Act, 23 June 1698, Edinburgh

Decreet, 29 December 1698, Edinburgh

Att Edinburgh the twentie third day of Juny Jaj vic nyntie eight yeirs



Act Mr William Innes

Anent the petitione Given in to the Lords of his Majesties privie Councill By the heretors and parochiners of Thurso in Caithness In favoures of Mr William Innes the Minister And Suklyke Anent the petitione given in to the said Lords by the said Mr William himself The petition at the instance of the heretors and parochiners Shewing That wher To the petitione is great Satisfaction and Comfort Ther were severall ministers of the gospell sent to this Shire by the Commission of the kirk of Scotland to preach in the vaccant kirks wherof there paroch kirk was one And Mr William Innes minister at Carnak having preached severall sabbaths amongst them in Summer Last And the petitioners having found the doctrine very savory to their great satisfaction They thought fitt to Call the said Mr William Innes to be ther minister at the said paroch kirk which hes come that Length that they have obtained him to travell in his office amongst them And It being fullie designed that he Should have the Stipend of the said paroch the Cropt and year of god Jaj vic nyntie six as will be Clearly knowen by ther call As also the petitioners Considering that ther is a Great distance betuixt his place of residence and this paroch so that he Cannot without great expences transport himself wife and family therto It is therfor reasonable and Just he should have the vacant stipend of their said paroch for the said Cropt and year of god Jaj vic nyntie sex to Carry his Charges In transporting himself wyfe and family this Length And therfore Humbly Craving their Lordships will take the premisses to their Serious Consideratione And that ther Lordship would also Consider ther Great Loss in wanting the Gospell preached amongst them so Long And how Just It is for the petitioners to Give all Incouradgement to him that hes the care of ther Soulls That therupon ther Lordships would order the vacant Stipends of ther said paroch for the Cropt and year Ja2 vic nyntie sex forsaid to the effect forsaid which is the earnest requeist and petition of their Lordships most humble Supplicants And ther Lordships Satisfactory ansuer to this So Just and necessar a requeist Is humbly waited for by them who ever Shall pray as the said petition bears And the petition at the instance of the said Mr William Innes Shewing That wher his parishioners hes addressed ther Lordship in his behalf for the Stipend of that paroch for the Cropt and year Jaj vic nyntie Sex as the Samen produced bears And It being ther Mynd that he Should have it intirely without deduction of the tuenty merks for the Supplies And In regaird he hath been at Great expences in transporting himself and family to that place As also that ther are Sufficient vaccant Stipends of the preceeding years to Ansuer the Supplies And therfore Humblie Craving to the effect underwryten as the said petition at more Length bears Which Tuo petitiones being both this day read and Considered by the saids Lords of his Majesties privie Councill They hereby Give and allow to the said Mr William Innes the Stipend of the said kirk and paroch of Thurso for the haill Cropt and year of god Jaj vic nyntie Sex years And that Intirely without deductione of the tuenty merks for the Supplies And decernes and ordaines the petitioner to be readily ansuered obeyed and payed of the said years Stipend of the paroch of Thurso uithout deductione of the tuenty merks as said is by the heretors feuers wodsetters Lifrenters titulars tacksemen of teynds tennents possessors and others Lyable in payment of the said years Stipend And ordaines Letters of horning at the petitioners instance to be direct Against the heretors feuars wodsetters and others forsaids Lyable in payment of the said years Stipend upon production of a decreit of Locality And in case ther be none ordaines the heretors and others forsaids Lyable in payment of the said years Stipend to make payment therof according as they Shall be decerned by the Judge ordinary In respect the said Mr William Innes before extracting produced to the Clerks of privie Councill a Consent and declaration under the hands of the Earle of Breadalbine as patron of the said paroch wherby he Consents to the Giving of the said Stipend of Thurso Cropt Jaj vic nyntie Six to the Same petitioner

Att Edinburgh the twentie third day of Juny Jaj vic nyntie eight yeirs



Act Mr William Innes

Anent the petitione Given in to the Lords of his Majesties privie Councill By the heretors and parochiners of Thurso in Caithness In favoures of Mr William Innes the Minister And Suklyke Anent the petitione given in to the said Lords by the said Mr William himself The petition at the instance of the heretors and parochiners Shewing That wher To the petitione is great Satisfaction and Comfort Ther were severall ministers of the gospell sent to this Shire by the Commission of the kirk of Scotland to preach in the vaccant kirks wherof there paroch kirk was one And Mr William Innes minister at Carnak having preached severall sabbaths amongst them in Summer Last And the petitioners having found the doctrine very savory to their great satisfaction They thought fitt to Call the said Mr William Innes to be ther minister at the said paroch kirk which hes come that Length that they have obtained him to travell in his office amongst them And It being fullie designed that he Should have the Stipend of the said paroch the Cropt and year of god Jaj vic nyntie six as will be Clearly knowen by ther call As also the petitioners Considering that ther is a Great distance betuixt his place of residence and this paroch so that he Cannot without great expences transport himself wife and family therto It is therfor reasonable and Just he should have the vacant stipend of their said paroch for the said Cropt and year of god Jaj vic nyntie sex to Carry his Charges In transporting himself wyfe and family this Length And therfore Humbly Craving their Lordships will take the premisses to their Serious Consideratione And that ther Lordship would also Consider ther Great Loss in wanting the Gospell preached amongst them so Long And how Just It is for the petitioners to Give all Incouradgement to him that hes the care of ther Soulls That therupon ther Lordships would order the vacant Stipends of ther said paroch for the Cropt and year Ja2 vic nyntie sex forsaid to the effect forsaid which is the earnest requeist and petition of their Lordships most humble Supplicants And ther Lordships Satisfactory ansuer to this So Just and necessar a requeist Is humbly waited for by them who ever Shall pray as the said petition bears And the petition at the instance of the said Mr William Innes Shewing That wher his parishioners hes addressed ther Lordship in his behalf for the Stipend of that paroch for the Cropt and year Jaj vic nyntie Sex as the Samen produced bears And It being ther Mynd that he Should have it intirely without deduction of the tuenty merks for the Supplies And In regaird he hath been at Great expences in transporting himself and family to that place As also that ther are Sufficient vaccant Stipends of the preceeding years to Ansuer the Supplies And therfore Humblie Craving to the effect underwryten as the said petition at more Length bears Which Tuo petitiones being both this day read and Considered by the saids Lords of his Majesties privie Councill They hereby Give and allow to the said Mr William Innes the Stipend of the said kirk and paroch of Thurso for the haill Cropt and year of god Jaj vic nyntie Sex years And that Intirely without deductione of the tuenty merks for the Supplies And decernes and ordaines the petitioner to be readily ansuered obeyed and payed of the said years Stipend of the paroch of Thurso uithout deductione of the tuenty merks as said is by the heretors feuers wodsetters Lifrenters titulars tacksemen of teynds tennents possessors and others Lyable in payment of the said years Stipend And ordaines Letters of horning at the petitioners instance to be direct Against the heretors feuars wodsetters and others forsaids Lyable in payment of the said years Stipend upon production of a decreit of Locality And in case ther be none ordaines the heretors and others forsaids Lyable in payment of the said years Stipend to make payment therof according as they Shall be decerned by the Judge ordinary In respect the said Mr William Innes before extracting produced to the Clerks of privie Councill a Consent and declaration under the hands of the Earle of Breadalbine as patron of the said paroch wherby he Consents to the Giving of the said Stipend of Thurso Cropt Jaj vic nyntie Six to the Same petitioner

1. NRS, PC2/27, 128r-128v.

2. Sic.

1. NRS, PC2/27, 128r-128v.

2. Sic.