Commission by the Council, 28 June 1698, Edinburgh

Decreet, 29 December 1698, Edinburgh

Att Edinburgh The Twenty Eight Day of June Jaj vjc nyntie Eight years


Commission by the Council

Commission To Collonell Row anent the Frazers of Bewfort and their accomplices

The Lords of his Majesties privy Councill Considering That Thomas and Simeon Frasers Elder and younger of Bowforts were duely and orderly denunced Rebells for Convocating in arms to the number off Four or Five Hundered men of their name and Clan and other Losse and Lawless persons and for not laying down their armes and submitting themselves to Law and Entring their persons in prison to abide and underly the same And the saids Bowforts and severall of their accomplices yett persisting and Continueing in the forsaid Rebellion and traiterous and wicked practices. His majesty hath declared his pleasure That these who in so open and hainous a manner act against the Laws and peace and quiet of this Kingdom should be brought to due punishment and for that Effect, That all Diligence possible be used to apprehend the saids Thoams and Simeon Frasers and their accomplices who doe not obey the said Charge and lay down their arms within the tyme therein prefixed or such of the persons forsaids who doe still Continue in armes. Therfore The Lords of his Majesties privy Councill Have thought fitt to give and Grant And doe heirby give full power warrand and Commission To Collonell Archibald Row Lievtenant Collonell […] Dalziell Livtenant Collonell To the Regiment under the Command of the said Collonell and all officers and Souldiers of the said Regiment under his command having his orders for that Effect or to the Commanding officer att Inverness for the Tyme In absence of the said Collonell and Lievtenant Collonell or to any other officer whom the viscount of Teviot Commander In cheif of his Majesties forces within this Kingdom shall appoint to command from tyme to tyme att Inverness To pass search for seaze and apprehend the saids Thomas and Simeon Frasers and their accomplices Traitors and Rebells forsaids and bring them in dead or alive, and to give such necessary orders to any other of his Majesties forces Lying att Inverness and the officers commanding them for Executing the premises as they shall think fitt. As also to require and Call the Sheriffs of the sheriffdomes of Perth, Murray and Inverness with such a number of the heretors fencible men and their Tennents under such Leaders as are in use to Command them in such caices or such a number of the said men with their Leaders within any of the saids Respective shires as the persons respective abovenamed to whom this present Commission is directed shall find needfull to Come furth in arms in fear of weir and Joyne and assist them In Execution of the premises or to act seperatly by themselves by and according to such orders and Directions as they or any number of them shall receave from the persons above Commissionated as said is who are heirby sufficiently Impowred To Grant the same as they see Cause untill The saids Traitors and Rebells be Effectually subdued and Reduced, and the persones of the said Thomas and Simeon Frasers apprehended and brought in dead or alive. With power also the persones respective abovenamed to whom this present Commission is directed to putt Competent garrisons in any houses or Castles belonging to the said Thomas and Simon Frasers or any of their accomplices declared Rebells as said is or in any houses belonging to the Lady Lovat seing she and her Tutors hes Consented thereto And Likeways To setle Garrisons in the houses of any other heretors in that Countrey who shall desyre or Consent to the same Declareing That whatever Slaughter mutilation blood Fyre raising or other violence shall happen to be done and Committed by all or any of the forsaids persons heirby authorized to march against the saids rebells or to Joyne and assist in seizeing Reduceing and bringing them in dead or alive as said is. The same shall be holden as Laufull good and warrantable service to his majestie and his Government and the actors and accessories thereto shall be and are heirby fully Indemnified and secured thereanent To all Intents and purposes As also with power to the persons Respective above named. To seize apprehend and secure all such as have Either formerly or of Late Resett or Joyned with the saids Rebells. Sic subscribitur Annandale, P Southerland, Lauderdale, Tullibardine, Ruglen, Yester, Tarbat, Belhaven, Hew Dalrymple, James Stewart, Adam Cockburn, W Anstruther, John Maxwell, Archibald Murray, A Burnet.

Att Edinburgh The Twenty Eight Day of June Jaj vjc nyntie Eight years


Commission by the Council

Commission To Collonell Row anent the Frazers of Bewfort and their accomplices

The Lords of his Majesties privy Councill Considering That Thomas and Simeon Frasers Elder and younger of Bowforts were duely and orderly denunced Rebells for Convocating in arms to the number off Four or Five Hundered men of their name and Clan and other Losse and Lawless persons and for not laying down their armes and submitting themselves to Law and Entring their persons in prison to abide and underly the same And the saids Bowforts and severall of their accomplices yett persisting and Continueing in the forsaid Rebellion and traiterous and wicked practices. His majesty hath declared his pleasure That these who in so open and hainous a manner act against the Laws and peace and quiet of this Kingdom should be brought to due punishment and for that Effect, That all Diligence possible be used to apprehend the saids Thoams and Simeon Frasers and their accomplices who doe not obey the said Charge and lay down their arms within the tyme therein prefixed or such of the persons forsaids who doe still Continue in armes. Therfore The Lords of his Majesties privy Councill Have thought fitt to give and Grant And doe heirby give full power warrand and Commission To Collonell Archibald Row Lievtenant Collonell […] Dalziell Livtenant Collonell To the Regiment under the Command of the said Collonell and all officers and Souldiers of the said Regiment under his command having his orders for that Effect or to the Commanding officer att Inverness for the Tyme In absence of the said Collonell and Lievtenant Collonell or to any other officer whom the viscount of Teviot Commander In cheif of his Majesties forces within this Kingdom shall appoint to command from tyme to tyme att Inverness To pass search for seaze and apprehend the saids Thomas and Simeon Frasers and their accomplices Traitors and Rebells forsaids and bring them in dead or alive, and to give such necessary orders to any other of his Majesties forces Lying att Inverness and the officers commanding them for Executing the premises as they shall think fitt. As also to require and Call the Sheriffs of the sheriffdomes of Perth, Murray and Inverness with such a number of the heretors fencible men and their Tennents under such Leaders as are in use to Command them in such caices or such a number of the said men with their Leaders within any of the saids Respective shires as the persons respective abovenamed to whom this present Commission is directed shall find needfull to Come furth in arms in fear of weir and Joyne and assist them In Execution of the premises or to act seperatly by themselves by and according to such orders and Directions as they or any number of them shall receave from the persons above Commissionated as said is who are heirby sufficiently Impowred To Grant the same as they see Cause untill The saids Traitors and Rebells be Effectually subdued and Reduced, and the persones of the said Thomas and Simeon Frasers apprehended and brought in dead or alive. With power also the persones respective abovenamed to whom this present Commission is directed to putt Competent garrisons in any houses or Castles belonging to the said Thomas and Simon Frasers or any of their accomplices declared Rebells as said is or in any houses belonging to the Lady Lovat seing she and her Tutors hes Consented thereto And Likeways To setle Garrisons in the houses of any other heretors in that Countrey who shall desyre or Consent to the same Declareing That whatever Slaughter mutilation blood Fyre raising or other violence shall happen to be done and Committed by all or any of the forsaids persons heirby authorized to march against the saids rebells or to Joyne and assist in seizeing Reduceing and bringing them in dead or alive as said is. The same shall be holden as Laufull good and warrantable service to his majestie and his Government and the actors and accessories thereto shall be and are heirby fully Indemnified and secured thereanent To all Intents and purposes As also with power to the persons Respective above named. To seize apprehend and secure all such as have Either formerly or of Late Resett or Joyned with the saids Rebells. Sic subscribitur Annandale, P Southerland, Lauderdale, Tullibardine, Ruglen, Yester, Tarbat, Belhaven, Hew Dalrymple, James Stewart, Adam Cockburn, W Anstruther, John Maxwell, Archibald Murray, A Burnet.

1. NRS, PC1/51, 441-2.

1. NRS, PC1/51, 441-2.