Procedure, 21 June 1698, Edinburgh

Decreet, 29 December 1698, Edinburgh

Att Edinburgh The Twenty First Day of June Jaj vjc nynty Eight years



Commission To George Gordon to be ane Macer

Gift from his Majestie under the privy Seal In favours of George Gordon servant to the Earle of Southerland To be one of the macers before the parliament Lords of his Majesties Secret Councill Exchequer and Commissioners during all the days of his Lifetime Read and ordered to be Recorded And the said George Gordon being called for and appear and swear and signed the oath of Alledgance and also signed the Assurance appointed to his Majesties by act of Parliament And the Lord President of privy Councill having administrate to him, the oath de fideli He was admitted Conform to above Gift. Whereof the tenor follows.
William By the Grace of God King of great Brittain France and Ireland defender of the faith, To the Lords of our secret Councill, Exchequer, and Commissioners and to all our subjects whom it Effeirs. Forasmuchas Wee taking to our Royall Consideration That the place and office of one of the ordinary macers Before our privy Councill and Exchequer is now vacant and att our gift and dispositione by the deceass of James Irvine. And Wee being well Informed of the Loyalty and other good qualifications of George Gordon, servitor to the Earle of Southerland wherby he is well fitted for the true and faithfull Discharge of the said Trust Therfore witt ye us with the advice and Consent of the Lords and others Commissioners of our Thesaury and Exchequer of our ancient Kingdom of Scotland To have nominate made Constitute and appointed The said George Gordon to be one of the ordinary macers before The Parliament Lords of our Secret Councill Exchequer and Commissioners and ane Serjant att arms during all the days of his Lifetime Giveing Granting and disponing to the said George Gordon The forsaid office with all fies dueties profites Emoluments privilidges and Casualties whatsoever thereto belonging with full power to the said George Gordon to use and Exerce the said offices And To uplift and receave the first duties profits and Casualities thereof during the space forsaid as amply and freely in all Respects and Conditions as the said deceast James Irving or any other his predecessors macers as aforsaid used and Exerced The said offices at any tyme bygone. Commanding heirby the Lords of our secret Councill Exchequer and Commissions to receave the said George Gordoun In the said offices as is above writtin. And to take his oath for the due and Laufull administratione thereof And to authorize him with their Testimoniall of Admission thereto in due and Competent form as Effeirs. Conform To the Tenor of this our Letter in all poynts Given under our privy seal at our Court att Kensington The Eighteenth day of May 1698 years. And of our Reign the Tenth year. Per signaturam manu S.D.N. Regis supra scribitur manibusque Commissionariorum Thesaurarii aliorumque Dominorum Scaccarii dicti Regni Scotiae Subscribitur. Written to the privy seall and registrat the Twenty day of June 1698 sic subscribitur Douglas. Sealed att Edinburgh The 20th day of June 1698. Sic subscribitur William Alves.

Att Edinburgh The Twenty First Day of June Jaj vjc nynty Eight years



Commission To George Gordon to be ane Macer

Gift from his Majestie under the privy Seal In favours of George Gordon servant to the Earle of Southerland To be one of the macers before the parliament Lords of his Majesties Secret Councill Exchequer and Commissioners during all the days of his Lifetime Read and ordered to be Recorded And the said George Gordon being called for and appear and swear and signed the oath of Alledgance and also signed the Assurance appointed to his Majesties by act of Parliament And the Lord President of privy Councill having administrate to him, the oath de fideli He was admitted Conform to above Gift. Whereof the tenor follows.
William By the Grace of God King of great Brittain France and Ireland defender of the faith, To the Lords of our secret Councill, Exchequer, and Commissioners and to all our subjects whom it Effeirs. Forasmuchas Wee taking to our Royall Consideration That the place and office of one of the ordinary macers Before our privy Councill and Exchequer is now vacant and att our gift and dispositione by the deceass of James Irvine. And Wee being well Informed of the Loyalty and other good qualifications of George Gordon, servitor to the Earle of Southerland wherby he is well fitted for the true and faithfull Discharge of the said Trust Therfore witt ye us with the advice and Consent of the Lords and others Commissioners of our Thesaury and Exchequer of our ancient Kingdom of Scotland To have nominate made Constitute and appointed The said George Gordon to be one of the ordinary macers before The Parliament Lords of our Secret Councill Exchequer and Commissioners and ane Serjant att arms during all the days of his Lifetime Giveing Granting and disponing to the said George Gordon The forsaid office with all fies dueties profites Emoluments privilidges and Casualties whatsoever thereto belonging with full power to the said George Gordon to use and Exerce the said offices And To uplift and receave the first duties profits and Casualities thereof during the space forsaid as amply and freely in all Respects and Conditions as the said deceast James Irving or any other his predecessors macers as aforsaid used and Exerced The said offices at any tyme bygone. Commanding heirby the Lords of our secret Councill Exchequer and Commissions to receave the said George Gordoun In the said offices as is above writtin. And to take his oath for the due and Laufull administratione thereof And to authorize him with their Testimoniall of Admission thereto in due and Competent form as Effeirs. Conform To the Tenor of this our Letter in all poynts Given under our privy seal at our Court att Kensington The Eighteenth day of May 1698 years. And of our Reign the Tenth year. Per signaturam manu S.D.N. Regis supra scribitur manibusque Commissionariorum Thesaurarii aliorumque Dominorum Scaccarii dicti Regni Scotiae Subscribitur. Written to the privy seall and registrat the Twenty day of June 1698 sic subscribitur Douglas. Sealed att Edinburgh The 20th day of June 1698. Sic subscribitur William Alves.

1. NRS, PC1/51, 438-9.

1. NRS, PC1/51, 438-9.