Att Edinburgh The Twelth day of July Jaj vic Nyntie Eight years
Warrand to the Shiriff of Renfrew anent Witches
Anent the Representation made by the Noblmen and Gentlmen of the shyre of Reinfrew therto Subscryveing Shewing That wher ther is a young woman named Margret Laird about twentie years of Age within the paroch of Killmalcolme, and Earle of Glencairnes Land, who hath been Since the Fiftein of May last under ane extraordinary and most lamentable trouble, Falling into Strange and horrible fitts, Judged by all who have seen her to be preternaturall ariseing from the Divill and his instruments, In which fitts she sees and distinctly converses with diverse persones whom she constantly affirmes to be her tormenters and that both while the fitts Continue and in the intervalls wherin She is perfectly free of all trouble and Composed. These whom she thus names are such who have been formerly delated by confussing witches. In some of these fitts ther is such obstruction upon her externall senses that she neither hears sees, nor feells by stonders tho in the mean time she Sees and converses with any of her alleadged tormentors when wee Cause any of them come before her, and at the Sight or Touch of any of them, yea even upon her essaying to name them when not present She’s throwen into the fitts, and therin gives such ane account of their Circumstances (tho Otherwayes unknowen to her) as is very Convinceing To Severall materiall passaged of which many of Us have been eye witnesses, The more particular and full account wherof wee have herewith transmitted, if the saids Lords pleased to Satisfie themselves furder theranent, This made such Impression not only upon us Bot on the wholl Countrey that ther is witchcraft and fascination in the case that wee find our selves oblidged to make a humble representation of the same unto the saids Lords out of pity to the poor distressed Damsell That their Lordships might have information therof, That if possible, some remeedy may be provyded herein to, which wee the rather wish in regaird that the people in this part of the Countrey now in Commotion upon Such Stranger Occurrences, are so incensed against these persones who are Suspected of guilt, (Because they have not only been formerly delated by confessants, bot many of them presumed to have perpetrated severall malefices) that wee fear something may fall out in their hands that wee are perswaded the government would willingly prevent This wee thought our duty to represent to the saids Lords, as the said representation subscrybed by diverse noblemen and gentlemen of the said Shyre at more length proports Which Representation being upon the Seventh day of July instant read in presence of the saids Lords of privy Councill They Nominated and appointed a Committie of their own number to Consider the same and to make their report theranent to the Councill And the saids Lords of privy Councill haveing this day Considered the insubscrybed report given in to them by his Majesties advocat as from the forsaid Committie, They hereby Recommend and gives order and warrant to the Earle of Eglingtoune Shireff principall of the Shyre of Renfrew and his deputs to seize upon and secure the persones whom the said Margaret Laird names in her fitts to be her tormenters, And to Committ and detaine them prisoners, That it may appear whither after their being seized and Committed The said Margaret Shall Complain of their Tormenting her or not, And appoints the Shireff to make his report hereof to the Lords of his Majesties privy Councill with all expedition, That their Lordships may have furder order for tryall of the matter as they shall see Course, and appoints the tryall to be at the instance of his Majesties advocat before the Lords of Justiciary at Edinburgh.
1. NRS, PC2/27, 137r-138r.
1. NRS, PC2/27, 137r-138r.