Att the Abbay of Halyroodhouse The nynteenth day of JulyJaj vjc nynty Eight years
Act In favours of The viscount of Teviot
Anent The Petition Given in to the Lords of his majesties privy Councill By Thomas Viscount of Teviot Shewing That where his Majesty was pleased by his Letters Patent dated the fourth and sealed The Twenty fourth days of December Jaj vic nynty six years To Conferr upon The Petitioner The Honour and dignity of viscount of Teviot with the Quiescent or secundary Title of Lord Livingston of Peebles. But it being Thereafter agreed that The Petitioner should quite The Title of Lord Livingston of Peebles for ane other to be chosen by him. It pleased his Majesty To Grant a new Patent upon the Thirty of March Jaj vic nynty seven years. Conferring The Honour and Dignity as before But leaving the Quiescent Title To their Petitioners choice. And Seing That Their petitioner hath Likeways past The said second Patent Creating him a Viscount as before But with the Quiescent and Secundary title of Lord Livingston of Hyndfoord and that notwithstanding this Alteration so made it was always understood That his Right of precedency as a viscount was to stand conform to his first Patent. And Therfore Humbly Craving To The Effect underwrittin as the said Petition Bears. His Majesties High Commissioner and Lords of Privy Councill having considered the above Petition. They in Consideration That the altering of the Quiescent Title was the only Reason for the second Patent. Doe heirby declare That The Petitioners Precedency as a viscount shall stand good and valid with the forsaid Alteration conform to his first patent And ordains this Act to be Extracted thereupon for his furder security thereanent.
1. NRS, PC1/51, 460.
1. NRS, PC1/51, 460.