Act, 15 February 1698, Edinburgh

Decreet, 29 December 1698, Edinburgh

Att Edinburgh the fiftein day of Febrwarie Jaj vic nyntie eight yeirs



Act John Adair Captain Slezer and Heugh Browne

The Lords of his majesties privie Cownsell haveing considered a report of yeasterdayes date be a Comitie of ther own number appointed Anent John Adair Geographar and Captain Slezer Beareing That the Comitie haveing revised the accompts given in be John Adair and examined the progress made by him in his work of Surveying the coasts of Scotland and takeing the Sea mapps therof from Sunderland point in England to Bwchanness includeing the rivers of Forth and Tay and the rivers at Montross and Aberdeen As Likewise a mapp taken of the firth of Clyde from […] to Bwte with many new profiteable discoveries togither with the Land Mapps of the thrie Lothianes Stirleing Clackmannan Fiffe Stratherne and the Carse of Gourie Some pairts of Angws Mr Renfrew Chidsdaill and the expenss bestowed for mathematicall instwments printing press plaitts and paper And haveing considered the accompt of expensses alreadie debursed be them which amownts to Sixtein Thousand Seven Hundereth twentie Seven pwnds Scotts wherof he hes receaved at severall tymes preceeding this date Ten Thowsand two Hundereth and fiftein pwnd Six Shilling eight pennies Scotts so that they find resting to him Six Thowsand Five Hundereth and Eleven pwnds threttein Shilling four pennies Scotts And haveing alsoe considered ane estimat given in be him and examined by the Comitie of the expensses which will be neided for navigating and Surveying the west coast of Scottland and whole adjacent Isles in soe far as it can be performed in the Space of Seven moneths which 2 at a reasoneable 3 reckning amownts to Five Thowsand four hundereth pund Scotts It is the opinion of the Comitie that of the first and readiest of the twnnage money The Said Soume of five thowsand four hundereth pwnd Scotts be sett a pairt for Mr Adair for defraying the charges of what is to be done be him in the said space And that he is to be appointed furth with to hyre a vessell and make wther preparations necessarie for goeing about the work And in respect that of all that is alreadie collected of the twnnage ther remaines wndisposed of only seven thousand two Hundereth and nyntie nyn pund Scotts as appeirs by the accompt given in be Hewgh Browne out of which the five thowsand and four hundereth pwnds Scotts is to be payed The Comitie is of opinion that he can gett nothing of what is resting to him by accompt at this tyme or till his returne that more money come in And then that he is in the first place to be payed of what he hes alreadie expended The Comitie haveing Likewayes Sein the mark and accompt of Mr Slezer It is ther opinion that of the eightein Hundereth nyntie nyn pwnds Scotts which remains ther be payed to Mr Slezer presently twelve Hundereth pwnd Scotts and thrie Hundereth pwnd Scotts be payed to the said Hewgh Browne upon accompt of his Service And that these concerned be appointed to collect the twnnage faithfullie in tyme comeing And it is the Comities opinion that no alteratione can be made therin because of the act of parliament As the said report at more length bears The Saids Lords of his majesties privie Cownsell haveing considered the above report They heirby approve therof and appoints George Baillie of Jarviswood Generall receaver of his majesties crowne rents to whom the foirsaid twnnage is payed or to be payed in to make payment and Satisfactione to the said John Adair of the said Soume of Five Thowsand and four Hundereth pwnds Scotts out of the first and readiest of the twnnage money And to Captaine […] Slezer presently of the Said Soume of Twelve hundereth pwnd Scotts And to Hewgh Browne Supervisor of the Said twnnage of the said Soume of Thrie hundereth pund Scotts upon accompt of his service And that out of the Soume of Eightein hundereth nyntie nyn punds Scotts which remains in Jarviswoods hands efter John Adair is payed of the Said Soume of Five Thowsand four Hundereth pwnds Scotts as is above appointed And The Cownsell haveing at this same tyme considered a petitione given in to ther Lordships be the said Captaine Slezer reclameing against the said report They have refwised And heirby refwises the desyre of the said petitione

Att Edinburgh the fiftein day of Febrwarie Jaj vic nyntie eight yeirs



Act John Adair Captain Slezer and Heugh Browne

The Lords of his majesties privie Cownsell haveing considered a report of yeasterdayes date be a Comitie of ther own number appointed Anent John Adair Geographar and Captain Slezer Beareing That the Comitie haveing revised the accompts given in be John Adair and examined the progress made by him in his work of Surveying the coasts of Scotland and takeing the Sea mapps therof from Sunderland point in England to Bwchanness includeing the rivers of Forth and Tay and the rivers at Montross and Aberdeen As Likewise a mapp taken of the firth of Clyde from […] to Bwte with many new profiteable discoveries togither with the Land Mapps of the thrie Lothianes Stirleing Clackmannan Fiffe Stratherne and the Carse of Gourie Some pairts of Angws Mr Renfrew Chidsdaill and the expenss bestowed for mathematicall instwments printing press plaitts and paper And haveing considered the accompt of expensses alreadie debursed be them which amownts to Sixtein Thousand Seven Hundereth twentie Seven pwnds Scotts wherof he hes receaved at severall tymes preceeding this date Ten Thowsand two Hundereth and fiftein pwnd Six Shilling eight pennies Scotts so that they find resting to him Six Thowsand Five Hundereth and Eleven pwnds threttein Shilling four pennies Scotts And haveing alsoe considered ane estimat given in be him and examined by the Comitie of the expensses which will be neided for navigating and Surveying the west coast of Scottland and whole adjacent Isles in soe far as it can be performed in the Space of Seven moneths which 2 at a reasoneable 3 reckning amownts to Five Thowsand four hundereth pund Scotts It is the opinion of the Comitie that of the first and readiest of the twnnage money The Said Soume of five thowsand four hundereth pwnd Scotts be sett a pairt for Mr Adair for defraying the charges of what is to be done be him in the said space And that he is to be appointed furth with to hyre a vessell and make wther preparations necessarie for goeing about the work And in respect that of all that is alreadie collected of the twnnage ther remaines wndisposed of only seven thousand two Hundereth and nyntie nyn pund Scotts as appeirs by the accompt given in be Hewgh Browne out of which the five thowsand and four hundereth pwnds Scotts is to be payed The Comitie is of opinion that he can gett nothing of what is resting to him by accompt at this tyme or till his returne that more money come in And then that he is in the first place to be payed of what he hes alreadie expended The Comitie haveing Likewayes Sein the mark and accompt of Mr Slezer It is ther opinion that of the eightein Hundereth nyntie nyn pwnds Scotts which remains ther be payed to Mr Slezer presently twelve Hundereth pwnd Scotts and thrie Hundereth pwnd Scotts be payed to the said Hewgh Browne upon accompt of his Service And that these concerned be appointed to collect the twnnage faithfullie in tyme comeing And it is the Comities opinion that no alteratione can be made therin because of the act of parliament As the said report at more length bears The Saids Lords of his majesties privie Cownsell haveing considered the above report They heirby approve therof and appoints George Baillie of Jarviswood Generall receaver of his majesties crowne rents to whom the foirsaid twnnage is payed or to be payed in to make payment and Satisfactione to the said John Adair of the said Soume of Five Thowsand and four Hundereth pwnds Scotts out of the first and readiest of the twnnage money And to Captaine […] Slezer presently of the Said Soume of Twelve hundereth pwnd Scotts And to Hewgh Browne Supervisor of the Said twnnage of the said Soume of Thrie hundereth pund Scotts upon accompt of his service And that out of the Soume of Eightein hundereth nyntie nyn punds Scotts which remains in Jarviswoods hands efter John Adair is payed of the Said Soume of Five Thowsand four Hundereth pwnds Scotts as is above appointed And The Cownsell haveing at this same tyme considered a petitione given in to ther Lordships be the said Captaine Slezer reclameing against the said report They have refwised And heirby refwises the desyre of the said petitione

1. NRS, PC2/27, 84v-85v.

2. The words ‘will be neided for navigating’ scored out here.

3. The word ‘rate’ scored out here.

1. NRS, PC2/27, 84v-85v.

2. The words ‘will be neided for navigating’ scored out here.

3. The word ‘rate’ scored out here.