Att Edinburgh The Tenth day of September Jaj vjc nynty Eight years. Councill called Extraordinary
Warrand For Imprisoning Dr Cornelius Cone
Doctor Cornelius Cone Being Examined this Day Before a Committee and Immediatly Brough in and Examined in the Thesaury Room Before the Councellors abovenamed. The Councill gave order for Committing The said Doctor Cone close prisoner in the Castle of Edinburgh In respect being Examined he hes made severall prevarications in matters Concerning the Government. Follows the warrand for his Imprisonment.
The Lord high Chancelor and Lords of privy Councill Doe heirby Recommend to the Earle of Leven Constable and Governour of the Castle of Edinburgh And in his Lordships absence gives order and warrant to the next commanding officer there To Receave and Keep The person of Doctor Cornelius Cone Closs prisoner without access allowed to any he being a person accused of great pervaricationes in matters concerning the Government wherupon he hes been Examined and Therfore sent to the said Castle To be more clossly Keept as said is till furder order.
1. NRS, PC1/51, 472-3.
1. NRS, PC1/51, 472-3.