Att Edinburgh The Eleventh Day of May Jaj vjc nyntie Eight years
Proclamation against Importing of Irish Catle or resetting thereof
The Proclamation underwrittin being read was voted approven and signed, and ordered to be Recorded whereof the Tenor follows.
William By the Grace of God King of great Brittain France and Ireland defender of the faith: To; […] macers of our privy Councill messengers att armes, our sheriffs in that part Conjunctlie and Severallie specialy Constitute Greeting: Forasmuch as by the fourteinth act of the Parliament holden in the year Jaj vic Eightie six, It is Expresly Enacted and ordained that no horse, mare, or Catell whatsomever, shall be Imported from Ireland to this Kingdom under the pain and penalty of forefalture of the horse mares or cattell that shall be Imported. And further of paying the soume of One Hundred merks Scots for Each beast That shall be so Imported The one half of both the Beast and fines To belong To the Seizer and discoverers and the other half to his Majesty As Likewise That no person within this Kingdom resett or Buy any horse, Mares, or Nolt, That they know to be Imported out of Ireland under the pain of Ane hundered merks Scots for each Beast, besides the forfaulture of the Beasts themselves The one half to belong to the discoverer (he alwise pursueing and Instructing the Importation within six moneths after) and the other half to his Majesty: And wee being Resolved That due and Exact obedience should be given to the forsaid act of parliament for the tyme to Come, and that the same shall be Execute with all rigor against such as Transgress The same Therfore wee with advice of the Lords of our privy Councill In pursuance of, and conform to the forsaid act of parliament Strictly prohibite and discharge The Importing of any horse Mares, Cows or other Cattell from Ireland into this Kingdom Either by the Natives thereof or Inhabitants in Ireland or any other Forraigners whatsomever and all persons to buy or Resett any horses mares, or Nolt, That they Know to be Imported out of Ireland after the day and date heirof under the pains abovementioned Respective contained in the forsaid Act of Parliament for Importing buying or resetting any horse, Mares or nolt, Imported from Ireland contrary thereunto. Likeas wee with advice forsaid for the more Effectuall Execution of the premisses, Require and Command all Collectors Surveyors waiters or others Imployed In uplifting and Collecting our Customs and forraign Excyse att the severall sea ports of this Kingdom, and all officiars of the Law whatsomever, To sease upon all Horse, Mares, and Catle whatsomever Imported from Ireland after the date heirof, or bought or Resett by whatsomever person or persones within this Kingdom who Knew the same, to have been Imported and to detain and Confiscate the same conform to the forsaid act of parliament And to pursue and Exact from the severall persons who shall Import buy or Resett any horse, mares or any other Catle imported from Ireland contrair to the forsaid act of parliament The soumes and penalties respectively aforementioned Incurred by them Through the forsaid Transgression, The one half thereof to be applied for his Majesties use, and the other half to be detained by themselves in manner specified in the said act. Our Will is Heirfore And wee charge yow Straitly and command That Incontinent these our Letters seen ye pass to the mercat Cross of Edinburgh and to the mercat Crosses of the severall head burghs and sea-port-towns within this Kingdom and make publick Intimation thereat of our pleasure in the premises That none may pretend Ignorance, And ordains these presents To be printed And our Sollicitor to transmitt Coppies thereof to the Sheriffs of the severall shyres and stewarts of the stewartries their Deputs or Clerks and to the magistrats of the severall sea-port-Towns to be by them published accordingly. Givin under our Signett att Edinburgh The Eleventh day of May Jaj vic nyntie and Eight years, and of our Reign, the Ten year. Sic Subscribitur.
1. NRS, PC1/51, 426-8.
1. NRS, PC1/51, 426-8.