Att Edinburgh the twentie day of Janwary Jaj vic nyntie eight yeirs
Judicial Proceeding
Anent process William Paull Against Towne of Elgine
Petitione William Paull and answers made therto for the towne of Elgine red And The Councell refuised to give any answer therto But verbally recomended to The Laird of Grant one of ther own number present at Cowncell to prevaill with the magistrats of Elgine that they deliver up to the said William Paull his bwrges ticket or of new enter him burges of the said burgh of Elgine And to deall with them to Deliver up to him the bond granted to the toune of Elgine containing Five hundereth merks of penaltie Lying in Sir James Calder of Mwrtownes hand And The Laird of Grant did accept heirof at The Cowncells desyre And declaired that at desyre of the said towne he had alreadie assented for them And now presently assents that the Clerks of Cownsell Deliver up to William Paull his charter which is in ther hands And Lying in the process Betwixt the towne of Elgine and the said William And The Cownsell discharges any warrand to be extended heirupon or any record to be made heirof in the Counsells books
1. NRS, PC2/27, 73v-76v.
1. NRS, PC2/27, 73v-76v.