Att Edinburgh the twentie day of Janwary Jaj vic nyntie eight yeirs
Act and remit Lord Forbess Serjeants and mwtineers in Major Burnets troops
The Lords of his majesties privie Cownsell haveing this day considered a report made to ther Lordships anent the Serheants of The Lord Forbess his regiment of Dragownes and anent the mwtineers of Major Burnets troupe in the Same regiment Which report bears That the Comitie conforme to the power given to them Have liberat the haill Dragoons imprisoned except Thomas Harnlang and David Ramsay whom they have ordered to be detained And which report furder bears that the Serjeants of the said regiment being called befor them clamed first that they gott not ther full monethly Subsistance alleadgeing that Eleven Dollars was ther Dwe wheras they gott But ten monethly To which It was answered be My Lord Forbess in name of himself and his officers that ten dollars was the ordinarie monethly Subsistance to the Serjeants of the regiment all alongs Since they were raised so that he payed them as they were in wse to be payed formerly befor his entrie My Lord Forbes Likewayes pretends that the monethly Subsistance of each troupe payed to them by the thesaurie will not allow of a greater dividend for the Serjeants Secondly the Serjeants claime ther cloathing money for these twentie moneths bygone at five dollars monethly wherof they gott But ten only To which My Lord Forbes made answer that it is but for nyn or ten moneths that he hes had any concerne in the regiment And that the ordinary tyme allotted by The King for ther cloathing is not yet come till March next As the said report at more Lenth bears The saids Lords of his majesties privy Cownsell doe heirby approve of the Comities Liberating the above Dragoones And have left and heirby Leaves the two points in the above report anent the Subsistance and cloathing money to The Lords Commissioners of his majesties Thesaurie to be considered and determined by ther Lordships as they shall find Jwst
1. NRS, PC2/27, 73r-73v.
1. NRS, PC2/27, 73r-73v.