Att Edinburgh The Twenty sixth day of Aprile Jaj vjc Nynty Eight years
Act Prohibiteing The Exporting of Meall
The Lords of his Majesties privy Councill Doe heirby prohibite and discharge all Tacksmen, Collectors, Surveyors, Waiters, directors, and Clerks of Coakets and other publict servants of his majesties Forraign Excyse To Suffer or permitt any Quantities of meal Lesser or Greater To be Exported furth of this Kingdom, to any forraign Kingdom untill The Twenty day of May next to come Inclusive and appoints them To take Bond and find sufficient Caution of such persons as transport meall from the north to any other place within this Kingdom, That they shall not Export the same furth thereof, But shall report Certificats of their unloading the same att some port within the Kingdome To the clerks of privy Councill and appoints The saids Bands to be transmitted by the saids tacksmen, Collectors, Surveyors watiers Directors and Clerks of Coakets and other publict servants to the Clerks of privy Councill so soon as the samen shall be taken by them as said is and in the mean Tyme Recommends to Sir Archibald Muire of Thorntoun Lord provost of Edinburgh one of their own number, and one of the principall Tacks-men to make Intimation of this present order of Councill to the severall Collectors surveyors or waiters directors and Clerks of Coaketts and other publict servants att their respective ports and Bounds.
1. NRS, PC1/51, 417.
1. NRS, PC1/51, 417.