Letter: royal, 18 July 1698, Edinburgh

Decreet, 29 December 1698, Edinburgh

Att Edinburgh The Eighteenth Day of July Jaj vjc nyntie Eight years


Letter: royal

Letter from the King to the Councill anent the Earle of Tullibardin

Letter from his Majestie To the privy Councill Requireing them to signifie To the Earle of Tullibardine That he is no more a member Either of his Majesties privy Councill or Exchequer, Read and ordered to be Recorded whereof the Tenor followes:
Sic supra scribitur William Rex
Right trusty and right welbeloved Cousin and Councellor. Right trusty and Entirely beloved Cousin and Councellor, Right Trusty and welbeloved Cousins and Councellours. Right trusty and welbeloved Councellors and trusty and welbeloved Councellors: Wee greet yow well Whereas wee are Informed That the Earle of Tullibardine hes since his last going to Scotland been present att Councill and Exchequer And wee having only nominate him one of your number and of our Exchequer as our principall Secretary of State which office he hes now dimitted: It is Therfore our will and pleasure And wee doe heirby authorize and Require yow to Signifie to him That he is no more a member Either of our privy Councill or Exchequer. For doing whereof this shall be your warrant. So wee bid yow heartily farewell. Givin at our court at Kensington the 9th day of July 1698 And of our Reign the 10th year. By his Majesties Command sic subscribitur Robert Pringle.
Att the Abbay of Halyroodhouse The nynteenth day of July Jaj vjc nynty Eight years2

Att Edinburgh The Eighteenth Day of July Jaj vjc nyntie Eight years


Letter: royal

Letter from the King to the Councill anent the Earle of Tullibardin

Letter from his Majestie To the privy Councill Requireing them to signifie To the Earle of Tullibardine That he is no more a member Either of his Majesties privy Councill or Exchequer, Read and ordered to be Recorded whereof the Tenor followes:
Sic supra scribitur William Rex
Right trusty and right welbeloved Cousin and Councellor. Right trusty and Entirely beloved Cousin and Councellor, Right Trusty and welbeloved Cousins and Councellours. Right trusty and welbeloved Councellors and trusty and welbeloved Councellors: Wee greet yow well Whereas wee are Informed That the Earle of Tullibardine hes since his last going to Scotland been present att Councill and Exchequer And wee having only nominate him one of your number and of our Exchequer as our principall Secretary of State which office he hes now dimitted: It is Therfore our will and pleasure And wee doe heirby authorize and Require yow to Signifie to him That he is no more a member Either of our privy Councill or Exchequer. For doing whereof this shall be your warrant. So wee bid yow heartily farewell. Givin at our court at Kensington the 9th day of July 1698 And of our Reign the 10th year. By his Majesties Command sic subscribitur Robert Pringle.
Att the Abbay of Halyroodhouse The nynteenth day of July Jaj vjc nynty Eight years2

1. NRS, PC1/51, 457.

2. NRS, PC1/51, 458.

1. NRS, PC1/51, 457.

2. NRS, PC1/51, 458.