Decreet, 20 January 1698, Edinburgh

Decreet, 29 December 1698, Edinburgh

Att Edinburgh the twentie day of Janwary Jaj vic nyntie eight yeirs



Decreit and Remitt The Serheants of Collonell Douglass regiment

Anent the petitione given in to the Lords of his majesties privie Cownsell at the instance of William Pringle David Dumbar George Keith John Cwningham John Dowglas James Lisdale William Ogilvie George Haliday John Brodie Robert Stobo and others the Serjeants in Sir William Dowglas his regiment Shewing That wher the petitioners haveing served in the said regiment honestly and faithfullie wnder Comand of ther officers (and by his Majesties Comand being disbanded) and not cleared by them of ther Subsistance resting to them and receaved by them which extends to Eleven pwnd four Shilling Sterleing as twentie nyn moneths at eight Shilling money foirsaid per moneth As also without getting ther cloathes or cloathing money And the petitioners haveing applyed to The Lords of Thesaurie for the Same Ther Lordships ordained The petitioners officers to cleare with them And accordingly the petitioners went to ther officers and they absolwtely refwsed to doe the Same And Seing ther officers did not cleare with the petitioners ther subsistance Conforme to The Lords of Thesaurie ther ordinance And that the petitioners never receaved ther cloaths or cloathing money albeit the Samen was Stopped off them onethly and (as they are informed) are lying in the Taillyers hands And the petitioners being disbanded as said is are redwced to extream Straite and penwrie not haveing a Sixpense here to attend upon ther Lordships and ther officers without ther Lordships provide remeid And Therfore humbly craveing ther Lordships to take the petitioners sad conditione to ther sereows consideratione and ordaine the petitioners to be clared of ther Subsistance which extends to Eleven pwnd four Shilling Sterleing money to each especiallie Seing ther officers refwse to doe the Samen And ordaine the petitioners aither to gett ther cloaths or cloathing money Seing they have Served for the Samen And consider the petitioners said conditione for want of money who hes not a Sizpense to attend on ther Lordships or ther officers As the said petitione at more lenth beares which petitione being upon the fourth of Janwary instant red in presence of the saids Lords they nominated and appointed a Commitie of ther own number to consider the petitione and to heare the Captains and Serjeants of the said regiment therupon and to cleare accompts betwixt them Which Committie haveing accordingly mett they made ther report in the termes following viz That they complained they were only payed at five Shillings Sterleing per week wheras ther pay by the establishment is Ten Shillings Sterleing and Sixpense per week wherof Serjeants have allwise bein 2 to gett Seven Shillings To which Captaine Dowglas made answer that the Captaines of his fathers regiment have indeed bein in wse of paying the Serjeants but five Shillings Sterleing per week notwithstanding that Collonell Dowglas did pay the Captaines at Seven Shillings and alleadges the rest of the regiments of the army payed ther Serjeants at the same rate And that the Same was well knowen to The Lord Tiviot when in Camp And the Serjeants crave Likewise ther cloathing money for twentie nyn moneths As the said report at more Lenth bears which report being this day red in presence of the saids Lords of his majesties privie Cownsell They heirby Decerne and ordaine the haill Captaines of the said Collonell Dowglas his regiment to make payment to the Severall Serjeants of the said regiment of Two Shillings Sterleing weekly Dureing the tyme that the said regiment was Standing and ay and whill they were disbanded And that by and attour the five Shillings Sterleing alreadie payed to them weekly And recomends to The Lords Commissioners of his majesties Thesaurie to consider and determine that point of the said report anent the cloathing money therin mentioned As ther Lordships Shall find Jwst Efter pronunceing of this interloquitor the Serjeants Gave in ane other bill repeating the interloqwitor And Shewing That it is most necessarie for compleating ther probatione Dureing the Spaces of ther services that ther oathes be taken therupon to Shwn any furder trouble And therfore humbly craveing that ther Lordships would appoint ther oathes to be taken in maner forsaid As the said bill proports which bill being upon the fiftein of Janwary Jaj vic nyntie eight yeirs red in presence of the saids Lords They by ther deliverance that day ordained the Serjeants oaths to be taken upon the tymes of the respective Services Therefter the saids Lords be ther interloquitor of the first of Febrwary Jaj vic nyntie eight declaired any one of the Comitie appointed for examining of the saids Serjeants to be Sufficient for takeing ther oathes and depositiones with power to them to advise the same And to the clerks to extract decreit Conforme to this reference the said Comitie haveing accordingly mett and they or Some one or other of them in the termes of the above interlocutor of the first of February Jaj vic nyntie eight Haveing taken the oathes and depositiones of Severall of the Serjeants in the said Collonell Dowglas his regiment and haveing well and ripely advysed the Same Conforme to the power Committed be the Councell to them They the said Comitie fand that the severall Captines efternamed of the Companyes of the said regiment Are debitors to the Severall Serheants also efternamed in ther saids companyes for the number of weeks following at two at two3 Shilling Sterleing per week in the Soumes efter insert Viz That Captaine Skeen of Haiyeards is debitor to William Pringle Serjeant in his company Fourtie weeks at two Shillings Sterleing per week Extends to Fowr pwnd Sixtein Shilling Sterline And finds that Collonell Douglas is debitor to the said Serjeant Pringle while he was a Serjeant in his company the number of Thriescore eight weeks at two Shillings Sterleing per week which is Six pwnd Sixtein Shilling Sterleing and finds that the said Captaine Skeen of Hanyeards is debitor to John Cwningham Serjeant in his company of the foirsaid regiment in the number of Ane hundereth and Sixtie eight weeks at two Shillings Sterleing per week which is Sixtein pund Sixtein Shilling Sterleing and finds that Captaine Charles Douglas is debitor to Robert Stobo Serjeant in his company of the said regiment in the number of Ane Hundereth and Sixtein weeks at two Shillings Sterleing per week extends to Eleven pwnds twelve Shilling Sterleing And finds that the said Captaine Charles Dowglas is debitor to William Ogilvie ane other Serjeant in his said company of the Like number of Ane Hundereth and Sixtein weeks at two Shillings Sterleing per week which extends to the Lyke Soume of Eleven pwnd twelve Shilling Sterleing And finds that Collonell Sir William Douglas Collonell of the foirsaid regiment is debitor to George Keith Serjeant in his company in the number of Ane Hundereth weeks at two Shillings Sterleing per week extends to Ten pwnds Sterleing And finds That Lord Archbald Hamiltone is debitor to David Dumbar Serjeant to the said Lord Archbald his companie in the foirsaid regiment in Ane Hundereth and Fourtie Seven weeks at two Shillings Sterleing per week Extends to fourtein pwnds fourtein Shilling Sterleing And finds That Leivetenent Collonell Hill is debitor to the said David in twentie nyn weeks while he was serjeant in his company in the said regiment at two Shillings Sterleing per week Extends to two punds eightein Shillings Sterleing And finds that the said Lord Archibald Hamiltone is debitor to John Dowglas Serjeant in his said company in Fourtie eight weeks at two Shilling Sterleing per week extends to Four punds Sixtein Shilling Sterleing And finds that the said Captaine Charles Douglas is debitor to George Haliday and other Serjeant in his said company in threttie thrie weekes at two Shillings Sterleing per week Extends to thrie pwnds Six Shilling Sterleing And finds that Captaine Robert Baillie is debitor to the said George Haliday while he was Serjeant in his company in the foirsaid regiment in Thriescore Seventine weeks at two Shillings Sterleing per week Extends to Seven punds Fourtein Shilling Sterleing And finds that the said Collonell Sir William Dowglas Collonell of the said regiment is debitor to the said George Haliday while he was serjeant in the Collonells own company in Fourtein weeks at two Shillings Sterlein per week Extends to one pund eight Shilling Sterlein And finds that Captaine Robert Baillie is debitor to George Cathre Serjeant in the said Captaine his compay of the said Collonell Dowglass regiment in fiftie five weeks at two Shillings Sterlein per week Extends to five punds ten Shilling Sterlein And finds that Captaine D Speirs is debitor to Robert Stewart Serjeant in his company of the foirsaid regiment in Ane Hundereth fourtie four weeks at two Shillings Sterline per week Extends to Fourtein punds eight Shillings Sterline And finds that Captaine Robert Hay is debitor to John Watt Serjeant in his company of the foirsaid regiment in Ane Hundereth and Sixtie four weeks at two Shillings Sterleine per week Extends to Seventyne punds twelve Shilling Sterlein And finds that the said Collonell Sir William Douglas Collonell of the foirsaid regiment is debitor to George Lawder Serjeant to the Collonell his own Company in fiftie two weeks at two Shillings Sterlein per week Extends to five punds four Shilling sterlin And finds that Captaine John Campbell is debitor to James Esdale Serjeant in his company in the foirsaid regiment in fourscore Sixteine weeks at two Shillings Sterlein per week Extends to nyn punds twelve Shillings Sterleine And finds that Captaine John Dempster is debitor to John Brodie Serjeant in his company in the foirsaid regiment in Ane Hundereth and Sixtein weeks at two Shillings Sterlein per week extends to Eleven pund twelve Shillings Sterlin And finds that Captain Cahrles Maitland is debitor to John Peebles Serjeant in his company in the foirsaid regiment in Thriescore twelve weeks at two Shillings Sterleine per week extends to Seven punds four Shilline Sterleine And finds that Captaine Samwell Livingstoune is debitor to the said John Peebles while he was Serjeant in his company in the foirsaid regiment in twentie four weeks at two Shillings Sterlein per week Extends to Fourtie eight Shillings Sterleine And finds that the said Captain Robert Hay is debitor to William Findlasone Serjeant in his company in the foirsaid regiment in Ane Hundereth and twentie weeks at two Shillings Sterlein per week Extends to twelve pund Sterlein And the Said Committie Conforme to the warrand given to them be the saids Lords of his majesties privie Counsell of the Date the first day of February Jaj vic nyntie eight Decernes and ordaines The Collonell Leivetennent Collonell and Captaines abovenamed of the said regiment to make payment to the Serjeants above mentioned of the Soumes contained in the respective depositiones as resting to them for the weeks also contained in the foirsaids depositiones And ordaines Letters of horneing on fiftein dayes and wthers executorialls neidfull wnder the Signet of Councell in forme as effeirs to be direct heirupon

Att Edinburgh the twentie day of Janwary Jaj vic nyntie eight yeirs



Decreit and Remitt The Serheants of Collonell Douglass regiment

Anent the petitione given in to the Lords of his majesties privie Cownsell at the instance of William Pringle David Dumbar George Keith John Cwningham John Dowglas James Lisdale William Ogilvie George Haliday John Brodie Robert Stobo and others the Serjeants in Sir William Dowglas his regiment Shewing That wher the petitioners haveing served in the said regiment honestly and faithfullie wnder Comand of ther officers (and by his Majesties Comand being disbanded) and not cleared by them of ther Subsistance resting to them and receaved by them which extends to Eleven pwnd four Shilling Sterleing as twentie nyn moneths at eight Shilling money foirsaid per moneth As also without getting ther cloathes or cloathing money And the petitioners haveing applyed to The Lords of Thesaurie for the Same Ther Lordships ordained The petitioners officers to cleare with them And accordingly the petitioners went to ther officers and they absolwtely refwsed to doe the Same And Seing ther officers did not cleare with the petitioners ther subsistance Conforme to The Lords of Thesaurie ther ordinance And that the petitioners never receaved ther cloaths or cloathing money albeit the Samen was Stopped off them onethly and (as they are informed) are lying in the Taillyers hands And the petitioners being disbanded as said is are redwced to extream Straite and penwrie not haveing a Sixpense here to attend upon ther Lordships and ther officers without ther Lordships provide remeid And Therfore humbly craveing ther Lordships to take the petitioners sad conditione to ther sereows consideratione and ordaine the petitioners to be clared of ther Subsistance which extends to Eleven pwnd four Shilling Sterleing money to each especiallie Seing ther officers refwse to doe the Samen And ordaine the petitioners aither to gett ther cloaths or cloathing money Seing they have Served for the Samen And consider the petitioners said conditione for want of money who hes not a Sizpense to attend on ther Lordships or ther officers As the said petitione at more lenth beares which petitione being upon the fourth of Janwary instant red in presence of the saids Lords they nominated and appointed a Commitie of ther own number to consider the petitione and to heare the Captains and Serjeants of the said regiment therupon and to cleare accompts betwixt them Which Committie haveing accordingly mett they made ther report in the termes following viz That they complained they were only payed at five Shillings Sterleing per week wheras ther pay by the establishment is Ten Shillings Sterleing and Sixpense per week wherof Serjeants have allwise bein 2 to gett Seven Shillings To which Captaine Dowglas made answer that the Captaines of his fathers regiment have indeed bein in wse of paying the Serjeants but five Shillings Sterleing per week notwithstanding that Collonell Dowglas did pay the Captaines at Seven Shillings and alleadges the rest of the regiments of the army payed ther Serjeants at the same rate And that the Same was well knowen to The Lord Tiviot when in Camp And the Serjeants crave Likewise ther cloathing money for twentie nyn moneths As the said report at more Lenth bears which report being this day red in presence of the saids Lords of his majesties privie Cownsell They heirby Decerne and ordaine the haill Captaines of the said Collonell Dowglas his regiment to make payment to the Severall Serjeants of the said regiment of Two Shillings Sterleing weekly Dureing the tyme that the said regiment was Standing and ay and whill they were disbanded And that by and attour the five Shillings Sterleing alreadie payed to them weekly And recomends to The Lords Commissioners of his majesties Thesaurie to consider and determine that point of the said report anent the cloathing money therin mentioned As ther Lordships Shall find Jwst Efter pronunceing of this interloquitor the Serjeants Gave in ane other bill repeating the interloqwitor And Shewing That it is most necessarie for compleating ther probatione Dureing the Spaces of ther services that ther oathes be taken therupon to Shwn any furder trouble And therfore humbly craveing that ther Lordships would appoint ther oathes to be taken in maner forsaid As the said bill proports which bill being upon the fiftein of Janwary Jaj vic nyntie eight yeirs red in presence of the saids Lords They by ther deliverance that day ordained the Serjeants oaths to be taken upon the tymes of the respective Services Therefter the saids Lords be ther interloquitor of the first of Febrwary Jaj vic nyntie eight declaired any one of the Comitie appointed for examining of the saids Serjeants to be Sufficient for takeing ther oathes and depositiones with power to them to advise the same And to the clerks to extract decreit Conforme to this reference the said Comitie haveing accordingly mett and they or Some one or other of them in the termes of the above interlocutor of the first of February Jaj vic nyntie eight Haveing taken the oathes and depositiones of Severall of the Serjeants in the said Collonell Dowglas his regiment and haveing well and ripely advysed the Same Conforme to the power Committed be the Councell to them They the said Comitie fand that the severall Captines efternamed of the Companyes of the said regiment Are debitors to the Severall Serheants also efternamed in ther saids companyes for the number of weeks following at two at two3 Shilling Sterleing per week in the Soumes efter insert Viz That Captaine Skeen of Haiyeards is debitor to William Pringle Serjeant in his company Fourtie weeks at two Shillings Sterleing per week Extends to Fowr pwnd Sixtein Shilling Sterline And finds that Collonell Douglas is debitor to the said Serjeant Pringle while he was a Serjeant in his company the number of Thriescore eight weeks at two Shillings Sterleing per week which is Six pwnd Sixtein Shilling Sterleing and finds that the said Captaine Skeen of Hanyeards is debitor to John Cwningham Serjeant in his company of the foirsaid regiment in the number of Ane hundereth and Sixtie eight weeks at two Shillings Sterleing per week which is Sixtein pund Sixtein Shilling Sterleing and finds that Captaine Charles Douglas is debitor to Robert Stobo Serjeant in his company of the said regiment in the number of Ane Hundereth and Sixtein weeks at two Shillings Sterleing per week extends to Eleven pwnds twelve Shilling Sterleing And finds that the said Captaine Charles Dowglas is debitor to William Ogilvie ane other Serjeant in his said company of the Like number of Ane Hundereth and Sixtein weeks at two Shillings Sterleing per week which extends to the Lyke Soume of Eleven pwnd twelve Shilling Sterleing And finds that Collonell Sir William Douglas Collonell of the foirsaid regiment is debitor to George Keith Serjeant in his company in the number of Ane Hundereth weeks at two Shillings Sterleing per week extends to Ten pwnds Sterleing And finds That Lord Archbald Hamiltone is debitor to David Dumbar Serjeant to the said Lord Archbald his companie in the foirsaid regiment in Ane Hundereth and Fourtie Seven weeks at two Shillings Sterleing per week Extends to fourtein pwnds fourtein Shilling Sterleing And finds That Leivetenent Collonell Hill is debitor to the said David in twentie nyn weeks while he was serjeant in his company in the said regiment at two Shillings Sterleing per week Extends to two punds eightein Shillings Sterleing And finds that the said Lord Archibald Hamiltone is debitor to John Dowglas Serjeant in his said company in Fourtie eight weeks at two Shilling Sterleing per week extends to Four punds Sixtein Shilling Sterleing And finds that the said Captaine Charles Douglas is debitor to George Haliday and other Serjeant in his said company in threttie thrie weekes at two Shillings Sterleing per week Extends to thrie pwnds Six Shilling Sterleing And finds that Captaine Robert Baillie is debitor to the said George Haliday while he was Serjeant in his company in the foirsaid regiment in Thriescore Seventine weeks at two Shillings Sterleing per week Extends to Seven punds Fourtein Shilling Sterleing And finds that the said Collonell Sir William Dowglas Collonell of the said regiment is debitor to the said George Haliday while he was serjeant in the Collonells own company in Fourtein weeks at two Shillings Sterlein per week Extends to one pund eight Shilling Sterlein And finds that Captaine Robert Baillie is debitor to George Cathre Serjeant in the said Captaine his compay of the said Collonell Dowglass regiment in fiftie five weeks at two Shillings Sterlein per week Extends to five punds ten Shilling Sterlein And finds that Captaine D Speirs is debitor to Robert Stewart Serjeant in his company of the foirsaid regiment in Ane Hundereth fourtie four weeks at two Shillings Sterline per week Extends to Fourtein punds eight Shillings Sterline And finds that Captaine Robert Hay is debitor to John Watt Serjeant in his company of the foirsaid regiment in Ane Hundereth and Sixtie four weeks at two Shillings Sterleine per week Extends to Seventyne punds twelve Shilling Sterlein And finds that the said Collonell Sir William Douglas Collonell of the foirsaid regiment is debitor to George Lawder Serjeant to the Collonell his own Company in fiftie two weeks at two Shillings Sterlein per week Extends to five punds four Shilling sterlin And finds that Captaine John Campbell is debitor to James Esdale Serjeant in his company in the foirsaid regiment in fourscore Sixteine weeks at two Shillings Sterlein per week Extends to nyn punds twelve Shillings Sterleine And finds that Captaine John Dempster is debitor to John Brodie Serjeant in his company in the foirsaid regiment in Ane Hundereth and Sixtein weeks at two Shillings Sterlein per week extends to Eleven pund twelve Shillings Sterlin And finds that Captain Cahrles Maitland is debitor to John Peebles Serjeant in his company in the foirsaid regiment in Thriescore twelve weeks at two Shillings Sterleine per week extends to Seven punds four Shilline Sterleine And finds that Captaine Samwell Livingstoune is debitor to the said John Peebles while he was Serjeant in his company in the foirsaid regiment in twentie four weeks at two Shillings Sterlein per week Extends to Fourtie eight Shillings Sterleine And finds that the said Captain Robert Hay is debitor to William Findlasone Serjeant in his company in the foirsaid regiment in Ane Hundereth and twentie weeks at two Shillings Sterlein per week Extends to twelve pund Sterlein And the Said Committie Conforme to the warrand given to them be the saids Lords of his majesties privie Counsell of the Date the first day of February Jaj vic nyntie eight Decernes and ordaines The Collonell Leivetennent Collonell and Captaines abovenamed of the said regiment to make payment to the Serjeants above mentioned of the Soumes contained in the respective depositiones as resting to them for the weeks also contained in the foirsaids depositiones And ordaines Letters of horneing on fiftein dayes and wthers executorialls neidfull wnder the Signet of Councell in forme as effeirs to be direct heirupon

1. NRS, PC2/27, 73v-76v.

2. The words ‘in use’ scored out here.

3. Sic.

1. NRS, PC2/27, 73v-76v.

2. The words ‘in use’ scored out here.

3. Sic.