Att Edinburgh the fifth day of Jully Jaj vic nyntie eight years
Act Sir Patrick Maxuell
Anent the petition given in to the Lords of his Majesties privy Councill By Sir Patrick Maxuell of Sprinkell and […] Langcake keeper of the prisone in Carlyll Sheuing That a nottorious vagabound and Cheat called John Hunam who for these severall years by past to Shift for himself in either syde of the border according as he was obnoxious and readie to be seised upon the one or other syde therof Having been Lately seised and Committed to prisone in Carlyll made his escape from the Custodie of the said Langcake And being Certainly Informed that he haunts and resorts about the Langholme The petitioner made his application to Gentlemen and Justices of peace upon the Scotts Syde to have him seised and apprehended But ther being noe Border Commission for the tyme all the petitioner could obtain was to be advysed that it was fitt he Should apply to ther Lordships for a warrand to apprehend him as a Letter direct to their Lordships Clerk hath testified And seing it is necessarie for the peace and security of the borders that Rogues Should be apprehended and that it is the Intrest of both kingdomes that a Good Correspondence be keept amongst the heretors and Gentlemen upon both Sydes therof for preventing any prejudice that might arrise by tollerance or Connivance at Rogues upon one syde of the border to the prejudice of the other It has therfor been the Constant practise when ther uas a border Commission to seise such as were obnoxious to be Laid upon either Syde And now when ther is noe border Commission It is Hoped Ther Lordships will Give the Necessary orders in Such a matter Wherin the Intrest of the Government and peaceablnes of both Sydes of the border are soe much Concerned The Saids Lords Having Considered the forsaid petition They Doe heirby Give full pouer and warrand to the said Sir Patrick Maxuell or Mr Duncan Mckertour the Dutches of Buckcleughs baillie in the bounds of the regalitie of Nithsdale or aither of them with Consent of the other To Cause Search for Seise and apprehend the persone of the said John Hunam and to putt him under Sufficient bale with a suitable penaltie that he Shall Compear and underly the Law in any Judicatory of Scotland for what Shall be Laid to his charge or otheruayes to Committ him prisoner within this kingdome In case he be not able to find bale untill he Shall Ansuer as Law will But Discharges the said Sir Patrick or the said Dutches her baillie to Cause transport the said John Hunam furth of this Kingdome uithout farder order of Councell
1. NRS, PC2/27, 131r.
1. NRS, PC2/27, 131r.