Att Edinburgh The Sixth day of December Jaj vic Nyntie Eight
Act Margret Traill relict of James Scot of Bristo
Anent the petition given in to the Lords of his Majesties privy Councill be Margret Traill relict of James Scot of Bristo Shewing That wher upon the petitioners application to the saids Lords Representing her destitute Condition being left by her husband with Eleven Childrein at his decease all unprovided and haveing the Joynture appointed the petitioner by her Contract incumbered with burdens not yet purged and that the petitioners sone his fathers appearand heir hade raised a Sumonds of sale of his wholl estate which had occasioned the Sequestratione therof in the hands of a factor, The saids Lords were pleased to appoint the petitioner the allowance of one thousand merks out of her husbands estate as a years aliement for her self and Childerin beginning the first termes payment thereof at Mertimass Jaj vic Nyntie Seven therwith produced would testifie, and Seing that the said proces of sale is still depending, and that the Sequestration Still Continues and her Condition in these hard times was more Straitned and afflicted and that for Certaine in the event and upon the sale all the Creditors might be cleared and as good overplus And Therfore Humbly Craveing the saids Lords would renew their former warrand for her aliement for the year ensueing at the rate and terms therin mentioned, and to order the payment therof as formerly Commenceing from Lambas Last, at which terme her last years aliement run out as the said petitione bears The Lords of his Majesties privy Councill Haveing Considered this petition given in to them by the above Margret Traill, They In Respect that ther are no answers given in to this petition albeit the same were appointed to be seen and answered Do hereby Modifie and Allow the Soume of another Thousand merks to be payed to the petitioner upon her recept as another years aliement, for her seet and her Childrein and that quarterly begining the first quarter payment therof at Mertimas Last bypast for the quarter preceeding, and the other quarters payment to be at the termes of Candlmiss Whitsunday and Lambas nixt to come, And Decernes and Ordaines the tennents and possessors of the Lands of Orchyeard field and Bristo Which belonged to the petitioners deceast husband and Alexander Cuninghame wryter in Edinburgh factor forsaid appointed by the Lords of Councill and Session for uplifting the rents of the saids Lands, To make payment and satisfactione to the said petitioner of the said aliement at the termes forsaids, and ordaines Letters of horning under the signet of privy Councill on fiftein dayes and others needfull to be direct hereon in forme as effeirs.
1. NRS, PC2/27, 157v-158r.
1. NRS, PC2/27, 157v-158r.