Proclamation, 11 May 1698, Edinburgh

Decreet, 29 December 1698, Edinburgh

Att Edinburgh The Eleventh Day of May Jaj vjc nyntie Eight years



Proclamation appointing skippers to give up Lists of their Passengers

The Proclamation underwrittin being Read was votted approven and signed whereof the Tenor follows
William By the grace of God King of great Brittan France and Ireland defender of the faith To […] macers of our privy Councill pursevants messengers att armes, our sheriffs in that pairt Conjunctlie and Severallie specialy Constitute Greeting: Whereas Wee are Informed That severall disaffected persones who did goe into, or remain in the Kingdom of France during The Late warr contrary to the Late act of parliament made thereanent, are Resolving to Return privatly into this our Kingdom. Therfore and for preventing any Inconveniency That may arise thereupon, Wee have Thought fitt with advice of the Lords of our privy Councill To Command and appoint all masters of ships who shall bring home any passengers from any forraign Countrey after the date heirof. That they doe detain them And Take security of them for the Effect afterspecified untill they be presented unto and brought before one of the members of our said privy Councill or before the Sheriff Stewart, Lord of Regality, or Bailie of the Bounds within the which The said ship shall happen to arrive, or their Deputes, or before the Magistrats of the Burghs or Ports att which the saids ships may arrive as said is, That the saids passengers may be by them Examined and if the saids Sheriffs and other officers of the Law and their Deputes or the forsaid Magistrats shall find the saids passengers or any of them to be disaffected To us and our Government or to have gone to, or remained In France Contrary to Law during the said Late warr, or to have been Banished Intercommuned or forfaulted, or that they cannot give a good account of themselves, That then and in that caice The saids sheriffs and other officers of the Law and Magistrats forsaids make and Keep the saids passengers prisoners untill they acquaint The saids Lords of our privy Councill and Receave from them such orders as the shall think fitt to give in this matter: Certifieing all masters of ships and also all the saids sheriffs, stewarts, Lords of Regality, Baillies and their Deputes and magistrats of the Burghs and ports forsaids who shall not observe, or who shall Contraveen the premises, That they shall be proceeded against before the Lords of our privy Councill and by them punished with all Rigour. Our Will is Heirfore And wee charge yow Strictly and command That Incontinent These our Letters seen ye pass to the mercat Cross of Edinburgh and to the mercat Crosses of the Remanent head Burghs of the severall Shires and Stewartries within this Kingdom and There in our name and authority by open proclamation make Intimation heirof that none pretend Ignorance. And ordains these presents To be printed. Givin under our Signet att Edinburgh The Eleventh day of May and of our Reign the Tenth year 1698. Sic subscribitur.

Att Edinburgh The Eleventh Day of May Jaj vjc nyntie Eight years



Proclamation appointing skippers to give up Lists of their Passengers

The Proclamation underwrittin being Read was votted approven and signed whereof the Tenor follows
William By the grace of God King of great Brittan France and Ireland defender of the faith To […] macers of our privy Councill pursevants messengers att armes, our sheriffs in that pairt Conjunctlie and Severallie specialy Constitute Greeting: Whereas Wee are Informed That severall disaffected persones who did goe into, or remain in the Kingdom of France during The Late warr contrary to the Late act of parliament made thereanent, are Resolving to Return privatly into this our Kingdom. Therfore and for preventing any Inconveniency That may arise thereupon, Wee have Thought fitt with advice of the Lords of our privy Councill To Command and appoint all masters of ships who shall bring home any passengers from any forraign Countrey after the date heirof. That they doe detain them And Take security of them for the Effect afterspecified untill they be presented unto and brought before one of the members of our said privy Councill or before the Sheriff Stewart, Lord of Regality, or Bailie of the Bounds within the which The said ship shall happen to arrive, or their Deputes, or before the Magistrats of the Burghs or Ports att which the saids ships may arrive as said is, That the saids passengers may be by them Examined and if the saids Sheriffs and other officers of the Law and their Deputes or the forsaid Magistrats shall find the saids passengers or any of them to be disaffected To us and our Government or to have gone to, or remained In France Contrary to Law during the said Late warr, or to have been Banished Intercommuned or forfaulted, or that they cannot give a good account of themselves, That then and in that caice The saids sheriffs and other officers of the Law and Magistrats forsaids make and Keep the saids passengers prisoners untill they acquaint The saids Lords of our privy Councill and Receave from them such orders as the shall think fitt to give in this matter: Certifieing all masters of ships and also all the saids sheriffs, stewarts, Lords of Regality, Baillies and their Deputes and magistrats of the Burghs and ports forsaids who shall not observe, or who shall Contraveen the premises, That they shall be proceeded against before the Lords of our privy Councill and by them punished with all Rigour. Our Will is Heirfore And wee charge yow Strictly and command That Incontinent These our Letters seen ye pass to the mercat Cross of Edinburgh and to the mercat Crosses of the Remanent head Burghs of the severall Shires and Stewartries within this Kingdom and There in our name and authority by open proclamation make Intimation heirof that none pretend Ignorance. And ordains these presents To be printed. Givin under our Signet att Edinburgh The Eleventh day of May and of our Reign the Tenth year 1698. Sic subscribitur.

1. NRS, PC1/51, 425-6.

1. NRS, PC1/51, 425-6.