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Historical Introduction
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Decreet, 29 December 1698, Edinburgh
4 January 1698
Act: Act anent Seaforths Cautioners
Act: Act Declaring the penalty Contained in the Earle of Seaforth and his Cautioners their bond forfaulted
Act: Act for Certificatione against the Earle of Seaforth and his uncle
Act: Act Anent the armes in Dunnotar Castle
6 January 1698
Act: Act In Favours of Aplecorse
Act: Act Anent apparel
11 January 1698
Act: Act Anent Dame Margaret Scrimzeour
Act: Act For Reduceing Each Company of the number of 12 Companies to 40 Centinels
13 January 1698
Procedure: Patent of Honour The Viscount of Duplin
Order: Recommendatione To the Lord Chancellor anent the Frasers
18 January 1698
Commission by the Council: Commission To Colonell Dalziell anent the Frazers
Act: Act For Interring the Countess of Carnwath
Act: Act allowing Mr George Brown To Return to Edinburgh
20 January 1698
Procedure: [No public business]
25 January 1698
Letter: royal: Letter from the King Disbanding The Lord Lorn and Colonell Buchans Regiments
Warrant: Warrant To the Lord Carmichael for Disbanding The Lord Lorn and Colonell Buchans Regiments
Proclamation: Proclamation Anent Prophaneness
27 January 1698
Act: Act Anent The Scots-Linen Manufactory
Act: Act Anent Seizeing the Disbanded Souldiers in the Lord Lorns Regiment how they Ran away with their arms
1 February 1698
Warrant: Warrant for Reduceing Colonell Maitlands Regiment To 46 Centinells In Each Company
Decreet: Decreet absolvitor Sir Robert Dickson of Sornbegg against His Majesties Advocat
Warrant: Warrant for raising a Lyble against Kinmundie
Warrant: Warrant for a safe Conduct To the Earle of Seaforth
3 February 1698
Act: Act Anent the Shott Manufactory
8 February 1698
Acts: Act Anent Frazer of Streichen
Warrant: Warrant for raising a Lyble against the sheriff Deput of Angus anent Frazers
10 February 1698
Letter: royal: Letter from the King for Disbanding the Lord Carmichaells Regiment
Warrant: Warrant for disbanding The Lord Carmichaels Regiment
Act: Act Anent the Earle of Seaforth
Act: Liberation Lord Fraser
15 February 1698
Letter: royal: Letter from the King to the Councill for disbanding Colonell Hill's Regiment
Warrant: Warrand for Disbanding Colonell Hill's Regiment
Warrant: Warrant for Seizing upon Mr William Wilson
Warrant: Warrant for Recalling the Certification granted against the Earle of Seaforth
Act: Act The Earle of Seaforths Cautioners recalling the Interloquitor whereby the penalty in their Bond is forfaulted and allowing the Bond to be given up
Procedure: committee formed: Committee Anent French Trade
Act: Act Banishing Marjory Hill to America
Act: Act Banishing Robert Alexander To America
Warrant: Warrant for processing Serjeant Tarbat etc Before the Justice Court and Meinzes and McDonald Indemnified
Warrant: Warrant to Continue Brown prisoner and the Laird of Cessnock To send in [...] Lees
Warrant: Warrand to the Earle of Lauderdale To furnish probation against Three women
17 February 1698
Decreet: Interloquitor against the Earle of Seaforth
22 February 1698
Act: Liberation Fraser of Eregie and others
Act: Act Renewing McKintoshes Commission for raising fire and sword against Colonell McDonald and others
Commission by the Council: Commission The Laird of McIntosh against McDonalds and others
Act: Coppie Letters of Concurrance and Intercomuning The Laird of McIntosh against McDonalds
24 February 1698
Procedure: Letter from Keppach To the viscount of Tarbat
Act: Act Anent the Duke of Gordon
Warrant: Warrant To Colonell Hill to deliver to Brigadier Maitland all Instructions relating to the Governour of Fort William
Procedure: registration: Commission Brigadier Maitland to be Governor of Fort William
Act: Act In favours of James Steven Seaman
Act: Indemnity To Alexander for robbery and Theft
1 March 1698
Commission by the Council: Commission for Judging of Elspeth McCourn and Mary Millar alledged Guilty of Witch-Craft
Act: Act Taking of the Earle of Seaforths Confynment
Act: Act Discharging all Circuit Courts this year
Act: Act Anent the Lord high Chancellor his going to Court to wait upon his Majesty
3 March 1698
Letter: royal: Letter from his majestie for adjourning the Parliament
Proclamation: Proclamation for adjourning the Parliament
Act: Act Anent Trade
Procedure: committee report: Committee thereon
Procedure: subcommittee appointed: Sub Committee
Warrant: Warrand for apprehending Mr John Grubb
Warrant: Warrant To the officer of Colonell Rows Regiment to Remove from Inverness To Montrose and Dundee
Warrant: Warrand to prosecute the Commission given to Lievtenant Colonel Dalziell anent The Frazers
Warrant: Warrand To Brigadier Maitland to Execute the orders against the Frasers and Keppoch
Warrant: Warrant to Disband Two Troops of the Lord Jedburghs Regiment
Proclamation: Proclamation anent the Poor
Warrant: Warrand to Collonel Erskine to sett at Liberty Two of the Souldiers that ran away with their armes att Queensferry
Act: Act Anent Dunnater Castle
3 March 1698 (pm)
Act: Act Anent the Laird of Strichen
Warrant: Warrand for a safe Conduct To The Earle of Seafort
4 March 1698
Proclamation: Proclamation for the Ready Inbringing the annexed and additionall Excyse
Proclamation: Proclamation anent seminary preists Jesuits and traficking papists
22 March 1698
Letter: royal: Letter from the King for disbanding Two Troops of the Lord Jedburghs Regiment
5 April 1698
Decreet: Decreet His majesties advocat against Gall and Hall ministers
Letter: royal: Letter from the King adding the Lord Yester to the privy Councill
Act: Act Anent Brigadier Maitland
7 April 1698
Procedure: [Annandale elected preses]
Act: Act Recommending The Committies of the Kirk going north To Magistrats and other publict officers
Act: Act In favours of John Adair
Commission by the Council: Commission For Judging and trying of Robert Johnstoun all cadged guilty of Murdering his own Wife not Extracted
26 April 1698
Procedure: [Annandale elected preses]
Act: Act adding the Earle of Ruglen and Lord Yester To the Committee anent Irish cattell
Act: Reprive In favours of Malcolme Moire
Act: Act Prohibiteing The Exporting of Meall
10 May 1698
Letter: royal: Letter from the King for apprehending of passengers
Proclamation: Proclamation For a National Fast
Act: Act of the Synod of Lothian and Tweddale anent the observation of a Fast with the causes therof
Warrant: Warrand To Brigadier Maitland To Import from Ireland meall and malt for the use of his Garrison
Warrant: Warrant To The Lord Advocat to prosecute a process against the persons who opened the meeting-house att St Ninians
Proclamation: Proclamation prohibiting the Export of victuall
Act: Act Changing Cameron his sentence of death To Banishment
Decreet: Decreet his majesties Advocate against Mr James Adamson
Order: Recommendation To the Lord Advocate To acquaint the vicount Teviot, anent some men putt into Castle Downey
Warrant: Warrand To Brigadier Maitland to allow men To the Laird of McIntosh for maintaining his possession against Keppoch
11 May 1698
Proclamation: Proclamation appointing skippers to give up Lists of their Passengers
Proclamation: Proclamation against Importing of Irish Catle or resetting thereof
Commission by the Council: Commission To Thomas Richardson For seasing Irish Catle
Order: Recommendation To The Lord Advocate anent a False Coyner To make Execution
Act: Act In favours of Mungo Campbell of Burnbank
7 June 1698
Letter: royal: Letter from the King admitting Lord President of Session a privy Councellour
Letter: royal: Letter from the King for adjourning the Parliament
Proclamation: [Proclamation for adjourning the Parliament]
Warrant: Warrand for Liberating McDonald and Meinzies
Decreet: Decreet His Majesties Advocate against Mr Patrick Auchterlony
Warrant: Warrand changing the sentence of Death pronunced against Jannet Alstoune, to Banishment
Act: Act Liberating Thomas Holoway
9 June 1698
Act: Act Changing the sentence of Death pronounced against Malcolm Moir To Banishment
14 June 1698
Warrant: Warrand for signing a pass to the Earle of Nithsdale
Act: Act in favours of Mr James Adamsone
16 June 1698
Act: Act To the Water Bailie of Leith anent Captain Man
Procedure: Approbation of the Warrant for Signing The Earle of Nithsdales Pass
21 June 1698
Letter: royal: Letter from the King for adjourning The parliament
Proclamation: Proclamation for adjourning of the Parliament
Procedure: Commission To George Gordon to be ane Macer
21 June 1698 (pm)
Warrant: Warrand for Registrating the Lord Drummonds Band
Warrant: Warrant For Liberating Three Coat-mure Women
23 June 1698
Warrant: Warrant To the Lord Advocate to raise ane additional process of treason against Captain Frazer
Warrant: Warrant for Quartering some forces att Inverness and Stratherick
28 June 1698
Procedure: [Annandale elected preses]
Commission by the Council: Commission To Collonell Row anent the Frazers of Bewfort and their accomplices
Warrant: Warrant For Liberating of Alexander Manual
Act: Protection To the Earle of Seaforth
5 July 1698
Judicial Proceeding: Certification Deans against Rablers att Blair
Warrant: Warrand For Imprisoning The Earle of Seaforth
Judicial Proceeding: Certification His Majesties Advocat against Mr Aeneas McIntosh
7 July 1698
Proclamation: Proclamation against Resetting of the Frasers of Beawfort and their accomplices
Order: Recommendation To The Lord Advocate to draw a proclamation against forstalers of victual
Order: Recommendation to the provost of Edinburgh anent opening of meat cellars and Girnels
12 July 1698
Procedure: Patent Sir James Ogilvie to be Viscount of Seafeild
Letter: royal: Letter from his Majestie adding The Earl of Englinton To the Privy Council
Act: Act Adjourning Session
Act: Act anent the Popish meeting att Aberdeen
Warrant: Warrand for Letters of Relaxation In favours of the Frasers of Beufort and their accomplices
14 July 1698
Procedure: The Earle of Erroll Receaved a privy Councelor
Proclamation: Proclamation against The Regrating of victuall and allowing the Importation thereof free of publict Burden
Procedure: Delay anent Wool
18 July 1698
Letter: royal: Letter from the King to the Councill anent the Earle of Tullibardin
19 July 1698
Procedure: Commission To Patrick Earle of Marchmont To be his Majesties High Commissioner
Act: Act In favours of The viscount of Teviot
26 July 1698
Letter: royal: Letter from the King Adding the Earle of Findlater to the Privy Councill
Act: Act Anent Elspeth McEwen a witch
Order: Recommendation In favours of Livtenant Vandracht
2 August 1698
Procedure: committee formed: Committee and warrand for Burning popish trinkets at Aberdeen
Act: Act Liberating George Gray merchant in Aberdeen
Decreet: Decreet His Majesties Advocat against Mr George Hay
Act: Act Liberating Henry Baird merchant in Edinburgh
29 August 1698
Warrant: Warrant For calling For Doctor Cornelius Cone att the house of Channery
Warrant: Warrand Anent the Earle of Tullibardine and his Brethren and the Laird of Balnagoon
6 September 1698
Warrant: Warrand For giving up the Earles of Marischal and Aboynes Bonds
Warrant: Warrant For Confiening Mary Morison within the Town of Edinburgh
8 September 1698
Act: Act Anent Ancrum Bridge
Procedure: The Lord Strathnaver admitted to Councill
Procedure: Patent of Honour In favours of James Earle of Arran To be Duke of Hamilton
10 September 1698
Warrant: Warrand For Imprisoning Dr Cornelius Cone
20 September 1698
Proclamation: Proclamation For The more Easy and Effectuall Inbringing of the Polemoney
Warrant: Warrant To the Keeper of Edinburgh Tolbooth To furnish prisoners meat and Drink
Warrant: Warrant To the Earle of Argyle and Mr James Graham To Veiu Mr Conn
Act: Act Prorogating the Tollerance For Important Forraign Victuall
4 October 1698
Order: Recomendation To the Thesaury anent Collonel George Hamiltons Regiments subsistence
Act: Indemnity For Ferrill and Neilson Two Theives
Order: Recommendation To the Lord Advocat To write to The sheriff deput of Renfrew anent Witches subsistence
Warrant: Warrant To deliver up the Earl of Seaforths Bond
6 October 1698
Procedure: George Home Lord Provost of Edinburgh Receaved a privy Councellor
Warrant: Warrant For quartering Colonell George Hamiltons Regiment at Stirling and Linlithgow
8 October 1698
Act: Act Additionall To The Proclamation For the more Easy and Effectuall Inbringing of the Polemoney
Warrant: Warrant For Imprisoning Fergusly
8 November 1698
Commission to the Council: His Majesties Commission to the Lords of his privy Councill
Letter: royal: Letter from his Majestie Anent Colonell Hamiltones Regiment and other Forces
Warrant: Warrand For disbanding of Forces
Warrant: Warrant For placeing the Earle of Selkirk before the Earle of Northesk in the Rolls of Councill
9 November 1698
Proclamation: Proclamation Dischargeing Export and allowing Import of Victuall
10 November 1698
Procedure: Earl of Melvill and Earl of Annandale Receaved privy Councellors
Order: Recommendation To the Lord Advocat To prepare a proclamation
15 November 1698
Procedure: Duke of Queensberrie Earles of Argyle and Crafurd and Sir Robert Sinclar receaved privy Councellors
Proclamation: Act and Intimation anent the current Parliament
15 November 1698 (pm)
Procedure: The Lord Ross and Laird of Grant Receaved privy Councellors
Proclamation: Proclamation Against Regraters and forestallers of victuall
17 November 1698
Procedure: The Earle of Northesk, Lords Montgomry and Carmichael receaved privy Councellors
22 November 1698
Procedure: The within Councellors Receaved conform to his Majesties Commission
Judicial Proceeding: Decreit His Majesties Advocate Against Mr William Wilson
24 November 1698
Procedure: Blackbarrony Receaved a privy Councellor
Act: Act Liberating John Cowie
29 November 1698
Procedure: [No public business]
1 December 1698
Act: : Act In favours of Mr George Brown
Warrant: : Warrant For Transporting Samuel Hannay from Cumnock to Edinburgh Tolbooth
6 December 1698
Procedure: : The Earles of Mar and Leven Receaved privy Councellors
Act: : Act nominating Robert Millar merchant in Edinburgh Clerk to the mint
Act: : Act of Banishment Talzeour and More
13 December 1698
Procedure: : Earle of Buchan Receaved a privy councellor
Order: : Recommendation To the Earl of Argyle To cause Releive the Garrison at Ruthven of Badenoch and To cause the souldiers in Castle Downy desert that Garrison
Warrant: : Warrant To deliver up Charles Farquharsones Bond
15 December 1698
Procedure: : Mr Francis Montgomry Receaved a privy councellor
Commission by the Council: : Commission To Alexander Maxwell for seizeing Irish Catle
Proclamation: : Proclamation Anent the Collectors of Polemoney and other points relating thereto
Letter: : Letter Lord high Chancellor of Scotland To The Lords cheif Justices of Ireland
Act: : Act Liberating Alexander Gibb a papist
20 December 1698
Letter: royal: : Letter from the King for Adjourning the Parliament
Proclamation: : Proclamation For Adjourning the Parliament
Letter: royal: : Letter from the King Discharging any persons of publict Trust to withdraw furth of this Kingdom
Act: : Act Dischargeing privy Counsellors and others in publick Trust to go out of this Kingdom
Commission by the Council: : Commission For Additional Commissioners of supply To the shire of Angus
22 December 1698
Act: : Act Liberating Mr William Wilson
27 December 1698
Proclamation: : Proclamation Discharging the Transporting of persons to the plantations of Foraigners in America
Act: : Act of Banishment Alexander Snail and Marry Bailie
29 December 1698
Commission by the Council: : Commission For Trying and Judging Elizabeth Bruce alleadged Guilty of murdering of her own child
4 January 1698
Act: Act James Broune
Act: Act Dempster and Tullochs witnesses
Judicial Proceeding: Certificatione Dempster and Baine Against Earle of Seaforth etc
6 January 1698
Procedure: Bill of Suspensione Donaldone against Count Lessly
Procedure: Approbatione of the report of Captain Dowglas
11 January 1698
Act: Act Count Lessly
Act: Act witnesses Kinfauns and Beathayock
18 January 1698
Act: Act James Browne
20 January 1698
Warrant: Warrand for Collonell Douglass Captanies to discharge Captaine Douglas
Act: Act and remit Lord Forbess Serjeants and mwtineers in Major Burnets troops
Decreet: Decreit and Remitt The Serheants of Collonell Douglass regiment
Judicial Proceeding: Anent process William Paull Against Towne of Elgine
25 January 1698
Judicial Proceeding: Remit Sinclaire and Stewart Against Towne of Dumbarr
Warrant: Warrand for takeing Collonell Dowglasses Serjents oathes
Order: Anent Major Burnet and dragownes of his troupe and the Captains and other officers of Lord Forbess Dragownes And anent Lord Forbes and his regiment and officers therof
Decreet: Certification Lias Against Brux
1 February 1698
Decreet: Decreit The Dragons and Serjent of Major Burnets troupe Against The Said Major
3 February 1698
Decreet: Interloquitor In the process Kinfauns Against Phinhaven to prodwce his doughter
8 February 1698
Act: Act Kinfauns for citeing more witnesses
15 February 1698
Act: Act John Adair Captain Slezer and Heugh Browne
22 February 1698
Act: Act Lord Elcho and pairtners for a manwfactorie of Glass
Judicial Proceeding: Kinfawns mariage with Phinevens doughter
24 February 1698
Act: Act for aliment Grant Lady Haggs
1 March 1698
Decreet: Decreit Suspending The Letters Simpliciter Donaldsone Against Count Lessly
Decreet: Interloquitor and Comissione James Stewart Against John Stewart and the magistrats of Montrose
Order: Recomendatione to The Magistrats of Barbadoes anent Stewarts
Order: Recomendatione Lord Fobess to the Thesaurie
3 March 1698
Act: Act Tulloch and Dempster Against Earle of Seaforth
Act: Act The Lairds of Phinhaven and Bethaiock
Act: Act The Lady Monkwood
Act: Act Christean and Jacobina Foirbesses
3 March 1698 (pm)
Act: Act In favors of the brewers of Edinburgh
5 April 1698
Warrant: Warrand to give up Phinhavens bond
7 April 1698
Act: Act Hamiltoune against William Mccaw
10 May 1698
Act: Act Jennet Stewart
Order: Recomendatione to The Proveist of Edinburgh to sie proclamatione against Copper and brass coyne pwtt to executione in Edinburgh
7 June 1698
Act: Act Pollmeis Bannockburne etc
9 June 1698
Decreet: Decreit Mortoune and Kirk Thesaurer Against Hary Baird
14 June 1698
Act: Act Mr Colline Niccolsone
Act: Act James Stewart
Judicial Proceeding: Lybell Andrew Mortoune against Baird called and recomended to Lord Advocat to persew
16 June 1698
Act: Act for Relaxatione The Earle of Braidalbine Against doctor Skein
Act: Executione Sisted upon bills of Suspensione etc
Act: Act Stopping decreit and protestatione Lias against Irvine
21 June 1698 (pm)
Judicial Proceeding: Remitt Lady Rentoune Against Sir Patrick Home
Act: Act Earle of Southerland
23 June 1698
Procedure: Recomendatione To Lord Advocat Anent poor Gardines
Act: Act Moriesone and Gordoune
Act: Act Mr William Innes
28 June 1698
Act: Act Adam Craick
Act: Act Captain John Slezer
5 July 1698
Warrant: Warrand for receaving Dalsinntons tennents Cautioners each for another
Warrant: Warrand for Signing Captain Slezers Interloquitor
Act: Act Sir Patrick Maxuell
7 July 1698
Decreet: Decret The tennents of Keir Against McLeod
Judicial Proceeding: Bill of Suspension refuised and remitted Robert Campbell Against Hugh Mitchell
Judicial Proceeding: Bill of Suspension The Earle of Seaforth Against Pitliver and Tulloch
Procedure: Protest Viscount of Tarbat Against McLeod
12 July 1698
Warrant: Warrand to the Shiriff of Renfrew anent Witches
26 July 1698
Procedure: Furder dilligence Pittliver and Tulloch against Witnesses
8 September 1698
Act: Act Anent a Woollen Manufactory at Aberdeen
Act: Act John Howname Merchant
Act: Act Sir Robert Hamiltone
4 October 1698
Order: Recomendatione For 12 Shilling Scots per diem to Mr Con
Act: Act Allowing Mrs Anderson to take a Rex dollar per peic for the acts of parliament
9 November 1698
Act: Act In favors of the magistrats of Aberdeen
15 November 1698 (pm)
Act: Act Ker of Lintoun
Act: Act for citeing Mr David Forbes
Act: Act James Turner and Cautioners
17 November 1698
Procedure: Mr David Forbes Reprimanded and excused
24 November 1698
Act: Act Hepburne etc Against Mr William Russell
29 November 1698
Procedure: Recomendatione to my Lord Advocat to enquyre anent a Challeng by a fenceing Master to another
Procedure: Recommendation To Earl of Argyle to give a forelofe to Captain Durie
Act: Act Mrs Duncan ane alleadged Witch
6 December 1698
Act: Act Margret Traill relict of James Scot of Bristo
Act: Act Mr George Hay for a Stipend
13 December 1698
Order: Recommendation anent Mr George Brown
15 December 1698
Decreet: Decreet Earl of Roxburgh against Mr Mark Kerr
Act: Act George Pringle baillie deput in Kelso etc
Act: Act Mr George Johnston for the Stipend of Bruntisland
22 December 1698
Act: Act The Laird of Hopetoune
Warrant: Warrant to the Earl of Mars Chamberlaine to buy victuall
Warrant: Warrant to the Duke of Queensberys Chamberlaine to buy victuall
Warrant: Warrant To the Earle of Annandale to buy victuall
27 December 1698
Warrant: Warrant for buying meall to the workmen at Clackmanan
29 December 1698
Decreet: Decreet absolvitor The Magistrats of Aberdeen Against Leith of Overhall