Att Edinburgh The Sixth day of october Jaj vjc nynty Eight years
George Home Lord Provost of Edinburgh Receaved a privy Councellor
George Home Lord provost of Edinburgh Elected for this Ensueing year Being called and having appeared In Respet by his majesties Commission of Councill of the second of May Jaj vic nynty six The Lord Provost of Edinburgh is nominate a privy Councellor. The said Lord Provost swore the oath of Aledgance and subscrived the Assurance appointed to his Majestie by act of parliament And Likeways subscribed The Associatione as the Rest of the Councellors have formerly Done. And The Lord Chancelor having Administrate To him the oath de fideli he was Receaved a privy Councelor Conform to the said Commission.
1. NRS, PC1/51, 477.
1. NRS, PC1/51, 477.