Att Edinburgh The Twenty Seventh Day of January Jaj vjc nyntie Eight years
Act Anent Seizeing the Disbanded Souldiers in the Lord Lorns Regiment how they Ran away with their arms
The Lord High Chancelor of Scotland having acquainted the Councill That he is Informed by Collonel Stewart That severals of the four Company’s who should have been disbanded at Cramond and were disbanded yesterday att the Town of Queensferrie Having Receaved ther Eight days subsistence Being disbanded did Return and take up ther armes and have run away with them. The Councill Doe heirby Recommend to Mr Francis Montgomrie Governour of Dumbartoun Castle to Give orders To the officers and souldiers of the Garrison in the said castle if any disbanded souldiers having ther arms alongst with them doe pass by the said Castle and to seize upon them and take ther armes from them and detain their persons prisoners till furder order And Gives order and warrand to the provost of Glasgow and magistrats of that Town To Sease upon any of the Disbanded Souldiers passing by or through ther Town and To take ther arms from them and Imprison ther persons till furder order And Recommends to the said Mr Francis Montgomrie to write to the said provost and magistrats forsaids acquainting them with the Councills orders to the Effect forsaid, And gives order and warrand to Lievtenant Collonell John Erskine Deputy Governour of the Castle of Stirling and the other officers and souldiers under him in the said Castle To take special care if any Disbanded souliers with their armes shall pass by them And to seize upon and take the saids armes from them And take their persons prisoners and detain them till furder order. And nominats and appoints the Marquess of Tweddale The Lord Montgomry Mr Francis Montgomry And The Lords of Grant and Kelburn to be a Committee for Examining the officers of the souldiers which are Disbanded How it came to pass that They were not Waiting on, The Tyme of the Disbanding And how the souldiers hade opportunity or were allowed to Run away with ther arms with power to the Committee To Committ any of the saids officers prisoners if they shall see cause and Recommends to the Committee to meet tomorrow att ten in the forenoon And Declares any Two of them To be a sufficient quorum And appoints the macers of Councill To Intimate to Collonel Stewart and other officers of the disbanded souldiers To attend the said Committee.
1. NRS, PC1/51, 347-8.
1. NRS, PC1/51, 347-8.