Act, 22 February 1698, Edinburgh

Decreet, 29 December 1698, Edinburgh

Att Edinburgh The Twenty second day of February Jaj vjc nynty Eight years



Coppie Letters of Concurrance and Intercomuning The Laird of McIntosh against McDonalds

William By the Grace of God King of great Brittain France and Ireland defender of the faith to our Lovites […] Macers messengers att armes our sheriffs in that part Conjunctlie and Severallie speacialy Constitute Greeting Forasmuchas Wee And the Lords of our privy Councill understanding That upon the nynteenth day of June Jaj vic nyntie seven years Coll McDonald in Keppoch, Renold, Alexander and Angus Mcdonalds his Brothers, John Begg Mccan Vic Innes younger Sorrell Begg Mcean Vic Innes his son there, Donald Begg McEan Vic Innes his son ther, Sorrell McColl Duie ther, Ewan Mcconhie Vic Ean ther, Duncan Mcfail Vic Finlay ther, Duncan McConchie Vig there Angus McGrassich there, John McCollroye Vic Ean in Boline Angus McEan Vic Innes, John McInnes Vic Ean ther, Dougal Mcvic Ean ther, Duncan Mcvic Ean ther, Donald Pyper in Invermoye Beg, John McCoill Vic Innes ther, Donald McColl Vic Innes his son ther, Donald Begg McDougall ther, Angus McColl Oig Vic Coll ther, Angus McEan Vig there, John McWilliam Vic Ean Vig ther, Ewan McAgone in Auchtyre Alexander McGillespick Vic Coll Vic Ean there, Duncan McEan Vic Innes, William McEan vic Innes ther, Angus McElldow ther, Donald McEan Vic Rorie ther, Duncan McConchie in Bohinnie, Angus McColl Roy there, Angus McConchie there, Dougall McInnes Vic Ean there, John Reoch McSorle in Breakoch Dougall Reoch McSorle his son ther, and Donald Reoch McSorrel his son ther, Angus McColl Vic Ean Reoch in Auchvadie John McAlaster Vic Coill Vic Alaster Sorrell McEan Reoch Vic Sorrell, Donald McConchie Vig there Angus McInnes Roy there Angus McNeill Voire there, Angus McCoill Gromach there, Donald McSorle Vic Ean Duye Vic Ean, John McEan Vic Wiliam in Bohintine Chyme Chyle, John McConchie Vic Ean Vic Wiliam ther, John McEan Duy Vic Ean there, Charles McSorrell ther, Angus McConchie Vic Wiliam there Donald McConchie Vic Wiliam there James Reoch McDougall ther, Angus Reoch McDougal his son there, Donald McEan Reoch Vic Dougall ther, all Subtennents To the said Coll McDonald Dwelling on their respective roomes and possessions, Angus Mcdonald In Bohintine, John Dow McAlaster Vc Ean ther, Donald Dow McAlaster Vc Ean his son ther Angus Mcean Vaine ther, John Mcean Vaine ther, John McGillendrish ther, Angus Mcean taylor ther, John Mcean Vic Sorrell ther, Duncan McColl Duie Voire ther, Donald McRorie ther, Archibald McInnes Vic Coll Vic Alaster in Benachin, Donald McInnes Vic Coll Vic Alaster his Brother ther, Alaster McInnes Vore ther, John McInnes ther, John McCoille Vic Alaster Oig ther, Angus McCoill Vic Alaster ther, Allan McCoill Vic Alaster ther, Duncan McEan Vic Ewan Reoch ther, Malcolm McCoill Vic Gillechally ther, Donald McColl vic Gillechalluiu his Brother ther John McCoil Vain ther, Donald Dow McColl vain ther Duncan Dow McColl vain his brother ther, all subtennents to the said Angus McDonald in Bohintie Donald McRorie Vic Alaster Vic Innes Roy principal possessor of Blairnahintin Donald McEan Vic Coll ther, John McEan Duy Vic Gillespick ther, Donald Moir Vic Ean Duy Vig ther, John McColl Vic Ean Vic Coll ther, Murdoch McPhersone, principall possessor of Bohaskie, Allan McPherson ther, Allan McEan Vic Innes ther, Donald McPhersone ther, John McAllan ther, Donald McSorrell Duy ther, John McSorrell ther, Alaster McAlaster Vig head possessor in Rennach, Neill Moir Vic Ean Vic Thomas ther, Donald McNeill ther, John McNeil ther, Alexander McGillespick Roy ther, Angus McAlaster Vic Innes Roy ther, Angus McAlaster Vic Alaster Oig there, Angus McDonald, head possessor in Tullich, Finlay McInnes Vic Finlay ther, Donald Dow McConchie ther, Farquhar Moir Vic Ean Vic Farquhar ther, Donald McEan Vic Ean Duie ther, William McConchie Vic Alaster ther, Duncan McCairne in Dellenderge, Paul McChallum ther, Alexander McInnes Vic Ean in Auchlaucherauch, John McInnes Vic Ean his brother ther, Neill McSorrell ther, John Dow McAllan ther, Donald McAllan Vic Ean ther, Angus McAllan Vic Ean ther, John McEan Vic Innes in Rivogy, Donald McInnes Vic Ean ther, Donald McChallum Vic Phaill ther, Angus McInnes Vic Conill in Murlagan, John McColl Vic Innes ther, Alexander McAllan Vic Neill ther, John McAllan Vic Neill ther, John McAlaster Vic Conill ther, Finlay McEan Vain ther, Alaster Moir McInnes Voir in Glenglaster, Angus McEan Vic Neill ther, Alaster McGillespick Vic Alaster ther, Donald McAlaster Vic Coill Vic Alaster ther, Donald McRobert Vic Coll Vic Innes ther, Donald McPhadrick Vain in Collorick, John McAlaster Vic Conil Vic Alaster in Bohinie, Angus Bain McEan Vic Coill in Auchvadie, Donald Bayn McEan Vic Coll his son ther, Gilespick McGillespick Vic Alaster Vic Ean ther, Alexander McDonald alias McColl quorum principall possessor of Inverroye More, Angus McDonald alias McAlaster Roy Vic Ean Sometyme In Glencoe now in Glenetuncle son to the deeceast […] McDonald of Glencoe were duely and orderly denunced our Rebells and putt to the horn by vertue of Letters of Denunciatione raised att the Instance of Lauchlan Mcintosh of that ilk against them for their not Compearing Before our Lords Justice Generall Justice-Clerk and Lords Commissioners of our Justiciary within the Tolbooth or Criminal Court house of Edinburgh The fourteenth Day of June Jaj vic nyntie seven years in the hour of cause ther to have underlyen the Law for the Crymes afterspecified Viz For ther Intruding themselves into and violent taking and Keeping possession of the said Lauchlan Mcintosh his Lands Keppoch Glenroe and Glenspean, and others worth the soume of Five Thousand merks of yearly Rent, Convocating a number of Lawless and Broken men, To about ane Thousand all bodden in feir of Weir Fighting resisting and opposing our forces and others under the Command of Captain Kenneth McKenzie of Suddie who were Commissionat To put a Commission of fire and Sword To Execution att the Instance of the said Lauchlan Mcintosh, Complainer against them and to Reposess him and disposess them, and For wounding mutilating and Killing to death severall persones and particularly the said Captain Kenneth McKenzie himself Lauchlan Mcintosh of Aberardour John and Wiliam McIntosh his Brethren Wiliam Hendry Masson Tayre […] Mcphersone in Bencharwine in Strathern and […] McQueen in Stranine ther, and taking severall prisoners and Threatning to putt them to Death unless the said Lauchlan McIntosh Complainer hade Surrendred himself to them and Then detaining him Captive till he was rescued by his friends and ther followers, And for violent Robbing from the said McIntosh and his friends, The number of Two Hundered Horses with all their furnitors and provisiones Extending in value To the soume of Twenty Thousand pounds Scots and for their wicked and Treasonable Burning down and destroying the said Lauchlan McIntosh Complainer his mansion house of Dinachtine hail office Houses furniture and plenishing, his Tennets houses robbing ther whole Catell and goods, Extending as is particularly proven by the Commission of Parliament to no Less than Two Thousand Four Hundered sixty six pounds sterling money and other Crymes mentioned in the saids Letters of Denunicatione as the same with the Executiones thereof duely Registrat in the Books of Adjournall Showen to our saids Lords Bears. Att the process of which Horning and Denunciatione The hail forenamed persons as yett remaine and abide taking no fear nor regaird thereof But daily haunt frequent and repair to Kirks mercats and other publick places as if they were our free Leidges And no such crymes hade been committed by them giving thereby Evil Example to others to Committ the Like hereafter. For Preventing Whereof and vindicating our authority from such high Contempt and for putting the said Lauchlane McIntosh of that ilk his Legall diligences to due and full Executione, Wee with advice of the Lords of our privy Councill having granted Commission of fire and sword of the date heirof to diverse persons therein mentioned with the powers therein contained In Execution of which service necessar, It is our saids Commissioners be accompanied with a force of our good and Loving Subjects dwelling in the Countrey next adjacent and that Letters of Concurrance and Intercommuning be direct in manner and to the Effect underwrittin Our Will is Heirfore And wee charge yow straitly and Command That Incontinent these our Letters seen ye pass to the mercat Crosses of […] and other places needfull and ther in our name and authority Command and charge all and sundry our Leidges and Subjects Betwixt sixty and sixteen within the sheriffdomes of Inverness Ross, Nairne, Perth Aberdeen […] And speacially to Command and Charge all and Sundry the said Lauchlan Mcintosh his Kine and friends of the name of Clanchattan by open proclamation att the mercat Cross of Inverness Tayne Nairne Pearth […] and other places needfull That they and Every one of them weel bodden and feir of Weir in the most substantious and warlike of manner Rise, Concurr, fortifie and assist our saids Commissioners in the prosecution of this our service, And For that Effect To Conveen and meet with them or so many of them as shal be present att such days tymes and places (seed tyme and harvest only Excepted) as they shall be advertised be the said Laird of McIntosh or John Grant of Clay-furrs or […] Polsone of Kinmyles sheriff deputs of Inverness and to goe forward with them or either of them in ours said service and follow their or either of them directions thereintill as they shall be commanded under all highest paine and charge that after may follow and wheras the bypast resett and supply which the saids Rebells oppressors and high Contemners of our authority and Laws hes found amongst their friends and acquaintances has given a great Encouragement among them To Continue in their Rebellion and and2 disobedience, And Wee being Resolved Exemplarly To punish such persons as hereafter shall give any Consort relict or supply to the saids Rebells, Doe heirby in manner forsaid give order and warrant to yow to Command and charge all and Sundrie our Leidges and subjects att the mercat Crosses of […] and other places needfull That none of them presume nor take upon hand To resett supply nor Intercomune with the saids Rebells nor furnish them with meal Drink, house harbour pouder Bullots armour victuals boats vessels nor No other thing comfortable to them, nor receive their goods in Keeping nor to Transport them to and frae ferries Nor have Inteligence with them by word write or messadge under whatsoever colour or pretext under the paine to be repute holden and Esteemed as airt and pairt with them in their oppositione and Rebellions and wicked deeds, and be punished with all rigour and Extremity to the Terror of others. And sicklike To Command and charge all our Leidges who are under assurance or Bonds of friendship with the said Rebells To Renunce and Discharge the samen Bonds and assistances and To Entertain no fellowship nor society with them hereafter, But to repute and Esteem them as nottorious rebells oppressors and high Contemners of our authority and Laws with Certification to them, who shall keep and Intertain the saids bonds and shall not discharge the samen in manner forsaid, That they shall be repute holden and esteemed as art and partakers with them in their wicked deeds and practises, And That ye pass to the mercat Crosses of […] and other places needfull and there in our name and authority prohibite and discharge all and sundry our Leidges That none of them presume to take possession of the Lauchlan McIntosh of that ilk his saids Lands in Brae-Lochaber or any pairt thereof in vice and place of the present usurping possessors withoutt the Laird of McIntosh his speciall warrand under the pain of being in the like manner Ejected by force of fire and sword They being first convicted thereof Given under our signett att Edinburgh The Twenty Two day of February and of our reign the nynth year. 1698. Per act 7 Dominor 7 sti. Cons: sic subscribitur Gilbert Eliot Cts sti Cons.

Att Edinburgh The Twenty second day of February Jaj vjc nynty Eight years



Coppie Letters of Concurrance and Intercomuning The Laird of McIntosh against McDonalds

William By the Grace of God King of great Brittain France and Ireland defender of the faith to our Lovites […] Macers messengers att armes our sheriffs in that part Conjunctlie and Severallie speacialy Constitute Greeting Forasmuchas Wee And the Lords of our privy Councill understanding That upon the nynteenth day of June Jaj vic nyntie seven years Coll McDonald in Keppoch, Renold, Alexander and Angus Mcdonalds his Brothers, John Begg Mccan Vic Innes younger Sorrell Begg Mcean Vic Innes his son there, Donald Begg McEan Vic Innes his son ther, Sorrell McColl Duie ther, Ewan Mcconhie Vic Ean ther, Duncan Mcfail Vic Finlay ther, Duncan McConchie Vig there Angus McGrassich there, John McCollroye Vic Ean in Boline Angus McEan Vic Innes, John McInnes Vic Ean ther, Dougal Mcvic Ean ther, Duncan Mcvic Ean ther, Donald Pyper in Invermoye Beg, John McCoill Vic Innes ther, Donald McColl Vic Innes his son ther, Donald Begg McDougall ther, Angus McColl Oig Vic Coll ther, Angus McEan Vig there, John McWilliam Vic Ean Vig ther, Ewan McAgone in Auchtyre Alexander McGillespick Vic Coll Vic Ean there, Duncan McEan Vic Innes, William McEan vic Innes ther, Angus McElldow ther, Donald McEan Vic Rorie ther, Duncan McConchie in Bohinnie, Angus McColl Roy there, Angus McConchie there, Dougall McInnes Vic Ean there, John Reoch McSorle in Breakoch Dougall Reoch McSorle his son ther, and Donald Reoch McSorrel his son ther, Angus McColl Vic Ean Reoch in Auchvadie John McAlaster Vic Coill Vic Alaster Sorrell McEan Reoch Vic Sorrell, Donald McConchie Vig there Angus McInnes Roy there Angus McNeill Voire there, Angus McCoill Gromach there, Donald McSorle Vic Ean Duye Vic Ean, John McEan Vic Wiliam in Bohintine Chyme Chyle, John McConchie Vic Ean Vic Wiliam ther, John McEan Duy Vic Ean there, Charles McSorrell ther, Angus McConchie Vic Wiliam there Donald McConchie Vic Wiliam there James Reoch McDougall ther, Angus Reoch McDougal his son there, Donald McEan Reoch Vic Dougall ther, all Subtennents To the said Coll McDonald Dwelling on their respective roomes and possessions, Angus Mcdonald In Bohintine, John Dow McAlaster Vc Ean ther, Donald Dow McAlaster Vc Ean his son ther Angus Mcean Vaine ther, John Mcean Vaine ther, John McGillendrish ther, Angus Mcean taylor ther, John Mcean Vic Sorrell ther, Duncan McColl Duie Voire ther, Donald McRorie ther, Archibald McInnes Vic Coll Vic Alaster in Benachin, Donald McInnes Vic Coll Vic Alaster his Brother ther, Alaster McInnes Vore ther, John McInnes ther, John McCoille Vic Alaster Oig ther, Angus McCoill Vic Alaster ther, Allan McCoill Vic Alaster ther, Duncan McEan Vic Ewan Reoch ther, Malcolm McCoill Vic Gillechally ther, Donald McColl vic Gillechalluiu his Brother ther John McCoil Vain ther, Donald Dow McColl vain ther Duncan Dow McColl vain his brother ther, all subtennents to the said Angus McDonald in Bohintie Donald McRorie Vic Alaster Vic Innes Roy principal possessor of Blairnahintin Donald McEan Vic Coll ther, John McEan Duy Vic Gillespick ther, Donald Moir Vic Ean Duy Vig ther, John McColl Vic Ean Vic Coll ther, Murdoch McPhersone, principall possessor of Bohaskie, Allan McPherson ther, Allan McEan Vic Innes ther, Donald McPhersone ther, John McAllan ther, Donald McSorrell Duy ther, John McSorrell ther, Alaster McAlaster Vig head possessor in Rennach, Neill Moir Vic Ean Vic Thomas ther, Donald McNeill ther, John McNeil ther, Alexander McGillespick Roy ther, Angus McAlaster Vic Innes Roy ther, Angus McAlaster Vic Alaster Oig there, Angus McDonald, head possessor in Tullich, Finlay McInnes Vic Finlay ther, Donald Dow McConchie ther, Farquhar Moir Vic Ean Vic Farquhar ther, Donald McEan Vic Ean Duie ther, William McConchie Vic Alaster ther, Duncan McCairne in Dellenderge, Paul McChallum ther, Alexander McInnes Vic Ean in Auchlaucherauch, John McInnes Vic Ean his brother ther, Neill McSorrell ther, John Dow McAllan ther, Donald McAllan Vic Ean ther, Angus McAllan Vic Ean ther, John McEan Vic Innes in Rivogy, Donald McInnes Vic Ean ther, Donald McChallum Vic Phaill ther, Angus McInnes Vic Conill in Murlagan, John McColl Vic Innes ther, Alexander McAllan Vic Neill ther, John McAllan Vic Neill ther, John McAlaster Vic Conill ther, Finlay McEan Vain ther, Alaster Moir McInnes Voir in Glenglaster, Angus McEan Vic Neill ther, Alaster McGillespick Vic Alaster ther, Donald McAlaster Vic Coill Vic Alaster ther, Donald McRobert Vic Coll Vic Innes ther, Donald McPhadrick Vain in Collorick, John McAlaster Vic Conil Vic Alaster in Bohinie, Angus Bain McEan Vic Coill in Auchvadie, Donald Bayn McEan Vic Coll his son ther, Gilespick McGillespick Vic Alaster Vic Ean ther, Alexander McDonald alias McColl quorum principall possessor of Inverroye More, Angus McDonald alias McAlaster Roy Vic Ean Sometyme In Glencoe now in Glenetuncle son to the deeceast […] McDonald of Glencoe were duely and orderly denunced our Rebells and putt to the horn by vertue of Letters of Denunciatione raised att the Instance of Lauchlan Mcintosh of that ilk against them for their not Compearing Before our Lords Justice Generall Justice-Clerk and Lords Commissioners of our Justiciary within the Tolbooth or Criminal Court house of Edinburgh The fourteenth Day of June Jaj vic nyntie seven years in the hour of cause ther to have underlyen the Law for the Crymes afterspecified Viz For ther Intruding themselves into and violent taking and Keeping possession of the said Lauchlan Mcintosh his Lands Keppoch Glenroe and Glenspean, and others worth the soume of Five Thousand merks of yearly Rent, Convocating a number of Lawless and Broken men, To about ane Thousand all bodden in feir of Weir Fighting resisting and opposing our forces and others under the Command of Captain Kenneth McKenzie of Suddie who were Commissionat To put a Commission of fire and Sword To Execution att the Instance of the said Lauchlan Mcintosh, Complainer against them and to Reposess him and disposess them, and For wounding mutilating and Killing to death severall persones and particularly the said Captain Kenneth McKenzie himself Lauchlan Mcintosh of Aberardour John and Wiliam McIntosh his Brethren Wiliam Hendry Masson Tayre […] Mcphersone in Bencharwine in Strathern and […] McQueen in Stranine ther, and taking severall prisoners and Threatning to putt them to Death unless the said Lauchlan McIntosh Complainer hade Surrendred himself to them and Then detaining him Captive till he was rescued by his friends and ther followers, And for violent Robbing from the said McIntosh and his friends, The number of Two Hundered Horses with all their furnitors and provisiones Extending in value To the soume of Twenty Thousand pounds Scots and for their wicked and Treasonable Burning down and destroying the said Lauchlan McIntosh Complainer his mansion house of Dinachtine hail office Houses furniture and plenishing, his Tennets houses robbing ther whole Catell and goods, Extending as is particularly proven by the Commission of Parliament to no Less than Two Thousand Four Hundered sixty six pounds sterling money and other Crymes mentioned in the saids Letters of Denunicatione as the same with the Executiones thereof duely Registrat in the Books of Adjournall Showen to our saids Lords Bears. Att the process of which Horning and Denunciatione The hail forenamed persons as yett remaine and abide taking no fear nor regaird thereof But daily haunt frequent and repair to Kirks mercats and other publick places as if they were our free Leidges And no such crymes hade been committed by them giving thereby Evil Example to others to Committ the Like hereafter. For Preventing Whereof and vindicating our authority from such high Contempt and for putting the said Lauchlane McIntosh of that ilk his Legall diligences to due and full Executione, Wee with advice of the Lords of our privy Councill having granted Commission of fire and sword of the date heirof to diverse persons therein mentioned with the powers therein contained In Execution of which service necessar, It is our saids Commissioners be accompanied with a force of our good and Loving Subjects dwelling in the Countrey next adjacent and that Letters of Concurrance and Intercommuning be direct in manner and to the Effect underwrittin Our Will is Heirfore And wee charge yow straitly and Command That Incontinent these our Letters seen ye pass to the mercat Crosses of […] and other places needfull and ther in our name and authority Command and charge all and sundry our Leidges and Subjects Betwixt sixty and sixteen within the sheriffdomes of Inverness Ross, Nairne, Perth Aberdeen […] And speacially to Command and Charge all and Sundry the said Lauchlan Mcintosh his Kine and friends of the name of Clanchattan by open proclamation att the mercat Cross of Inverness Tayne Nairne Pearth […] and other places needfull That they and Every one of them weel bodden and feir of Weir in the most substantious and warlike of manner Rise, Concurr, fortifie and assist our saids Commissioners in the prosecution of this our service, And For that Effect To Conveen and meet with them or so many of them as shal be present att such days tymes and places (seed tyme and harvest only Excepted) as they shall be advertised be the said Laird of McIntosh or John Grant of Clay-furrs or […] Polsone of Kinmyles sheriff deputs of Inverness and to goe forward with them or either of them in ours said service and follow their or either of them directions thereintill as they shall be commanded under all highest paine and charge that after may follow and wheras the bypast resett and supply which the saids Rebells oppressors and high Contemners of our authority and Laws hes found amongst their friends and acquaintances has given a great Encouragement among them To Continue in their Rebellion and and2 disobedience, And Wee being Resolved Exemplarly To punish such persons as hereafter shall give any Consort relict or supply to the saids Rebells, Doe heirby in manner forsaid give order and warrant to yow to Command and charge all and Sundrie our Leidges and subjects att the mercat Crosses of […] and other places needfull That none of them presume nor take upon hand To resett supply nor Intercomune with the saids Rebells nor furnish them with meal Drink, house harbour pouder Bullots armour victuals boats vessels nor No other thing comfortable to them, nor receive their goods in Keeping nor to Transport them to and frae ferries Nor have Inteligence with them by word write or messadge under whatsoever colour or pretext under the paine to be repute holden and Esteemed as airt and pairt with them in their oppositione and Rebellions and wicked deeds, and be punished with all rigour and Extremity to the Terror of others. And sicklike To Command and charge all our Leidges who are under assurance or Bonds of friendship with the said Rebells To Renunce and Discharge the samen Bonds and assistances and To Entertain no fellowship nor society with them hereafter, But to repute and Esteem them as nottorious rebells oppressors and high Contemners of our authority and Laws with Certification to them, who shall keep and Intertain the saids bonds and shall not discharge the samen in manner forsaid, That they shall be repute holden and esteemed as art and partakers with them in their wicked deeds and practises, And That ye pass to the mercat Crosses of […] and other places needfull and there in our name and authority prohibite and discharge all and sundry our Leidges That none of them presume to take possession of the Lauchlan McIntosh of that ilk his saids Lands in Brae-Lochaber or any pairt thereof in vice and place of the present usurping possessors withoutt the Laird of McIntosh his speciall warrand under the pain of being in the like manner Ejected by force of fire and sword They being first convicted thereof Given under our signett att Edinburgh The Twenty Two day of February and of our reign the nynth year. 1698. Per act 7 Dominor 7 sti. Cons: sic subscribitur Gilbert Eliot Cts sti Cons.

1. NRS, PC1/51, 377-82.

2. Sic.

1. NRS, PC1/51, 377-82.

2. Sic.