Att Edinburgh The Eleventh Day of May Jaj vjc nyntie Eight years
Act In favours of Mungo Campbell of Burnbank
Anent The Petition given in to the Lords of his Majesties privy Councill By Mungo Campbell of Burnbank Shewing That their Lordships petitioner having obtained ane precept from The deceast Lord Cardross upon James Campbell of Keranoch (Then Collector of the vacant stipends of Gargunock paroch) for Fourty pounds Scots To be applied towards the building The one half of a Ferrie-boat on the water of Forth betwixt the parishes of Kingcairne and Gargownock That River not being foordable their, and the said Lord Cardross having dyed before the payment of The said precept was obtained The said Collector Refuses to pay the same without their Lordships authority be Interponed thereto. And Therfore Humbly Craving to the Effect underwrittin as the said Petition Bears. The saids Lords of his majesties privy Councill Having Considered this Petition given in to them By the above Mungo Campbell of Burnbank with the precept mentioned therein And produced therewith They heirby give order and warrant To the abovenamed James Campbell of Kernoch To make payment to the Petitioner of the above soume of Fourty pounds Contained in the forsaid precept and ordains Letters of Horning on six days and others needfull To be direct heirupon In form as effeirs.
1. NRS, PC1/51, 429.
1. NRS, PC1/51, 429.