Act, 27 January 1698, Edinburgh

Decreet, 29 December 1698, Edinburgh

Att Edinburgh The Twenty Seventh Day of January Jaj vjc nyntie Eight years



Act Anent The Scots-Linen Manufactory

Anent The Petition Given in To the Lords of his Majesties privy Councill By the Governour and Depute Governour Thesaurer and other members of the Scots Linnen Manufactory Shewing That James Gordon one of ther own members Being subtacksman of the Companies Bleitching-field and Houses att Corstorphine Ther was sent out to him ane Considerable Quantity of the Company Green Cloath to be Bleitched, And albeit Litle or none of it be fully or well Bleitched yett the Company was still willing to pay Conform to ane account fitted with him, he always allowing to them such Soumes as he was debitor in To the company and purgeing such arrestments as were Laid on in the Thesaurer his hands for his Debts. And Albeit Balive George Clerk The Companies Thesaurer did offer his obligation to pay to him what should be found due after Compting and clearing yett the said James did still and yett Does Refuse To deliver up the Companys Cloath which is ane heavy and Great Dammadge to them Both in Respect the Samen is dayly spoiling. as also the want therof Stops them in their procedure In ther Intended and Begun Roup of the Cloath. And Seing The Company does not only sustain the forsaid prejudice Butt it is also much to be feared The cloath in the said James Gordons Custody may be Embaseled by him or affected by his Creditors, and that he is a person of no visible fortune or fixed Residence and that the Cloath yett in his hands is of a considerable value And Therfore Humbly craving ther Lordships To Take the premises to ther Consideration and Grant order and warrant to the said Balive George Clerk Thesaurer to the said Company with the assistance of any of his majesties forces To Intromitt with and sease upon the forsaid Linnen Cloath Belonging to them whither in the said house at the Bleitching-feild or in the said James Gordons own house or wherever the samen can be found and in caice any of the said Cloath be Embazeled Disposed upon or putt out of the way by the said James Gordon To apprehend and sease his person and Incarcerat him within the Tolbooth of Edinburgh And That upon the said George Clerk Thesaurer his Consigning in ther Lordships Clerks hands the obligation to pay to the said James Gordon what shall be found due after Compting and Clearing and purging the arrestments as the said Petition Bears. The saids Lords of his Majesties privy Councill Having Considered the above petition Given in to them By the Governour Deput Governour and Thesaurer and other members of the scots Linnen Manufactory They heirby authorize and gives power to Bailie George Clerk the Company’s Thesaurer And authorizes him to take alongst with him any one of the macers of privy Councill and any one of the officers of the sheriffs of Edinburgh and with them to Repair to the Dwelling house of James Gordon Subtacksman of the Company’s Bleatching field and houses att Corstorphine. And there To search for seize upon and aprhend the person of the said James Gordon and to committ him prisoner In the Tolbooth of Edinburgh or the next adjacent prison unless he give Bond and find Caution therein That he shall appear Before The Committee of privy Councill appointed in this matter the morrow at Ten in the forenoon and such other dyets as they shall apoint under the penalty of Ane Hundered Pounds Sterling. And authorizes the saids Bailie Clerk with the macer and officer forsaid To seize upon all the cloath which Belongs to the Company which they may find in the said James Gordons House and sequestrat the same in the hands of the said Bailie Clerk for the use of the Company To be furthcoming as accords. And nominats and appoints the Marquess of Tweddale The Lord Ruthven Mr Francis Montgomrie and the Lord Rankillor to be a Committee for Considering of the abovematter with power to the said Committee To Examine the said James Gordon upon oath and to give warrant for seizeing such Cloath as Belongs to the Company And Secureing the same wher it may be found and to Sequestrate the said Cloath In the hands of the said Bailie George Clerks To be furthcoming as accords and appoints The Committee To meet Tomorrow att Ten acklock In the forenoon And Declares any Two of them to be a Sufficient quorum.

Att Edinburgh The Twenty Seventh Day of January Jaj vjc nyntie Eight years



Act Anent The Scots-Linen Manufactory

Anent The Petition Given in To the Lords of his Majesties privy Councill By the Governour and Depute Governour Thesaurer and other members of the Scots Linnen Manufactory Shewing That James Gordon one of ther own members Being subtacksman of the Companies Bleitching-field and Houses att Corstorphine Ther was sent out to him ane Considerable Quantity of the Company Green Cloath to be Bleitched, And albeit Litle or none of it be fully or well Bleitched yett the Company was still willing to pay Conform to ane account fitted with him, he always allowing to them such Soumes as he was debitor in To the company and purgeing such arrestments as were Laid on in the Thesaurer his hands for his Debts. And Albeit Balive George Clerk The Companies Thesaurer did offer his obligation to pay to him what should be found due after Compting and clearing yett the said James did still and yett Does Refuse To deliver up the Companys Cloath which is ane heavy and Great Dammadge to them Both in Respect the Samen is dayly spoiling. as also the want therof Stops them in their procedure In ther Intended and Begun Roup of the Cloath. And Seing The Company does not only sustain the forsaid prejudice Butt it is also much to be feared The cloath in the said James Gordons Custody may be Embaseled by him or affected by his Creditors, and that he is a person of no visible fortune or fixed Residence and that the Cloath yett in his hands is of a considerable value And Therfore Humbly craving ther Lordships To Take the premises to ther Consideration and Grant order and warrant to the said Balive George Clerk Thesaurer to the said Company with the assistance of any of his majesties forces To Intromitt with and sease upon the forsaid Linnen Cloath Belonging to them whither in the said house at the Bleitching-feild or in the said James Gordons own house or wherever the samen can be found and in caice any of the said Cloath be Embazeled Disposed upon or putt out of the way by the said James Gordon To apprehend and sease his person and Incarcerat him within the Tolbooth of Edinburgh And That upon the said George Clerk Thesaurer his Consigning in ther Lordships Clerks hands the obligation to pay to the said James Gordon what shall be found due after Compting and Clearing and purging the arrestments as the said Petition Bears. The saids Lords of his Majesties privy Councill Having Considered the above petition Given in to them By the Governour Deput Governour and Thesaurer and other members of the scots Linnen Manufactory They heirby authorize and gives power to Bailie George Clerk the Company’s Thesaurer And authorizes him to take alongst with him any one of the macers of privy Councill and any one of the officers of the sheriffs of Edinburgh and with them to Repair to the Dwelling house of James Gordon Subtacksman of the Company’s Bleatching field and houses att Corstorphine. And there To search for seize upon and aprhend the person of the said James Gordon and to committ him prisoner In the Tolbooth of Edinburgh or the next adjacent prison unless he give Bond and find Caution therein That he shall appear Before The Committee of privy Councill appointed in this matter the morrow at Ten in the forenoon and such other dyets as they shall apoint under the penalty of Ane Hundered Pounds Sterling. And authorizes the saids Bailie Clerk with the macer and officer forsaid To seize upon all the cloath which Belongs to the Company which they may find in the said James Gordons House and sequestrat the same in the hands of the said Bailie Clerk for the use of the Company To be furthcoming as accords. And nominats and appoints the Marquess of Tweddale The Lord Ruthven Mr Francis Montgomrie and the Lord Rankillor to be a Committee for Considering of the abovematter with power to the said Committee To Examine the said James Gordon upon oath and to give warrant for seizeing such Cloath as Belongs to the Company And Secureing the same wher it may be found and to Sequestrate the said Cloath In the hands of the said Bailie George Clerks To be furthcoming as accords and appoints The Committee To meet Tomorrow att Ten acklock In the forenoon And Declares any Two of them to be a Sufficient quorum.

1. NRS, PC1/51, 345-7.

1. NRS, PC1/51, 345-7.