Proclamation, 20 September 1698, Edinburgh

Decreet, 29 December 1698, Edinburgh

Att Edinburgh The Twenty day of September Jaj vjc nynty Eight years



Proclamation For The more Easy and Effectuall Inbringing of the Polemoney

Proclamation for the better Inbringing of the polemoney Read approven and signed and ordained Instantly to be published:
William By the Grace of God, King of great Brittan France and Ireland defender of the faith To […] macers of our privy Councill messengers att armes our sheriffs in that pairt Conjunctlie and Severallie specialy Constitute Greeting. Forasmuchas The Two poles Imposed by Two acts of the Last session of this present Current Parliament are now set in farm. And That it is of special Concern For making the saids poles Effectual That the Commissioners of shires and others Required by the saids acts for making up the Lists Rolls and books of persones and returning of the same. Doe Diligently meet and attend And performe what is Incumbent to them for clearing and for the more Easie raising and Levying of the saids poles by our saids farmers. Wee with advice of the Lords of our privy Councill and Conform to the Reference made to them by the saids Acts of parliament Have ordained, And heirby ordains for the First of the saids poles, The hail Commissioners of the several shyres and Stewartries within this Kingdom residing within the same respective To meet upon the second Twesday of October next to come at the ordinary place of their meeting And There To Subdivide the hail Bounds of the saids shires and stewartries amongst the Commissioners Residing For the present within the same, whether present at or Absent from the said meeting for making up the List of the poleable persons, by vertue of the Forsaid act and That at such places as they shall appoint upon the First Tuesday of November Thereafter. And There to proced in Compleating The saids Lists and Rolls of poleable persons, And Taking in their severall degrees and qualities In manner Specified in the said act. And Appoints Advertisements To be Given To The saids Commissioners Resideing within the saids Shires and Stewartries tymously by the several Sheriffs and Stewarts or their Deputs for their meeting up the said second Twesday of October next To the Effect forsaid. And Likewise That Advertisement be tymously given To the Commissioners Absent and appointed to particular Districts. And That Intimation be made att the several paroch Churches within the shires a Competent tyme off before of the particular places to which the poleable persons are to Repair for giving in of their Degrees, Characters and qualifications, according to which they are lyable In polemoney under the pains, Contained in the act of parliament. And furder Wee with Advice forsaid Require and Command The Magistrats of Burghs To meet upon the days appointed by the Forsaid act of Parliament. And to proceed in making up the Lists and Rolls of the persons poleable within their Burghs and to make Intimation in manner abovementioned. As also wee with Advice forsaid Command and Appoint The saids Commissioners of Supplie Magistrats of Burghs and their Respective Clerks To Compleat the Forsaids Rolls and Lists of the poleable persons within their Respective bounds And to Transmitt the samen or ane Abstract thereof To the Lords of our Thesaury Betwixt and the First day of December next To the Effect the saids Lists and Rolls may be delivered by them to our saids farmers Betwixt or upon the Third Tuesday of December next to Come. And Wee with advice Forsaid doe heirby Certifie The saids Commissioners and magistrats Respective Forsaid if they shall Either fail to meet or attend The saids Days for making up the saids Lists and Rolls or in Transmitting the same or Abstracts thereof in the Terms of the act of parliament. Betwixt and the Day Forsaid They shall be Conveened and processed before the Lords of our privy Councill att the Instance of our Advocate, and of the saids Tacksmen for their Negligence in the premises and for Damnages and To be punished for the same with all severity. And Wee ordain the Chamberlains Factors Doers and the Tutors and Curators of such of The saids poleable persons as are Absent or Minors, To give up the Respective qualities and degrees of the saids persons Absent or Minors and make payment of their polemoney at the days and under the Certificationes and pains Contained in the forsaid act of Parliament And Lastly wee with Advice forsaid Declare, That all persons lyable In polemoney by this present act shall be obliged To give up upon oath their names qualities and degrees and values of their Estates If Required thereto at Least that it shall be Leisom and Competent To our saids Tacksmen to Controll the qualities Degrees and values of Estates, That shall be given in by the oath of the Ingiver therof If they Think fitt. For making the Ingivers thereof Lyable for the Single pole Doubles or Quadruples according to the forsaid act of parliament. Our Will is Heirfore, And wee charge yow strictly and Command That Incontinent these our Letters seen ye pass to the mercat Cross of Edinburgh and to the remanent mercat croses of the hail head Burghs of the severall shires and stewartries within this Kingdom. And There in our name and authority by open proclamation make Intimation of the premises. That none pretend Ignorance. And wee ordain our solicitor To Dispatch Coppies heirof to the sheriffs of the severall shires and stewarts of Stewartries and their Deputs And magistrats of Burghs or their Clerks To be by Them published att the mercat Crosses of the head Burghs upon Receit thereof. And Immediatly sent to the several ministers To the Effect the same may be Intimate and Read att the severall paroch Churches upon the Lords day att Least preceeding the said second Twesday of october next to Come. And ordains our Sollicitor to Transmitt printed Coppies of the said Act of parliament with this present proclamation To the sheriffs of the severall shires, Stewarts of Stewartries And Magistrats of Burghs to be delivered to them and made use off by them as they shall Find needfull. And ordains these presents to be printed. Given under our signet att Edinburgh The Twenty day of September and of our Reign the Tenth year 1698 sic subscribitur.

Att Edinburgh The Twenty day of September Jaj vjc nynty Eight years



Proclamation For The more Easy and Effectuall Inbringing of the Polemoney

Proclamation for the better Inbringing of the polemoney Read approven and signed and ordained Instantly to be published:
William By the Grace of God, King of great Brittan France and Ireland defender of the faith To […] macers of our privy Councill messengers att armes our sheriffs in that pairt Conjunctlie and Severallie specialy Constitute Greeting. Forasmuchas The Two poles Imposed by Two acts of the Last session of this present Current Parliament are now set in farm. And That it is of special Concern For making the saids poles Effectual That the Commissioners of shires and others Required by the saids acts for making up the Lists Rolls and books of persones and returning of the same. Doe Diligently meet and attend And performe what is Incumbent to them for clearing and for the more Easie raising and Levying of the saids poles by our saids farmers. Wee with advice of the Lords of our privy Councill and Conform to the Reference made to them by the saids Acts of parliament Have ordained, And heirby ordains for the First of the saids poles, The hail Commissioners of the several shyres and Stewartries within this Kingdom residing within the same respective To meet upon the second Twesday of October next to come at the ordinary place of their meeting And There To Subdivide the hail Bounds of the saids shires and stewartries amongst the Commissioners Residing For the present within the same, whether present at or Absent from the said meeting for making up the List of the poleable persons, by vertue of the Forsaid act and That at such places as they shall appoint upon the First Tuesday of November Thereafter. And There to proced in Compleating The saids Lists and Rolls of poleable persons, And Taking in their severall degrees and qualities In manner Specified in the said act. And Appoints Advertisements To be Given To The saids Commissioners Resideing within the saids Shires and Stewartries tymously by the several Sheriffs and Stewarts or their Deputs for their meeting up the said second Twesday of October next To the Effect forsaid. And Likewise That Advertisement be tymously given To the Commissioners Absent and appointed to particular Districts. And That Intimation be made att the several paroch Churches within the shires a Competent tyme off before of the particular places to which the poleable persons are to Repair for giving in of their Degrees, Characters and qualifications, according to which they are lyable In polemoney under the pains, Contained in the act of parliament. And furder Wee with Advice forsaid Require and Command The Magistrats of Burghs To meet upon the days appointed by the Forsaid act of Parliament. And to proceed in making up the Lists and Rolls of the persons poleable within their Burghs and to make Intimation in manner abovementioned. As also wee with Advice forsaid Command and Appoint The saids Commissioners of Supplie Magistrats of Burghs and their Respective Clerks To Compleat the Forsaids Rolls and Lists of the poleable persons within their Respective bounds And to Transmitt the samen or ane Abstract thereof To the Lords of our Thesaury Betwixt and the First day of December next To the Effect the saids Lists and Rolls may be delivered by them to our saids farmers Betwixt or upon the Third Tuesday of December next to Come. And Wee with advice Forsaid doe heirby Certifie The saids Commissioners and magistrats Respective Forsaid if they shall Either fail to meet or attend The saids Days for making up the saids Lists and Rolls or in Transmitting the same or Abstracts thereof in the Terms of the act of parliament. Betwixt and the Day Forsaid They shall be Conveened and processed before the Lords of our privy Councill att the Instance of our Advocate, and of the saids Tacksmen for their Negligence in the premises and for Damnages and To be punished for the same with all severity. And Wee ordain the Chamberlains Factors Doers and the Tutors and Curators of such of The saids poleable persons as are Absent or Minors, To give up the Respective qualities and degrees of the saids persons Absent or Minors and make payment of their polemoney at the days and under the Certificationes and pains Contained in the forsaid act of Parliament And Lastly wee with Advice forsaid Declare, That all persons lyable In polemoney by this present act shall be obliged To give up upon oath their names qualities and degrees and values of their Estates If Required thereto at Least that it shall be Leisom and Competent To our saids Tacksmen to Controll the qualities Degrees and values of Estates, That shall be given in by the oath of the Ingiver therof If they Think fitt. For making the Ingivers thereof Lyable for the Single pole Doubles or Quadruples according to the forsaid act of parliament. Our Will is Heirfore, And wee charge yow strictly and Command That Incontinent these our Letters seen ye pass to the mercat Cross of Edinburgh and to the remanent mercat croses of the hail head Burghs of the severall shires and stewartries within this Kingdom. And There in our name and authority by open proclamation make Intimation of the premises. That none pretend Ignorance. And wee ordain our solicitor To Dispatch Coppies heirof to the sheriffs of the severall shires and stewarts of Stewartries and their Deputs And magistrats of Burghs or their Clerks To be by Them published att the mercat Crosses of the head Burghs upon Receit thereof. And Immediatly sent to the several ministers To the Effect the same may be Intimate and Read att the severall paroch Churches upon the Lords day att Least preceeding the said second Twesday of october next to Come. And ordains our Sollicitor to Transmitt printed Coppies of the said Act of parliament with this present proclamation To the sheriffs of the severall shires, Stewarts of Stewartries And Magistrats of Burghs to be delivered to them and made use off by them as they shall Find needfull. And ordains these presents to be printed. Given under our signet att Edinburgh The Twenty day of September and of our Reign the Tenth year 1698 sic subscribitur.

1. NRS, PC1/51, 473-5.

1. NRS, PC1/51, 473-5.