilchome, Thomas Colvill of Burntoune, James Philip of Ambriecloss, John Falconer of Balmashannar, William Gray of Hakertoune, Thomas Nairne of Kirkhill, Mr Thomas Fair-Weather of Torrie, David Ramsay of Cairntoune […] Steven provost of Arbroth for the waird mylns, and […] Campbell of Crunnan, To be Commissioners of Supply within the said Shire of Angus And that for the Effect above and in the said act and subsequent acts of parliament particularly mentioned And gives and Grants To the persons heirby nominat Commissioners as said is (so soon as they shall be qualified By Swearing and signing the oath of Alledgance and Signeing The Assurance and Association To his Majesty King William In the tearms of the acts of parliament) The same power priviledge and Commission which by the saids act of parliament is granted so the person therein named To be Exercised alse fully and freely in all Respects as if they hade been named in the saids acts of parliament and as any other Commissioners of Supply in any other shire within this Kingdom does or may Laufullie doe And The saids Lords Doe heirby authorize the person who shall be Conveener of the Commissioners of supply in the said shire for the Tyme or Either of them To Administrate The oath of alledgance To the saids Commissioners heirby nominate as said is And to see them Swear and Subscrive the same and signe the Assurance and Associatione Appointed by the acts of parliament and that at the first dyet of the Commissioners meeting after thir presents comes to their hands. And Appoints the saids Commissioner to Report the said Alledgance So Sworn and the Assurance and association So Signed to the Clerks of his Majesties privy Councill And That within the Space of ane moneth next after their meeting and Administrating the said oath, Assurance and Associatione sic subscribitur Marchmont Cancellar Queensberrie, Argyll. Mar. Morton. Crafurd, Lothian, Annandale Strathnaver. Ruthven.
1. NRS, PC1/51, 508-10.
1. NRS, PC1/51, 508-10.