Warrant, 6 October 1698, Edinburgh

Decreet, 29 December 1698, Edinburgh

Att Edinburgh The Sixth day of october Jaj vjc nynty Eight years



Warrant For quartering Colonell George Hamiltons Regiment at Stirling and Linlithgow

The Lords of his Majesties privy Councill Doe heirby Recommend to the Lord viscount of Teviot Commander in cheif of his majesties Forces within this Kingdom And in his Absence gives order and warrant To the next Commanding officer in cheiff upon the place for the tyme being To cause march That Regiment of his Majesties foot forces under Command of Collonell George Hamilton from their Landing place to the Towns of Stirling and Linlithgow and to cause quarter the said Regiment at the saids Towns in the proportiones following. Viz. Eight Companies thereof att the saids Town of Stirling and Four Companies thereof at the said Town of Linlithgow there to Remain quartered till farder order.

Att Edinburgh The Sixth day of october Jaj vjc nynty Eight years



Warrant For quartering Colonell George Hamiltons Regiment at Stirling and Linlithgow

The Lords of his Majesties privy Councill Doe heirby Recommend to the Lord viscount of Teviot Commander in cheif of his majesties Forces within this Kingdom And in his Absence gives order and warrant To the next Commanding officer in cheiff upon the place for the tyme being To cause march That Regiment of his Majesties foot forces under Command of Collonell George Hamilton from their Landing place to the Towns of Stirling and Linlithgow and to cause quarter the said Regiment at the saids Towns in the proportiones following. Viz. Eight Companies thereof att the saids Town of Stirling and Four Companies thereof at the said Town of Linlithgow there to Remain quartered till farder order.

1. NRS, PC1/51, 477.

1. NRS, PC1/51, 477.