Att Edinburgh The Fifteinth day of December Jaj vic Nyntie Eight years
Act George Pringle baillie deput in Kelso etc
Anent the petition given in to the Lords of his Majesties privy Councill be George Pringle baillie depute in Kelso in name and behalf of the inhabitants of the said toune Shewing That upon a petition given in by the petitioner for himself and in name and behalf forsaid, The saids Lords allowed the officers of the Lord Forbes his regiment of Dragoons (anent whose quartering the petition is) to see and answer the same, and appointed the Earle of Buchan and the Lairds of Grant and Kelburne to be a Committie for Considering the petition and answers and hearing both parties and adjusting accompts betwixt them And Which Committie haveing accordingly mett and seen the accompt and instructiones They found that a great many articles are not sufficiently instructed and Remitted the said accompt to be farder instructed either by wryte under the debitors own hands or by the oathes of the Creditors before any two of the Commissioners of Supplie within the Shyre of Roxburgh with one or more of the baillies of Kelso, And Seing ane warrand from the saids Lords was necessar to the saids Commissioners and baillies for authorizeing them to meet to the effect forsaid, And Therfore Humbly Supplicating the saids Lords to the effect aftermentioned The Lords of his Majesties privy Councill Haveing Considered this petition given in to them be the above George Pringle in name and behalf of the inhabitants of the said toune, They doe hereby give full power Warrant and Commission to any two of the Commissioners of supplie within the shyre of Roxburgh with one or more of the baillies of Kelso to see the saids accompts furder instructed in maner above wryten And to returne the same with the report or attestatione theron to the Committie if they be att Edinburgh and if not to the saids Lords of privy Councill.
1. NRS, PC2/27, 163v-164r.
1. NRS, PC2/27, 163v-164r.