Act, 22 February 1698, Edinburgh

Decreet, 29 December 1698, Edinburgh

Att Edinburgh the twentie Second day of Febrwary Jaj vic nyntie eight yeirs



Act Lord Elcho and pairtners for a manwfactorie of Glass

Anent the petitione given in to The Lords of his majesties privie Cownsell be David Lord Elcho for himself and Copairtners in the mater wnderwritten Shewing That ther being Severall acts of parliament of this Kingdome of Scottland appointing the Setting up and erecting manwfactories within the Same The inviteing of Strangers and giveing many incowragements to this effect Especiallie the acts Jaj vic Sixtie one, and Jaj vic and eightie one, And ther Lordships petitioner being desyreows to take the benefite of the saids acts in order to the Setting up and carying on a glass work at the weeymes in Fiffe Are for that end to agrie with certaine persones Glass makers who are Straingers and verie well knowen in the makeing of Glass wherby a considerable advantage will redownd to the natione by its giveing occasione to imploy many of its inhabitants in the work as well as the Shipping in of the export and by bringing in Considerable Soumes of money as the product of the Glass caried out besydes the benefite of the Kingdomes being served within itself they Doe in all dwety represent to ther Lordships (as being for that end fullie impowered by the saids acts of parliament) ther resolutione as above in order to obtaining ther Lordships authoritie protectione and incouragement And ther being allowed the libertie priviledge and immwnities granted by the foirsaid act of parliament infavors of manwfactories the promoters majesties and Servants therof All which the petitioners have the greater confidence to expect in regwaird they doe not pretend to any monopoly or to the exclwsione of any others from doeing ther best and Setting up many other pairt of the Kingdome they please And therfore humbly craveing to the effect eftermentioned As the said petitione bears Which petitione being this day red and considered be the saids Lords of privie Counsell They doe heirby awthorize the petitioners in Setting up the above manwfactorie of Glass at the Cove of The Weeymes And heirby declaires in favoures of the adventures promotters maisters Servants and others belonging to the Said manwfactorie That they Shall injoy all the rights priviledges and immwnities granted by the above acts in favoures of manwfactories Sicklyke and als friely in all respects as if ther were ane Speciall act of parliament made in ther favoures

Att Edinburgh the twentie Second day of Febrwary Jaj vic nyntie eight yeirs



Act Lord Elcho and pairtners for a manwfactorie of Glass

Anent the petitione given in to The Lords of his majesties privie Cownsell be David Lord Elcho for himself and Copairtners in the mater wnderwritten Shewing That ther being Severall acts of parliament of this Kingdome of Scottland appointing the Setting up and erecting manwfactories within the Same The inviteing of Strangers and giveing many incowragements to this effect Especiallie the acts Jaj vic Sixtie one, and Jaj vic and eightie one, And ther Lordships petitioner being desyreows to take the benefite of the saids acts in order to the Setting up and carying on a glass work at the weeymes in Fiffe Are for that end to agrie with certaine persones Glass makers who are Straingers and verie well knowen in the makeing of Glass wherby a considerable advantage will redownd to the natione by its giveing occasione to imploy many of its inhabitants in the work as well as the Shipping in of the export and by bringing in Considerable Soumes of money as the product of the Glass caried out besydes the benefite of the Kingdomes being served within itself they Doe in all dwety represent to ther Lordships (as being for that end fullie impowered by the saids acts of parliament) ther resolutione as above in order to obtaining ther Lordships authoritie protectione and incouragement And ther being allowed the libertie priviledge and immwnities granted by the foirsaid act of parliament infavors of manwfactories the promoters majesties and Servants therof All which the petitioners have the greater confidence to expect in regwaird they doe not pretend to any monopoly or to the exclwsione of any others from doeing ther best and Setting up many other pairt of the Kingdome they please And therfore humbly craveing to the effect eftermentioned As the said petitione bears Which petitione being this day red and considered be the saids Lords of privie Counsell They doe heirby awthorize the petitioners in Setting up the above manwfactorie of Glass at the Cove of The Weeymes And heirby declaires in favoures of the adventures promotters maisters Servants and others belonging to the Said manwfactorie That they Shall injoy all the rights priviledges and immwnities granted by the above acts in favoures of manwfactories Sicklyke and als friely in all respects as if ther were ane Speciall act of parliament made in ther favoures

1. NRS, PC2/27, 86r-86v.

1. NRS, PC2/27, 86r-86v.