Att Edinburgh The Fourth Day of January Jaj vic nyntie Eight years
Act for Certificatione against the Earle of Seaforth and his uncle
Letters his Majesties Advocate against the Earle of Seaforth for produceing the persons of Doctor O’Coin and Alexander Mclelan Before the Lords of his Majesties privy Councill upon the Fourth day of November Last And against George McKenzie uncle to the Earle Being this day called in preference of the saids Lords And Sir James Steuart his Majesties Advocate And Sir Patrick Home Sollicitor Compearing personally as persuors for his Majesties Interest And The said Earle of Seaforth and his said uncle being Laufullie Cited and not Compearing The saids Lords Grants Certification against both the said Defenders In Respect of ther Absence and not Comeparance And ordains Letters of Denunciation to be Direct to Messengers att armes Commanding them to pass to the Mercat Cross of […] And other places needfull And There In his Majesties name and authority duely Laufully and orderly denunce the said Earle of Seaforth and George McKenzie his Majesties Rebells and putt them to his highness horn And to ordain all their moveable Goods and Gear to be Escheat and Inbrought to his Majesties use for their Contempt and Disobedience And Recommends To the Lord Carmichaell Commander in cheiff of his Majesties forces within this Kingdom for the Tyme to Give order and warrant to sufficient parties of his Majesties forces And Ther officers To Seize upon Take and apprehend the said Earle of Seaforth att the Town of Inverness or his own house of Brahan or wherever he is or may be apprehended And to Convoy him to his Majesties Castle of Edinburgh And To Deliver him to the Earle of Leven Constable and Governour of the said Castle and in his absence to the next Commanding officer ther whom the saids Lords Doe appoynt to Receave the said Earle of Seaforth prisoner till farder order.
1. NRS, PC1/51, 326.
1. NRS, PC1/51, 326.