Att Edinburgh the twentie fifth day of Janwary Jaj vic nyntie eight yeirs
Warrand for takeing Collonell Dowglasses Serjents oathes
Petitione the Serjeants of Collonell Douglasses regiment read And the Cownsell haveing considered the Same with the accompt mentioned therin and prodwced therwith The Cownsell doe heirby remit to the Comitie alreadie appointed anent The Lord Forbesses Dragownes to take the The Serjeants ther oathes upon the tymes of ther respective services as in the accompt And ordaines the act upon the Serjeants bill of the twentie of Janwary instant to be extracted conforme to the Serjeants oathes and accompt given in with this petitione
1. NRS, PC2/27, 79r-79v.
1. NRS, PC2/27, 79r-79v.