Att Edinburgh The Twenty Seventh of December Jaj vjc nynty Eight years
Proclamation Discharging the Transporting of persons to the plantations of Foraigners in America
The Following proclamation after it was amended and transcribed being voted approven and signed was ordered to be published and Recorded, whereof the tenor follows:
William By the grace of God King of great Brittain France and Ireland, defender of the faith To […] macers of our privy Councill messengers at arms our sheriffs in that pairt Conjunctlie and severalie specialy constitute Greeting. Forasmuchas It is Inconsistent both with the honour and Interest of this our ancient Kingdom, That any persons should be Transported out of the same, either by natives or Forraigners, to plantations belonging to Forraigners not natives of this Kingdom without Leave and allowance first obtained from our privy Councill. Therfore wee with Advice of the Lords of our privy Councill, Doe heirby strictly prohibite and discharge all persones masters or owners of ships, and others whatsoever, Whether Natives of this Kingdom or Forraigners To presume to take up, Engadge or Carry abroad any of the Subjects of this our ancient Kingdom In order to their being Transported to the forsaid plantations after the day and date heirof without Licence first obtained from our said privy Councill, under the pains to be Reputed and punished as men-stealers. and to be prosecute accordingly Our Will is Heirfore and wee charge yow strictly and command That Incontinent these our Letters seen, ye pass to the mercat Cross of Edinburgh, and to the Remanent mercat Crosses of the hail head Burghs of the severall shires and stewartries within this Kingdom and there in our name and authority by open proclamation make publication heirof. That none may pretend Ignorance, And ordains these presents to be printed. Given under our Signet at Edinburgh The Twenty Seventh day of December and of our Reign the Tenth year 1698. Sic subscribitur.
1. NRS, PC1/51, 511-12.
1. NRS, PC1/51, 511-12.