Procedure, 14 July 1698, Edinburgh

Decreet, 29 December 1698, Edinburgh

Att Edinburgh The Fourteenth Day of July Jaj vjc nynty and Eight years



The Earle of Erroll Receaved a privy Councelor

John Earle of Erroll a Councellour named by his majesties Last Commission of Councill but not yet Receaved being present this day and not having taken the oaths since the said Last Commission Came down did swear and signe the oath of Alledgance and Signed the Assurance appointed to his majestie be Act of parliament and also signed the Association as hes been done by other Councellors before him. And the Lord Chancellor having administrate The oath de fideli to the Earle His Lordship was receaved a privy Councellor conform to the Commission.

Att Edinburgh The Fourteenth Day of July Jaj vjc nynty and Eight years



The Earle of Erroll Receaved a privy Councelor

John Earle of Erroll a Councellour named by his majesties Last Commission of Councill but not yet Receaved being present this day and not having taken the oaths since the said Last Commission Came down did swear and signe the oath of Alledgance and Signed the Assurance appointed to his majestie be Act of parliament and also signed the Association as hes been done by other Councellors before him. And the Lord Chancellor having administrate The oath de fideli to the Earle His Lordship was receaved a privy Councellor conform to the Commission.

1. NRS, PC1/51, 454.

1. NRS, PC1/51, 454.