Order, 10 May 1698, Edinburgh

Decreet, 29 December 1698, Edinburgh

Att Edinburgh the tenth day of May Jaj vic nyntie eight yeirs



Recomendatione to The Proveist of Edinburgh to sie proclamatione against Copper and brass coyne pwtt to executione in Edinburgh

The Lords of his majesties privie Counsell Doe heirby recomend to Sir Archibald Mwir of Thornetowne Lord Proveist of Edinburgh to take Care and Sie that the proclamatione of Cownsell Dischairgeing Forraigne Copper or Brass coyne emitted upon the fourth of May Jaj vic nyntie seven yeirs be pwnctwallie observed within the burgh of Edinburgh and Suburbs therof In all points Conforme to the tennor of the Said proclamatione

Att Edinburgh the tenth day of May Jaj vic nyntie eight yeirs



Recomendatione to The Proveist of Edinburgh to sie proclamatione against Copper and brass coyne pwtt to executione in Edinburgh

The Lords of his majesties privie Counsell Doe heirby recomend to Sir Archibald Mwir of Thornetowne Lord Proveist of Edinburgh to take Care and Sie that the proclamatione of Cownsell Dischairgeing Forraigne Copper or Brass coyne emitted upon the fourth of May Jaj vic nyntie seven yeirs be pwnctwallie observed within the burgh of Edinburgh and Suburbs therof In all points Conforme to the tennor of the Said proclamatione

1. NRS, PC2/27, 109r-110v.

1. NRS, PC2/27, 109r-110v.