Proclamation, 4 March 1698, Edinburgh

Decreet, 29 December 1698, Edinburgh

Att Edinburgh The Fourth Day of March Jaj vjc nyntie Eight years



Proclamation for the Ready Inbringing the annexed and additionall Excyse

The Proclamation underwrittin Being read, was votted approven and signed whereof the Tenor follows:
William By the grace of God King of great Brittain France and Ireland defender of the faith To […] Macers of our privy Councill messengers att armes, our Sheriffs in that pairt, Conjunctlie and Severallie specialy Constitute Greeting. Forasmuchas By the second act of the sixth session of this our Current Parliament, The Lords of our privy Councill are authorized and Impowred, To prescribe such other methods and orders (Besides what is mentioned in the said act) as they shall Judge necessary for the better uplifting and Inbringing of the additionall Excyse, Imposed upon the respective Liquors specified in the said act, and specialy for causing the same to be raised, and up-lifted upon the Liquor and not upon the Malt: And wee Considering how necessar it is for the Better Inbringing the annexed and Additionall Excyse, and for determining all Differences Betwixt the Brewars and the Tacks-men of the said annexed and additionall Excyse and ther Subtacksmen and Collectors from the first day of March Jaj vic nyntie Eight To the first day of March Jaj vic nyntie nyne, During which space the said annexed and additionall Excyse is now sett in Tack. That all Entries of Liquors of whatsoever sort Brewen and Imported lyable to the said Excyse be duely and tymously made. Doe Therfore with advice of the Lords of our privy Councill, Require and Command the Commissioners of Supply, of the severall shires within this Kingdom, qualified according to Law and Resideing within the Shire, and who by the said act of parliament are appointed Commissioners of the said annexed Excyse, To meet att the Head Burghs of the Respective shires upon the second Twesday of Aprile next to come and att their said meeting to setle and apoint places with in six myles where the Brewars Live Where the publict Excise offices shall be most conveniently Kept for the Brewars to Enter, and give up the quantities of the Liquors Browen by them, lable in payment of the said annexed excise. And Appoints the saids Commissioners Immediatly after designing places for the saids offices, to cause make publict Intimation att all the church Doors within the saids Respective Shires of the particular places designed by them for the severall Excyse offices with Certification to the saids Commissioners or any of them Resideing within the saids respective shires who shall failzie to meet The second Tuesday of Aprile next to Come and to appoint and design the particular places for Excyse offices in manner above Exprest. Their names shall be Returned by their Clerk, To the Lords of our privy Councill, To the Effect they may take such course therewith as they shall see cause. And wee with advice forsaid Require and Command the saids Commissioners To meet the first Tuesday of Every moneth thereafter, during the Continuance of the said additionall Excyse in manner and for the Ends prescribed and sett Down in the forsaid act of Parliament. And wee, with advice forsaid Require and Command the whole Brewars within the Bounds allotted for the saids Respective Excyse offices, To wait upon the saids respective Commissioners thereatt upon the second Tuesday of Aprile above Exprest without any furder Intimation, Charge or Citation to be given to them By the saids Tacks-men subtacks-men or Collectors of the said annexed and additional Excyse, but the publication heirof allenarly, and there To give in and make, and the saids Commissioners to Receave from them full and faithfull Entries, of all Liquors Browen, or Retailed within the saids Bounds, lyable in payment of the said annexed and additional Excise since the First of March Last Inclusive To the second Tuesday of Aprile Jaj vic nyntie Eight, Declaring heirby and Certifieing such Brewars and Retailers who shall not Compear and attend the saids Commissioners, The first Twesday of Every moneth, for making The Entry of the precise quantitie of all Liquors Browen and Retailed by them, Lyable to the said Excyse for the preceeding moneth they shall be holden as Confest, and Decreets givin against them for the quantities of Liquors lyable to the forsaid annexed and additionall Excise which shall be Contained in the Claims and Complaints to be made and given in by the Tacks-men sub-tacksmen and Collectors against them. Providing nevertheless That if the saids Brewers who shall failze and beholden as Confest shall at any tyme within Three moneths thereafter Compear Before any Two of the said Commissioners and Having first made due Intimation to the Tacks-men, made faith as above and Report a Certificate thereon under their hands they shall be Reponed against the said Certification upon punctual payment of what They shall be found due. And wee with advice forsaid appoint and ordain, That no Brewer within Burgh of Regality, Barrony nor regality, vend or sell any part of their Broust untill first They make Entry thereof att the Excyse office within the respective Burghs, and there obtain a Sufference for the Quanitie Browen which the Keeper of the office is to give gratis, and without delay and that in case of nonentry or wroungous Entry, The Brewar within Burgh to be lyable in the soume of Ten pounds scots toties quoties and all Execution Competent shall be made use of by our Tacksmen ther sub-tacks-men or Collectors against the respective Brewers for the same and which Entries may be disapproven Before any magistrat Justice of peace or Commissioners of Excyse by witnesses or oath of pairtie notwithstanding of any Survey made by the Surveyors and waiters and That all Brewers Barrells be for heareafter marked with their own name and the seall of the next office which seall shall be furnished to them gratis, as also That no person presume to Resett any ale or drinking Bear in ther houses In order to the Embazelling of the samen under the pain of Ten pounds toties quoties to be paid to the forsaid Tacks-men, ther sub-tacks-men, or Collectors, And furder That all Tapsters and vintners of Ale and drinking beer shall for hereafter before They Tapp or vend the same, Take first a Licence from the nixt Excise office, and there give Bond and Caution That they shall not Tapp nor sell any for Less prices then these appointed by act of parliament under the penalty of Ten pounds Scots toties quoties. It being always in the power of the Commissioners of Excyse and Supply, To modifie The saids penalties, when incurred, as to all Brewers not living in Burghs of Royalty. Regality and Barrony. And In Regaird the Excyse of Strong Waters aqua vite, Brandy and Forraign Beer and ale, is ordered by the said act of parliament to be payed be the Retailers. Therfore Wee with Advice of the Lords of our privy Councill Require and command all Brewers of Aquavitae and strong Waters to make monthly Entries of the quantities of the saids Liquors Browen by them and give in subscribed Lists to the next Excyse office of the names of the persons To whom they sell their aquavita or strong waters to be again sold by Retaill, as Likewise That the Collectors, Clerks or surveyors att sea-ports give up a True and particular account to the saids Tacks-men Their Subtacks-men or Collectors of the said Excyse of the quantities of Forraign strong waters, Brandy and Forraign Bear and Ale, Imported from tyme to tyme, and who is the merchant Importer: as also that The said merchant Importer, and all other persones, who now pretend To sell the saids Forraign Liquors in haill sale, Conform to the Late act of parliament, That is to say above a Pint Be lyable and oblidged To give and deliver subscribed Lists To the saids tacks-men or subtacks-men Deputs and Collectors of the persons names, to whom they sell the said Brandy strong waters or Forraign Beer and ale for Retaill, and of the quantities sold to them, to the Effect that the said Retaillers may be still lyable for the Excyse therof. And in caice the saids Commissioners or att Least Two of them shall faill yett to meet and attend the saids respective Excyse offices upon the said second Tuesday of Aprile next or upon the first Twesday of any subsequent month during the Continuance of the said Additionall Excyse, The whole devision and Each of them Resideing within the said shire, under the Certification forsaid, and after Instruments taken against them of there failzie to meet and attend as said is. Wee with advice forsaid require and Command the Sheriffs and their Deputs, or such as the saids sherriffs or Deput shall substitute to each particular Dyett, for that Effect allenarly to repair to the saids Respective offices within Twenty four hours after they shall be desired by the Tacks-men, Their subtacks-men, or, Deputes and Collectors of the said annexed or additionall Excyse Certifieing the saids sheriffs ther Deputs or substitutes if they failzie They shall be punished as the Lords of our privy Councill shall Think fitt, And farder wee with advice forsaid, prohibite and discharge any of the Commissioners of Supplie or other Inferiour Judges or officers of the Law within this our Realm To stopp or hinder Either Quartering, poinding, Imprisoning, or any other Lawfull Execution That shall be used be our Tacksmen their sub-tacks-men, Deputs and Collectors of the said annexed or additionall Excyse against the respective Brewers, and Retailers Conform to the Entries That shall be made by them or according to the quantities of Liquor Retailed by them or wherupon they shall be holden as confest in manner and before the Judges abovementioned Except in the caice forsaid under the pain of being not only Lyable for the Charges and Damnages our saids Tacks-men their subtacks-men and Collectors shall sustain and Incurr ther through, But also to such further pains as the Lords of our privy Councill shall think fitt: And Lastly It is heirby declared That all the penal toties quoties above mentioned are not to be understood for every delinquency but allenarly for every Conviction and one single transgression to be therin found. Our Will is Heirfore and we charge yow strictly and Command that Incontinent these our Letters seen, ye pass to the mercat Cross of Edinburgh and to the mercat Crosses of the head Burghs of the severall shires and stewartries within this Kingdom and therin our name and authority by open proclamation make Intimation heirof That none pretend Ignorance, And ordains printed Coppies heirof to be sent to the Sheriffs of the severall Shires and Stewarts of the stewartries within this Kingdom whom and their Clerks Wee ordain to see the samen published and Coppies thereof affixed att the said mercat Crosses, And appoints them to send Doubles therof To all the ministers both in churches and meeting houses within their respective Jurisdcitions, That upon the Lords day immediately preceeding the said second Tuesday of Aprile next The samen may Intimate and Read in Every paroch Church and meeting-house and Coppies of the same affixed upon the most publick doors thereof and ordains these presents to be printed. Given under our signet att Edinburgh the Fourth day of March and of our Reign the Nynth year 1698 sic subscribitur.

Att Edinburgh The Fourth Day of March Jaj vjc nyntie Eight years



Proclamation for the Ready Inbringing the annexed and additionall Excyse

The Proclamation underwrittin Being read, was votted approven and signed whereof the Tenor follows:
William By the grace of God King of great Brittain France and Ireland defender of the faith To […] Macers of our privy Councill messengers att armes, our Sheriffs in that pairt, Conjunctlie and Severallie specialy Constitute Greeting. Forasmuchas By the second act of the sixth session of this our Current Parliament, The Lords of our privy Councill are authorized and Impowred, To prescribe such other methods and orders (Besides what is mentioned in the said act) as they shall Judge necessary for the better uplifting and Inbringing of the additionall Excyse, Imposed upon the respective Liquors specified in the said act, and specialy for causing the same to be raised, and up-lifted upon the Liquor and not upon the Malt: And wee Considering how necessar it is for the Better Inbringing the annexed and Additionall Excyse, and for determining all Differences Betwixt the Brewars and the Tacks-men of the said annexed and additionall Excyse and ther Subtacksmen and Collectors from the first day of March Jaj vic nyntie Eight To the first day of March Jaj vic nyntie nyne, During which space the said annexed and additionall Excyse is now sett in Tack. That all Entries of Liquors of whatsoever sort Brewen and Imported lyable to the said Excyse be duely and tymously made. Doe Therfore with advice of the Lords of our privy Councill, Require and Command the Commissioners of Supply, of the severall shires within this Kingdom, qualified according to Law and Resideing within the Shire, and who by the said act of parliament are appointed Commissioners of the said annexed Excyse, To meet att the Head Burghs of the Respective shires upon the second Twesday of Aprile next to come and att their said meeting to setle and apoint places with in six myles where the Brewars Live Where the publict Excise offices shall be most conveniently Kept for the Brewars to Enter, and give up the quantities of the Liquors Browen by them, lable in payment of the said annexed excise. And Appoints the saids Commissioners Immediatly after designing places for the saids offices, to cause make publict Intimation att all the church Doors within the saids Respective Shires of the particular places designed by them for the severall Excyse offices with Certification to the saids Commissioners or any of them Resideing within the saids respective shires who shall failzie to meet The second Tuesday of Aprile next to Come and to appoint and design the particular places for Excyse offices in manner above Exprest. Their names shall be Returned by their Clerk, To the Lords of our privy Councill, To the Effect they may take such course therewith as they shall see cause. And wee with advice forsaid Require and Command the saids Commissioners To meet the first Tuesday of Every moneth thereafter, during the Continuance of the said additionall Excyse in manner and for the Ends prescribed and sett Down in the forsaid act of Parliament. And wee, with advice forsaid Require and Command the whole Brewars within the Bounds allotted for the saids Respective Excyse offices, To wait upon the saids respective Commissioners thereatt upon the second Tuesday of Aprile above Exprest without any furder Intimation, Charge or Citation to be given to them By the saids Tacks-men subtacks-men or Collectors of the said annexed and additional Excyse, but the publication heirof allenarly, and there To give in and make, and the saids Commissioners to Receave from them full and faithfull Entries, of all Liquors Browen, or Retailed within the saids Bounds, lyable in payment of the said annexed and additional Excise since the First of March Last Inclusive To the second Tuesday of Aprile Jaj vic nyntie Eight, Declaring heirby and Certifieing such Brewars and Retailers who shall not Compear and attend the saids Commissioners, The first Twesday of Every moneth, for making The Entry of the precise quantitie of all Liquors Browen and Retailed by them, Lyable to the said Excyse for the preceeding moneth they shall be holden as Confest, and Decreets givin against them for the quantities of Liquors lyable to the forsaid annexed and additionall Excise which shall be Contained in the Claims and Complaints to be made and given in by the Tacks-men sub-tacksmen and Collectors against them. Providing nevertheless That if the saids Brewers who shall failze and beholden as Confest shall at any tyme within Three moneths thereafter Compear Before any Two of the said Commissioners and Having first made due Intimation to the Tacks-men, made faith as above and Report a Certificate thereon under their hands they shall be Reponed against the said Certification upon punctual payment of what They shall be found due. And wee with advice forsaid appoint and ordain, That no Brewer within Burgh of Regality, Barrony nor regality, vend or sell any part of their Broust untill first They make Entry thereof att the Excyse office within the respective Burghs, and there obtain a Sufference for the Quanitie Browen which the Keeper of the office is to give gratis, and without delay and that in case of nonentry or wroungous Entry, The Brewar within Burgh to be lyable in the soume of Ten pounds scots toties quoties and all Execution Competent shall be made use of by our Tacksmen ther sub-tacks-men or Collectors against the respective Brewers for the same and which Entries may be disapproven Before any magistrat Justice of peace or Commissioners of Excyse by witnesses or oath of pairtie notwithstanding of any Survey made by the Surveyors and waiters and That all Brewers Barrells be for heareafter marked with their own name and the seall of the next office which seall shall be furnished to them gratis, as also That no person presume to Resett any ale or drinking Bear in ther houses In order to the Embazelling of the samen under the pain of Ten pounds toties quoties to be paid to the forsaid Tacks-men, ther sub-tacks-men, or Collectors, And furder That all Tapsters and vintners of Ale and drinking beer shall for hereafter before They Tapp or vend the same, Take first a Licence from the nixt Excise office, and there give Bond and Caution That they shall not Tapp nor sell any for Less prices then these appointed by act of parliament under the penalty of Ten pounds Scots toties quoties. It being always in the power of the Commissioners of Excyse and Supply, To modifie The saids penalties, when incurred, as to all Brewers not living in Burghs of Royalty. Regality and Barrony. And In Regaird the Excyse of Strong Waters aqua vite, Brandy and Forraign Beer and ale, is ordered by the said act of parliament to be payed be the Retailers. Therfore Wee with Advice of the Lords of our privy Councill Require and command all Brewers of Aquavitae and strong Waters to make monthly Entries of the quantities of the saids Liquors Browen by them and give in subscribed Lists to the next Excyse office of the names of the persons To whom they sell their aquavita or strong waters to be again sold by Retaill, as Likewise That the Collectors, Clerks or surveyors att sea-ports give up a True and particular account to the saids Tacks-men Their Subtacks-men or Collectors of the said Excyse of the quantities of Forraign strong waters, Brandy and Forraign Bear and Ale, Imported from tyme to tyme, and who is the merchant Importer: as also that The said merchant Importer, and all other persones, who now pretend To sell the saids Forraign Liquors in haill sale, Conform to the Late act of parliament, That is to say above a Pint Be lyable and oblidged To give and deliver subscribed Lists To the saids tacks-men or subtacks-men Deputs and Collectors of the persons names, to whom they sell the said Brandy strong waters or Forraign Beer and ale for Retaill, and of the quantities sold to them, to the Effect that the said Retaillers may be still lyable for the Excyse therof. And in caice the saids Commissioners or att Least Two of them shall faill yett to meet and attend the saids respective Excyse offices upon the said second Tuesday of Aprile next or upon the first Twesday of any subsequent month during the Continuance of the said Additionall Excyse, The whole devision and Each of them Resideing within the said shire, under the Certification forsaid, and after Instruments taken against them of there failzie to meet and attend as said is. Wee with advice forsaid require and Command the Sheriffs and their Deputs, or such as the saids sherriffs or Deput shall substitute to each particular Dyett, for that Effect allenarly to repair to the saids Respective offices within Twenty four hours after they shall be desired by the Tacks-men, Their subtacks-men, or, Deputes and Collectors of the said annexed or additionall Excyse Certifieing the saids sheriffs ther Deputs or substitutes if they failzie They shall be punished as the Lords of our privy Councill shall Think fitt, And farder wee with advice forsaid, prohibite and discharge any of the Commissioners of Supplie or other Inferiour Judges or officers of the Law within this our Realm To stopp or hinder Either Quartering, poinding, Imprisoning, or any other Lawfull Execution That shall be used be our Tacksmen their sub-tacks-men, Deputs and Collectors of the said annexed or additionall Excyse against the respective Brewers, and Retailers Conform to the Entries That shall be made by them or according to the quantities of Liquor Retailed by them or wherupon they shall be holden as confest in manner and before the Judges abovementioned Except in the caice forsaid under the pain of being not only Lyable for the Charges and Damnages our saids Tacks-men their subtacks-men and Collectors shall sustain and Incurr ther through, But also to such further pains as the Lords of our privy Councill shall think fitt: And Lastly It is heirby declared That all the penal toties quoties above mentioned are not to be understood for every delinquency but allenarly for every Conviction and one single transgression to be therin found. Our Will is Heirfore and we charge yow strictly and Command that Incontinent these our Letters seen, ye pass to the mercat Cross of Edinburgh and to the mercat Crosses of the head Burghs of the severall shires and stewartries within this Kingdom and therin our name and authority by open proclamation make Intimation heirof That none pretend Ignorance, And ordains printed Coppies heirof to be sent to the Sheriffs of the severall Shires and Stewarts of the stewartries within this Kingdom whom and their Clerks Wee ordain to see the samen published and Coppies thereof affixed att the said mercat Crosses, And appoints them to send Doubles therof To all the ministers both in churches and meeting houses within their respective Jurisdcitions, That upon the Lords day immediately preceeding the said second Tuesday of Aprile next The samen may Intimate and Read in Every paroch Church and meeting-house and Coppies of the same affixed upon the most publick doors thereof and ordains these presents to be printed. Given under our signet att Edinburgh the Fourth day of March and of our Reign the Nynth year 1698 sic subscribitur.

1. NRS, PC1/51, 403-7.

1. NRS, PC1/51, 403-7.