Att Edinburgh the Twentie Fourth day of November Jaj vic Nyntie Eight
Act Hepburne etc Against Mr William Russell
Anent the Petition given in to the Lords of his Majesties privy Councill by Robert Hepburn of Bearford Gilbert Storie of Morham Kirkall for themselves and the remanent heritors and parishioners of Morcham Shewing That wher Mr William Russell once the petitioners pastor was after proces before the presbytrie at lenth upon the twentie Eight of december Jaj vic Nyntie Seven deposed by the Synod of Lothian from the Ministeriall function Likewayes the said Synowd by their act the fourth of May Jaj vic Nyntie Eight Ratified and approved the said Sentence and depositione Nemine contra directe Notwithstanding wherof the said Mr William Russell does still Continue to possess the manse and gleib and wilfully Refuses to remove himself and his family therfrae, And seing by the act of parliament Jaj vic Nyntie thrie It was statute that the saids Lords and all other Magistrats give all due assistance for makeing the Sentances and Censures of the Church and Judicaturs therof obeyed, or otherwayes effectuall as accords, and that it hath been The saids Lords Custome in such cases to direct Letters for charging of persones deposed to remove them selves and families from the Gleibs and Manse of the kirks from which they are deposed. And Therfore Humbly Craveing the saids Lords would be pleased in Consideration of the premysses and of the said sentances therwith produced to give warrand for Letters for Chargeing of the said Mr William Russell to remove himself and his family from the said Manse and Gleib at the terme of Mertimass nixt without farder delay to the effect the same may be left red and void for a new Minister to serve the cure at the said kirk Especialy Seing his wilfull continuance to sitt still in the said Manse and gleib hath been hitherto a hinderance to the planting of their said kirk to which the said Mr William Russell by express acts of this Church can never possibly returne as the petitione bears. The Lords of his majesties privy Councill haveing Considered this petition given in to them by the above Robert Hepburne of Bearford Gilbert Stovie of Morham Kirkill for themselves and the remanents heritors and parishioners of Morhame with the act of the Synod of the fourth of may Last mentioned therin and produced therwith, They hereby authorize and give warrand to their Clerks of Councill to give out Letters of horning for Charging the said Mr William Russell to remove himself and his wife family tennents and Servants from the Manse and gleib of the said kirk of Morehame within fiftein dayes nixt after he shall be Charged therto without farder delay, and to leave the Samen void and redd for a new Minister to Serve the cure at the said kirk in Comon Style, and in case of disobedience to give out Letters of Caption against the said Mr William to the effect forsaid.
1. NRS, PC2/27, 154v-155r.
1. NRS, PC2/27, 154v-155r.