Att Edinburgh The Twelfth day of July Jaj vjc nynty Eight years
Act anent the Popish meeting att Aberdeen
Sir James Stewart his Majesties Advocate having upon the Fifth of July Instant presented to the Lords of his majesties privy Councill a Letter direct from the Provost and Bailies of Aberdeen Giving account That upon Sabbath the Twenty Sixth of June Last They seazed a popish meeting at the house of one Alexander Gibb merchant in the Town, where they found the Altar Mass Book Bell Cross Images Candles and Incense and the preists vestiments a great many popish books The value of Ane hundered pounds sterling and hade Imprisoned the said Alexander Gibb and on John Cowie a trafficking papist who calls himself a Quaker and one George Gray merchant in Aberdeen by a secret Communicatione with whose house The preists who were at the meeting did Escape. And The Councill having upon the day forsaid, Considered the said Letter They the same day gave their Interloquitor upon it. And Appointed a Committee of their own number To Consider what furder is need for to be done in the matter. And The said Lords of his Majesties privy Councill having this day considered the unsubscrived Report given in to their Lordships by the Lord Advocate as the Report of the said Committee. The heirby Recommend to his Majesties Advocate, To Return to the magistrats of Aberdeen The Thanks of the Councill Board for their good Service in this affair And To Require the saids Magistrates to cause send Alexander Gibb John Cowie and George Gray prisoners to the Tolbooth of Edinburgh and with them to send all the popish Bookes vestiments and other popish trinkets and particularly the Book of their Popish Baptisms Confirmationes or marriadges to be delivered to the Clerks of privy Council, And Recomends to the viscount of Teviot Commander in Cheiff of his majesties forces within this Kingdom To cause Send a pairty of his majesties forces to the Town of Aberdeen, For Convoying and guarding of the saids Three persones with the books vestments and popish Trinketts from Aberdeen to Edinburgh And appoints The magistrats of Aberdeen. To deliver the Three persons forsaid Books vestments and others abovewritten to the said Guard. And they to convoy the saids Three persons prisoners To the Magistrats of Edinburgh who are to keep them prisoners till furder warrant from the Councill. And To deliver The Books vestments and others foresaid to the saids Clerks of privy Council To be Keeped be them till furder order of Councill. And Appoints the saids magistrates of Aberdeen to send a List of the names and designations of all the persones which they can Learn were att the said popish meeting to the said Lord Advocate, And gives order and warrant to the saids Magistrats of Aberdeen To apprehend and secure all popish schoolmasters or schoolmistresses or breeders of youth in the popish Religion and all preists and traficking papists found within their bounds And That ay and while they Find Sufficient Caution to the saids Magistrats under A Competent penalty That they shall appear before the saids Lords of privy Council betwixt and a Competent day And Appoints the Bands of Cautione So soon as they are found To be transmitted to the clerks of Councill And Appoints the saids Magistrats to furnish sufficient Baggadge-horses for Transporting the bookes vestments and other popish trinkets forsaids from Aberdeen to Edinburgh. Extracted.
1. NRS, PC1/51, 453-4.
1. NRS, PC1/51, 453-4.