Procedure, 6 January 1698, Edinburgh

Decreet, 29 December 1698, Edinburgh

Att Edinburgh the Sixth day of Janwary Jaj vic nyntie Eight yeirs



Approbatione of the report of Captain Dowglas

The Cownsell haveing considered the report of a Comitie of ther own number appointed to sie accompts cleared Betwixt Captaine Dowglas and the other Captains of Collonell Dowglasses regiment and the tentmakers wherof the tenor followes Edinburgh threttie ane of december Jaj vic nyntie seven sederunt Earles of Bwchan and Leven Lord Carmichaell Lairds of Grant and Blackbarrony Lord Carmichaell elected preses The Comitie haveing called Captaine Dowglas and the other Captains of Collonell Dowglasses regiment befor them in order to cleare accompts with Captaine Douglas dureing the tyme of his being agent to the regiment The Comitie make ther report as folloues viz That haveing gone through all the articles of Captain Skeens accompts Captaine Dowglas did cleare them all befor the Comitie except ane article of fowr pwnds twelve Shilling Sterleing for a tent which Captaine Douglas had Stated upon him and which he never receaved Which article Captaine Douglas did thws cleare Viz Captaine Skeene was debitor to him in one pwnd four pence Sterleing per balance of his accompt which Captaine Douglas did allow to him pro tanto and give him his parroll for payment of the Superlus of the tent Which Captaine Skeen did accept of as payment and declaired in face of Comitie that he was Satisfied therwith And Likewise two pwnd Sterleing more resting to Captaine Skeen for which he tooke Captaine Dowglass his parroll befor the Comitie And haveing called Captaine Graham The Comitie saw him cleare accompts with Captaine Dowglas And the Comitie finds that he is debitor to Captaine Dowglass in four pwnds threttein Shilling and half Shilling Sterleing money And haveing called Captaine dempster They find efter cleareing of accompts that Dempster is debitor to Douglas in Four pwnds Sterleing which Captaine Skeene hes accepted in payment of what more is resting be Captaine Dowglas to him then up above Stated And haveing called Captaine Campbell and Captaine Hay They declaired that whatever was betwixt them and Captaine Dowglas they could cleare the Same amongst them selves without pwtting the Comitie to trouble and would pay whatever Should be resting be aither to wther and Captaine Baillie being called and absent through indispositione The Comitie called for the tentmakers to whom Captaine Dowglas offered to give a furder right to any other of the thesaurers precepts and they offered to give up ther Captione against him And to give him a Supercedere till Michaelmiss next to come which The Comitie appointed aither pairtie to performe And each of the saids Captains haveing acknolwedged that they are payed for ther own Serjeants and that Captaine Dowglas is not to be burdened with them The Comitie declairs him frie of compting to the serjeants And finds that Captaine Dowglas hes made no imbazlements to the saids Captains But that upon the contraire Severalls of them are his debitors And therfor they Signed ane order of the date heirof for Captaine Dowglas his Liberatione The Lords of his majesties privie Cownsell Doe heirby approve of the said report

Att Edinburgh the Sixth day of Janwary Jaj vic nyntie Eight yeirs



Approbatione of the report of Captain Dowglas

The Cownsell haveing considered the report of a Comitie of ther own number appointed to sie accompts cleared Betwixt Captaine Dowglas and the other Captains of Collonell Dowglasses regiment and the tentmakers wherof the tenor followes Edinburgh threttie ane of december Jaj vic nyntie seven sederunt Earles of Bwchan and Leven Lord Carmichaell Lairds of Grant and Blackbarrony Lord Carmichaell elected preses The Comitie haveing called Captaine Dowglas and the other Captains of Collonell Dowglasses regiment befor them in order to cleare accompts with Captaine Douglas dureing the tyme of his being agent to the regiment The Comitie make ther report as folloues viz That haveing gone through all the articles of Captain Skeens accompts Captaine Dowglas did cleare them all befor the Comitie except ane article of fowr pwnds twelve Shilling Sterleing for a tent which Captaine Douglas had Stated upon him and which he never receaved Which article Captaine Douglas did thws cleare Viz Captaine Skeene was debitor to him in one pwnd four pence Sterleing per balance of his accompt which Captaine Douglas did allow to him pro tanto and give him his parroll for payment of the Superlus of the tent Which Captaine Skeen did accept of as payment and declaired in face of Comitie that he was Satisfied therwith And Likewise two pwnd Sterleing more resting to Captaine Skeen for which he tooke Captaine Dowglass his parroll befor the Comitie And haveing called Captaine Graham The Comitie saw him cleare accompts with Captaine Dowglas And the Comitie finds that he is debitor to Captaine Dowglass in four pwnds threttein Shilling and half Shilling Sterleing money And haveing called Captaine dempster They find efter cleareing of accompts that Dempster is debitor to Douglas in Four pwnds Sterleing which Captaine Skeene hes accepted in payment of what more is resting be Captaine Dowglas to him then up above Stated And haveing called Captaine Campbell and Captaine Hay They declaired that whatever was betwixt them and Captaine Dowglas they could cleare the Same amongst them selves without pwtting the Comitie to trouble and would pay whatever Should be resting be aither to wther and Captaine Baillie being called and absent through indispositione The Comitie called for the tentmakers to whom Captaine Dowglas offered to give a furder right to any other of the thesaurers precepts and they offered to give up ther Captione against him And to give him a Supercedere till Michaelmiss next to come which The Comitie appointed aither pairtie to performe And each of the saids Captains haveing acknolwedged that they are payed for ther own Serjeants and that Captaine Dowglas is not to be burdened with them The Comitie declairs him frie of compting to the serjeants And finds that Captaine Dowglas hes made no imbazlements to the saids Captains But that upon the contraire Severalls of them are his debitors And therfor they Signed ane order of the date heirof for Captaine Dowglas his Liberatione The Lords of his majesties privie Cownsell Doe heirby approve of the said report

1. NRS, PC2/27, 69r-70r.

1. NRS, PC2/27, 69r-70r.