Att Edinburgh The Eight day of November Jaj vjc nynty and Eight years
Warrand For disbanding of Forces
The Lords of his Majesties privy Councill In obedience to his Majesties royall Letter direct to them of the date the Twenty First day of october Jaj vic nynty Eight years. Doe heirby Require and Command the Collonells or in their Absence the next Commanding officers of his majesties Two Regiments of Dragoons, To disband Fyve men and one drummer of each Troop of the saids Two Regiments of Dragoons such of the Troops of the saids Two Regiments as lyes on this syde of the Town of Aberdeen Betwixt and the Fifteenth day of November Instant And such of them as lyes be north the said Town Betiwxt and the First day of December next to Come. And Requires and Commands the Collonell of his majesties Regiment of foot Guards and in his Absence the next Commanding officer of the said Regiment, To disband Two men of each Company of his majesties said Regiment of foot guards. And That betwixt and the said fifteenth day of november Instant. And Requires and Commands Major Generall Collzier, Brigadier Maitland and Collonell Row, and in their Absence the next commanding officers of their respective Regiments To disband one Company of each of their three Regiments of foot And To disband Fyve men ane Corporall and ane Dummer of Each of the remaining Companies of the saids Three Regiments such of the saids Regiments and Companies as Ly on this side of the Town of of2 Aberdeen Betwixt and the Fifteenth day of november Instant And each of them as Ly on the north side of the said Town, betwixt and the First day of december next to Come. And sicklike The saids Lords Requires and Commands Collonell George Hamilton And in his Absence the next Commanding officer of the said Regiment how soon ever they arrive from abroad To disband Two Companies of his said Regiment and ane Corporall and one Drummer out of each of the Remaining Companys of his said Regiment. And To Reduce each Company of that Regiment To the number of Thirty Five Centinells And Requires and Commands the Collonells and other officers of the forces to be disbanded as said is. To Take Care that the armes of these who shall be disbanded be transported to and Laid up in his Majesties nearest Magazines to be secured and furthcoming for his Majesties use, as they will be answerable, And The saids Lords Conform to his Majesties said Letter as to the method to be observed in disbanding of the officers. Appoints That the youngest officers of each Regiment both Captains and Subalterns be pitched upon And if any of these officers have by their services merited a particular Consideration. ordaines ane account thereof to be transmitted to his Majesty by the Commander in cheif of their respective Colonells.
1. NRS, PC1/51, 484-5.
2. Sic.
1. NRS, PC1/51, 484-5.
2. Sic.