[At Edinburgh 21 June 1698] Eodem die post meridiem
Warrand for Registrating the Lord Drummonds Band
The Lords of his Majesties privy Councill being Informed by the Lord Justice-Clerk, That the Lord Drummond was applying to some of the members of this Board for a pass to go off this Kingdom and that since this he is gone without having obtained ane pass They heirby give order and warrant to there Clerks of privy Councill Instantly to Cause Registrat the Bond granted by the said Lord Drummond and his Cautioners for his Compearance before the Councill But discharges them to give out Letters upon the said band untill the next Councill day being the 23rd June Instant be Elapsed.
1. NRS, PC1/51, 439.
1. NRS, PC1/51, 439.