Att Edinburgh the tuenty eight day of June Jaj vic nyntie eight years
Act Captain John Slezer
Anent the petition given into the Lords of his majesties privy Councill By Captain John Slezer Shewing That when Last their Lordships had under ther Consideration the matter of what was due to John Adair and the petitioner for ther respective works payable out of the tunage money Ther Lordships were diverted by some more Important affairs wherby they could not then Cognose upon nor state the petitioners accompt of depursements which is of so Great Concerne to the petitioner That It would Intirely ruine his family if he should happen to dye without having these accompts Stated And Since the petitioner hath now very farr advanced this work of Late And that he Intends to Lay all that he hath done before the nixt Session of parliament wherby to demonstrat his fidelity and paines in the matter And therfor Humbly Craving their Lordships to appoint Some of their number to advise Cognose upon and State the accompt of the petitioners depursements expended upon his work In manner mentioned in the Act of parliament in his favoures as the said petition at Length bears Which petition being upon the tuenty third instant read in presence of the saids Lords They appointed a Committie of their oune Number to revise and Cognose the state of the petitioners depursements expended upon his work And to Consider and revise the said work itself as it is done And which Committie having accordingly mett They returned ther report to the Councill Bearing That they having Considered ane accompt given in by Captain Slezer And having veued and taken Inspection of Captain Slezers work They find by the accompt produced that ther is Stated depursed be Captain Slezer upon his work ane Thousand fyve hundred and nyntie pounds Sterline so that ther is yet resting to Captain Slezer for depursements Ane Thousand ane hundred and Nyntie pounds Sterline And since tyme does not allow the Committie to take further Inspection of the Captains work It is ther opinion that ane Hundred pounds Sterline be alloued to the Captaine out of the fond of the Tunage to be payed by Jarvisuood Receaver of the Tunage out of the first and readiest therof And that for remitting money to pay Some draughts and plaits which the Captain is bringing from London that they may be here to be produced before the parliament in tyme And the Committie are of opinion That his Majesties privie Councill doe appoint a Committie to revise the historicall pairt of Captain Slezers description of the antient state of Scotland if the Same be true and rightly done And Captain Slezer obleiges himself to produce his haill work on how farr he hes proceeded therin to the ensuing Session of parliament The Saids Lords of his Majesties privie Councill Having this day Considered the above report They hereby approve therof And doe heirby Give order and warrand to George Baillie of Jarviswood Receaver of the said tunage To make payment to the said Captain Slezer of the Soume of ane Hundred pounds Sterline out of the first and readiest of the said tunage money for Enabling him to pay for some draughts and plaits which the said Captain is bringing from London That they may be here to be produced in tyme before the parliament And The Councill doe heirby Recommend to the Earle of Lauderdale The Lord Viscount of Tarbat and the Lord Anstruther And nominats and appointes them to be a Committie to revise the historicall part of the said Captain Slezer his description of the ancient state of Scotland if the Same be true and rightly done.
1. NRS, PC2/27, 129v-130r.
1. NRS, PC2/27, 129v-130r.