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Editorial Introduction
Historical Introduction
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Petition, 15 July 1701, Edinburgh
1 January 1701
Proclamation: Proclamation For apprehending Walter Herries
6 January 1701
Act: Act Gilbert Stewart in Edinburgh anent Gold dust
Proclamation: Proclamation against Importing of Irish victuall
9 January 1701
Warrant: Warrant for Interring the Lord Mordingtoun in the Abbay Church
4 February 1701
Letter: royal: Letter from the King dischargeing all persons in public Trust to leave the Kingdom
Letter: royal: Letter from the King to the Councill for Examineing persons in prison and under Confynement, and to Liberat them if they Judge propper
Letter: royal: Letter from the King To the Commissioner Requireing him to Repair to London
Warrant: Warrant For Taking off the late Archbishop of Glasgows Confynement
Act: Act Liberating Henry Paine
Warrant: Warrant for Giveing up The Lord Frasers Bond
Act: Act Taking off Hugh Patersons Confynement
Commission: Commission for Judging James Rinny and his Son
6 February 1701
Act: Act William Graham
Warrant: Warrant for delivering up Sir John Murray of Drumcairns Bond
Warrant: Warrant for Delivering up the late Arch Bishop of Glasgows Bond
11 February 1701
Act: Act In favours of Leivtennent Coll John Ereskine
12 February 1701
Procedure: Recommendation anent the highland Commission
Procedure: The Lord Commissioner acquainted the Councill he was going for London to wait upon his Majesty
Procedure: The Lord Seafield acquainted the Councill he was going to wait on his majesty
18 February 1701
Procedure: Recommendation To the Lord Advocat anent prisoners for Thift
Warrant: Warrant Dischargeing Irish men, to Import any Victuall
Warrant: Warrant, for taking off the Chaynes of the Netherbow port and for Shutting up the Same
23 February 1701
Procedure: [Note of Business]
24 February 1701
Letter: royal: Letter from The King to the Councill anent the Earl of Melforts letter to the Earl of Perth
Letter: royal: Letter from the King to the Councill anent Some Regiments to go for Holland
Procedure: committee formed: Committy anent Compleating the Regiments going to Holland
Procedure: committee formed: Committee for Considering the King's letter anent the Letter from the Earle of Melfort to the Earl of Perth
Warrant: Warrant for Printing the Earle of Melforts letter
Letter: Letter from The Earle of Melfort to his Brother the Earle of Perth
25 February 1701
Letter: royal: Letter from the King to the Councill for Recruiting some Regiments
Procedure: committee formed: Committee anent the above Letter
Warrant: Warrant Appointing the Lord Chancellor's Signing a warrand to Brigadier Maitland
Act: Act Anent Printers
Procedure: Allidgiance and assurance and association signed by Campbell of Succoth
27 February 1701
Decreet: Interloquitor anent Leslys
Warrant: Warrant for Apprehending Fairfoull of Kilduncan
Order: Recommendation To Major Generall Ramsay anent Recruits coming from Fort William
4 March 1701
Warrant: Warrant Liberating Captain Urqwhart
Order: Recommendation To the Lords of Justiciary to appoint a day for Executing Anderson and Weir
6 March 1701
Procedure: Recommendation To the Lord Advocat to Enquire anent the murder of one Livingstone
Procedure: Recommendation To the Lord Advocat to Enquire anent the murder of one Livingstone
Procedure: Recommendation To the Lord Advocat To Sequestrat Wallace the Earl of Seaforth and his Sister
6 March 1701(pm)
Warrant: Warrand dispensing with the Lords of Justiciary this going in Circuits for this year 1701
11 March 1701
Procedure: The Lord Advocat, allowed to speak with Brody or Culloden anent the Earle of Seaforth and his Sister
13 March 1701
Procedure: [Note of Business]
13 March 1701(pm)
SederuntRemitt To the Lords of Justiciary to Execute Anderson and Weir
Procedure: committee formed: Committy for publict affairs for the vacance
Warrant: Warrant To the Town Guard of Edinburgh to Shoot Sharps in caize of any tumult or assault
Warrant: Warrant for dispatching of 9 prisoners to officers for His Majestys Service
Warrant: Warrant for Carrying [...] Ridpath to Holland
14 March 1701
Procedure: Commission To John Alexander of Blackhouse anent Importing Irish victuall
Act: Act In favors of Mrs Andersone
Procedure: Commission To Captain McCulloch for Staving Irish Victuall
18 March 1701
Letter: royal: Letter from the King to the Councill for Embarking 3 Regiments for Holland
Warrant: Warrant for delivering Some woolen Stuffs Seazed by the Tacksman of the Customs to the Duke of Queensberry etc
Procedure: committee formed: Committy anent pressed men
20 March 1701
Order: Order for Setting the acts of the last sessions of Parliament at half a Crown
Warrant: Warrand for Imprisoning Mr Roderick McKenzie
Procedure: Recommendation To The Earle of Leven to make Thomson and Auchmuty Close prisoners in the Castle of Edinburgh
Warrant: Warrand for Apprehending Wood and Finlason
Order: Order To Sir Gilb. Elliot anent the Talliduce
21 March 1701
Procedure: Report Sir Gilbert Eliot anent the Talliduce
Warrant: Warrant for burning a print or Talliduce concerning Caledonia
Warrant: Warrant for pursueing Thomson and Auchmouty and McKenzie Criminally
Warrant: Warrant for Liberating Mathew Finlasone
Procedure: Recommendation To The Earl of Leven to Examine Thomson and Auchmouty
Procedure: Committee anent The Talliduce anent Caledonia and Mrs Jean Wallace
25 March 1701
Warrant: Warrant anent James Clerk Engraver to the mint
Warrant: Warrant Anent Thomson and Auchmuty
Procedure: Committee anent John Weir prisoner in Edinburgh tolbooth
Warrant: Warrant for Open prison to Mr Roderick McKenzie
Act: Act Rot Wood Engraver
Decreet: Interloquitor anent Ensign Gibsons petition
27 March 1701
Act: Reprive John Weir
2 April 1701
Letter: royal: Letter from the King anent the Talledoux
Warrant: Warrant to The Clerks of Councill to deliver in the Talledoux and Coppy therof to the Clerks of Justiciary
Act: Act Mrs Thomson and Auchmouty
Act: Act Mr Roderick McKenzie
Warrant: Warrant to The Clerks of Councill to Intimat the Kings Letter to Major General Ramsay for shipping 3 Regiments to Holland
Act: Reprive John Weir
15 April 1701
Warrant: Warrant for Horning at Ferguslys Instance against The Sub Collectors of the polemoney
17 April 1701
Procedure: Report Anent Blackhouse
Act: Act In favors of George Robertson
Act: Act The owners and Fraughters of the Sun: Galley
Act: Act In favours of John Lauson
Act: Act The Earle of Rothes
Procedure: committee formed: Committee for hearing Complaints anent the pole 1693 and 1695
Act: Act Ensign James Gibsone
Act: Act Anna Lindsay for the vaccand Stipend of Kemnay
Warrant: Warrant to Captain McKenzie to Command Island Donald
Warrant: Warrant To officers for beating of drums to make use of their Recruits
Act: Act John Clerk and Alexander Gordon merchants in Greenock
25 April 1701
Warrant: Warrant for Interring the Corps of Lady Elizabeth Kennedy in the Abbay Church
Warrant: Warrant for Changing Peter and Donald Browns Sentence into Banishment
3 May 1701
Letter: royal: Letter from the King To the Councill for adjourning the Parliament
Proclamation: [Proclamation for adjourning Parliament]
Commission: Commission Mr William Carmichaell To be one of His Majestys Solicitors
Commission: Commission Mr David Dalrymple To be the other Solicitor
Act: Act Mr John Forrest
Act: Act Ensign Gibsone
Warrant: Warrant for printing the act of parliament anent wrongous Imprisonment Siperatly
5 June 1701
Procedure: [Lauderdale elected Preses]
Letter: royal: [Disbanding recruits]
Warrant: Warrant for disbanding 160 of the recruits
Letter: royal: Letter from the King anent his Signing the Highland Commission of Justiciary
Procedure: Committie anent the Highland Commission of Justiciary
10 June 1701
Act: Act Repriveing John Weir to the 19 Juny
Act: Act in favors of the earl of Haddington To be master of the game within the Shyre of Haddingtoune
12 June 1701
Procedure: The Viscount of Teviot received a privy Councillor
Warrant: Warrant for Liberating of Mongo Campbell and others
Procedure: Recommendation to the Committie appointed anent the mint
19 June 1701
Act: Reprive to John Weir to the 18 July nixt
26 June 1701
Procedure: Committie anent Anthony Oneill a suspect preist
Warrant: Warrant for citeing the Bailly depute of the Regality Court of Glasgow and others
Act: Act and Recomendation In favors of Patton of Panholls
1 July 1701
Procedure: Patent of Honour Creating the Earle of Argyle, Duke
Procedure: Patent of honor Creating The Earle of Lothian ane Marques
Warrant: Warrant to the postmaster generall to delyver two Brussills Letters seized by him
Letter: royal: Letter from the King to the Councill anent the new Establishment and reduction of the forces
Procedure: Remitt to the Chancelor to Speak with the Comander in Cheiff anent the reduction of the forces
Letter: royal: Remitt to the Chancelor to Speak with the Comander in Cheiff anent the reduction of the forces
Procedure: Remitt to the Lord Chancelor to speak with Captains Campbell and Grant
3 July 1701
Procedure: Patent of Honor Creating the Earle of Annandale etc Marquess
Act: Act In favors of the Facultie of Advocats for a house for a Bibliothick
Warrant: Warrant For Secureing of John McCarter
Act: Act In favors of the Magistrats of St Andrewes anent Mr Wm Gordon advocat
10 July 1701
Procedure: The Earle of Selkirk received a privy Councillor
Order: Recommendation To the Thesaurie In favors of Hall of Munkrig
Act: Act and Warrand for Discharging the Exporting of Lambs skines or Morts
15 July 1701
Act: Reprive John Weir
Act: Act accquitting The Lord Blantyre
Procedure: Committie anent the Confession of Theives in the Shyre of Linlithgow
17 July 1701
Act: Act The Earle of Home
Act: Act for ane aliement to John Weir
22 July 1701
Letter: royal: Letter from the King for transporting two Battallions of foot Commanded by the Earl of Orkney to Holland
Warrant: Warrand to the Earle of Orkneyes officers to Beatt Drums for makeing up their recruits
Order: The macers ordained to advertise the Committie anent the Highland Commission to meett
Procedure: Recommendation to the Committie anent Monkrig
Procedure: Recomendation to the Committie anent the Highland Commission to take Captain Campbell and Grants Oathes
24 July 1701
Procedure: Patent of honor nominating the Viscount of Seafeild to be Earle
Act: Act In favors of the Earle of Orkney's officers
Warrant: Warrant for delyvering of Drumond and Cameron to officers goeing to Holland
Decreet: Decreet of Deprivation John Blair Kirk agent Against Mr Duncan Comrie
29 July 1701
Letter: The Viscount of Rosebery admitted a privy Councillor
Letter: Letter from the King for receiveing Adam Drummond of Meggins a privy Councillor
Warrant: Warrant For Liberating Androw How
Warrant: Warrant for filling up the toun of Forfarr in the Highland Commission
Warrant: [Names removed]
Act: Act Ogilvie of Forglen
31 July 1701
Letter: royal: Letter from the King for admitting the Earl of Southerland a privy Councillor
Act: Act and Recommendation To the thesaurie In favors of the Toun of Bamff
Act: Act In favors of Sir William Denholme of Westsheills
Act: Act The affrican Company
Warrant: Warrant to the Clerks to Cause print the Docket of the Highland Commission
Act: Protectione In favors of Coll McDonell of Keppoch
2 August 1701
Letter: royal: Letter from the King, for adjourning the parliament to the 6th of November 1701
Proclamation: Proclamation For Adjourning the parliament to the Sixth November nixt
Proclamation: Proclamation For Adjourning the parliament to the Sixth November nixt
Procedure: The Earle of Southerland received a privy Councillor
Procedure: Committie for Considering the instructions anent the Captains for the Highlands
Warrant: Warrant to the Lord Rae to Seize some persones
2 August 1701(pm)
Procedure: Report anent the Highland Companies and approbation therof
Warrant: Warrant for carrieing Gibriall Johnston abroad to be a Souldier
Warrant: Warrant for delyvering William Armstrong to Captain Lindsay to be caried abroad
Warrant: Warrant for Liberating and giveing William Barley to Captain Kerr
Procedure: Committie anent publict affairs dureing this ensueing vaccance
Procedure: Proclamation anent The inland Excise
23 September 1701
Warrant: Warrant for burning a proclamation Declaring the prince of Wales to have right to the Crown of Scotland
Warrant: Warant approveing of the magistrats of Edinburgh their Imprisoning Donaldson Gazeteer and Reid printer
Procedure: Committie to Consider the Standart of the fynnes of Gold to be Coyned
Act: Act for ane aliement to Allaster More
Procedure: Recommendation to the Lord Advocat to wryt to the Commissioners of Justiciary anent a probation against Allaster More
Order: [Recommendation anent prisoner's aliments]
Procedure: Committie anent publict prisoners house dues
23 September 1701(pm)
Proclamation: [Proclamation anent a traitorous paper]
Decreet: Decreit John Blair agent for the Kirk Against Mr James Crocket Mr Hary Murray and Mr Robert Gordon
25 September 1701
Order: Recomendation to the thesaurer In favors of the two Independent Companies
Procedure: Recommendation to the advocat to wryt to Magistrats of Ruglen to transport Kathrin Smith to the Tolbooth of Edinburgh
Proclamation: Proclamation explaining some parts of the Commission for the Justiciary of the Highlands
Procedure: Patent of Honour The Lord Carmicheall to be Earle of Hyndford
Procedure: Remitt to the Lord Chancelor to pass or refuse Robert Semples bill of Suspension against Ferguslie
Warrant: Warrand for transporting John Weir to Flanders to be a Souldier
Warrant: Warrand to the Lord Advocat to pursue Robertoun
26 September 1701
Proclamation: Proclamation anent the Staple-port
29 September 1701
Procedure: Remitt to the Magistrats of Edinburgh anent Donaldson Gazetteer and Reid printer
Act: Act In Favors of Samvell McClelland
Procedure: Additionall Committie anent the Mint
Letter: royal: Adress by the Councill To The King
Procedure: The Secretaries acquaint the Councill that they were goeing to London
4 November 1701
Letter: royal: Letter from the King to the Councill for Adjurning the parliament to the 8 January nixt
Proclamation: Proclamation for adjourning the parliament to the 8th January 1702
Warrant: Warrant for putting out Illuminationes
Warrant: Warrant for transporting Allaster More to Aberdeen
Commission: Commission In favors of John Hoge to be a Macer of privy Councill etc
6 November 1701
Act: Act Allowing Advocats to plead for Allaster More
Warrant: Warrant for a Solemn fast within the Synod of Lothian and Tweedale
11 November 1701
Act: Act Approveing the Representation given in by the Generall of the Mint and Lord Advocat anent the Gold coined
Procedure: Recommendation to the Advocat to Sist befor the Councill thrie Dragoons for Drinking the prince of Wales health at Scoon
13 November 1701
Act: Act Banishing Mungo Antony O Neil a preist
Procedure: committee formed: Committie anent the Dearth of Coalls
18 November 1701
Procedure: Recommendatione to her Majesties Advocat to Sist the person of John Moncreiff nottar in Pearth befor them
Proclamation: Proclamation anent the passing of old Fourteins and 40 penie peices
24 November 1701
Letter: royal: Adress The Councill To The King
Letter: royal: Letter from his Majestie In answer to the Councill Adress
25 November 1701
Procedure: Severall persones added to the Commission of Justiciary for the Northern district
Procedure: The Councill approves of the Committies report anent the Shirif deput of Pearth
2 December 1701
Warrant: : Warrant dismissing John Richardson shirriff Clerk depute of Pearth
Warrant: : Warrant Suspending John Moncreiff from his office
8 December 1701
Warrant: : Warrant for Interring the Corps of Lady Jean Keith in the Abbay Church
9 December 1701
Act: : Act Dischargeing the putting of any sentence against Alaster More to Executione till the whole steps of the proces be Reported to the Councell
Warrant: : Warrant to the Lord Whythill to be a Commissioner of Supply within the Shyre of Mid-Lothian
11 December 1701
Procedure: : [Haddington's oath]
Warrant: : Warrant for delyvering up Captain Charles Dundas bond
23 December 1701
Warrant: : Warrant for delyvering up Sir Robert Murrays bond
Warrant: : Warrant for delyvering up My Lord Philiphaugh his bond
30 December 1701
Warrant: : Warrant for the Commissioners of Supply within the shyre of Lanrick to be Justices of peace
1 January 1701
Act: Act The Earle of Argyll
Warrant: Warrand For helping the Interloquitor William Dunnet Against William Swanson and others
6 January 1701
Act: Protection To Coll Mcdonald
Act: Act the Viscount of Arbuthnet anent Choiseing Curators
4 February 1701
Act: Act Mr James Gregory anent ane Machin
6 February 1701
Act: Act Walter Pringle merchant anent Irish victuall
Act: Act Mungo Campbell anent Irish victuall
Act: Act Arthur Park anent victwall brought from Ireland
Act: Act Robert Allan anant vaccant stipend of Aloway
Act: Act Mathew and Daniell Campbells anent a Suggar Manusfactory in Glasgow
11 February 1701
Order: Recommendation to the Thesaury in favours of the macers of Councill
Order: Recomendation to the Thesaurie in favours of the Macers of Session
Order: Recommendation to the Theasurie in favours of the servants in Exchequer
Order: Recomendation to the Theasurie in favours of the parliament house
Order: Recomendation to the Theasurie in favours of the underkeepers of the parliament house
18 February 1701
Act: Act in favours of James Montgomry and partners for a soap and glass manufactory at Glasgow
Act: Act in favours of Mathew Frew anent Irish victwall
Act: Act John Hill anent Irish victwall
Act: Protection in favours of Mr William Gordon of Baliemie
Act: Act for Contribution to the Inhabitants of Burned lands in the parliament Closs
20 February 1701
Procedure: Remitt to the Commissioners of Supplie of Rhenfrewshyre anent Ferguslie
Act: Act The Magistrats of Elgine
25 February 1701
Act: Act allowing Bridadeir Maitland to Import 1000 bolls of victwall from Ireland
Act: Act In favours of Malcolme Mackneill
Act: Act in favours of William Cross and pairtners
Order: Act and Recomendation In favours of Captain Kenneth Urquhart
27 February 1701
Act: Prorogation of Mr William Gordons protectione
Act: Act In favours of Mr William Gordon and Sir William Hopes Witnesses
4 March 1701
Act: Act Gordon of Campdell for a protection to Witneses
Act: Act Livetennent Collonell Erskine anent the Chartor Chest of Kincardine
Act: Repryve Peter and Donald Brouns
Act: Aliment To Helen Aytoun
Act: Act for ane Contribution for ane Harbour at Eymouth
Act: Act Thomas Mitchell anent drying Malt and brewing Liquors
6 March 1701
Warrant: Warrant for Apprehending Partus and Houslie
6 March 1701(pm)
Act: Act anent the Custodie of Aberladie
Decreet: Decreit Absolvitor Sir William Hope Against Mr William Gordon
11 March 1701
Act: Act Mathias Partus and John Houstly ordaining their bond to be delivered up and stoping execution on a warrand against them
Act: Act The Managers of the Glassworks at Leith Dischargeing the Import of Forraigne botles emptie
13 March 1701
Act: Act Captain Drummond continuing the Advyseing the cause Byres against him till the first of June
Act: Act for prosecuteing James Fairfoull for some indecent expressions against the Government
Procedure: committee formed: Committie anent Mrs Jean Wallace
13 March 1701(pm)
Act: Act Francis Scott and George Rutherfoord anent a Horse
Act: Act The Managers of the Caird Manufactorie of Leith Continueing their priviledges
Procedure: sist of execution: Sist of Execution John Hogs bill of suspension
14 March 1701
18 March 1701
Procedure: [Note of no business]
20 March 1701
Act: Act Thomas Sivewright for Importing some prohibit goods
21 March 1701
Act: Act anent Mistress Jean Wallace her Custodie and Education
25 March 1701
Act: Act John Mitchell anent Hatts
27 March 1701
Warrant: Warrand for Inspecting Nunlands Cabinet
Act: Contribution for building ane Bridge att Ananan
2 April 1701
Act: Act Robert Luke Merchant in Glasgow for entering some prohibit goods
Act: Act William Mirrie Merchant in Edinburgh for entering some Hatts
Act: Act Mr Charles Dallas anent Importing tuo Carpets
15 April 1701
Act: Act George Linn anent a silk Manufactorie
Act: Act Mathias Partus and Woolslie Dischargeing summar warrands against them
Warrant: Warrant for publishing the Act in favors of the Caird manufactorie at Leith
Act: Act Scot of Giblistoun for Concurrence of the forces against his debitors in Zetland
Petition: Mr David Nicolsons petition refused
Act: Act Gavin Plummer and others anent Import some wines
17 April 1701
Act: Act Livetenant Collonell Erskine anent the stipends of Culross, Carnock and others
Petition: Aliment to the Lady Cluthick
25 April 1701
Procedure: [Note of no business]
3 May 1701
Procedure: [Note of no business]
5 June 1701
Procedure: [Temporary preses elected]
Warrant: Warrant for adding 4 tons of vinegar to the Deliverance on Marjorybanks bill
10 June 1701
Procedure: [Temporary preses elected]
Decreet: Decreit The Lord Aberuchill Against Mungo Campbell and others
12 June 1701
Act: Act the divinity Colledge of Saint Andrews anent half ane months Cess in Inglistouns hands
Order: Recomendation to the Thesaurie in favours of Mr George Broun
Petition: Approbation of the Lord Forbes his setling Auchorsk and his sister in ane protestant Family
19 June 1701
Act: Act Mr Michaell Livingstoun anent the Custodie of the Laird of Glentirran
24 June 1701
Decreet: Decreit The Laird of Innes Against the Laird of Coxtoun and Thomas Calder
28 June 1701
Act: Act for ane aliment to Ms Jean Wallace
Act: Act for a voluntar Contributione over thee Water of Leven
1 July 1701
Act: Act In favours of James Stivin usher for building his house in the parliament Closs
Procedure: [Bill of suspension]
3 July 1701
Procedure: [Note of no business]
8 July 1701
Decreet: Decreet Byres against Drummond
Act: [Act for Mr William Chiesly]
10 July 1701
Act: Act Captain William Drummond and Dischargeing his former sentence and takeing of the fyne
15 July 1701
Decreet: Decreet the Magistrats of Glasgow against Walkingshaw of Barrowfeild
Petition: Petition Francis Scott against Rutherford of Fairniton read and refused
Act: Act the Lady Elchicheills for ane aliment
Act: Act In favours of the Lady Cardross anent ane vacant stipend
17 July 1701
Decreet: Decreet Jean Sken against the Magistrats of Aberdeen
22 July 1701
Procedure: [Note of no business]
24 July 1701
Decreet: Decreet absolvitor Earl of Aboyn Laird of Grant and Knokespack against The Lairds of Glenkindie Camdell and the tutor of Weems
29 July 1701
Act: Act anent a voluntar Contribution for building a bridge of the water of Cart in favors of Sir William Maxwell of Calderwood
31 July 1701
Act: Act in favors of Paulls Work and Boningtouns manufactories
2 August 1701
Procedure: [Note of no business]
5 August 1701
Act: Act Lady Bonhard anent ane aliment
Act: Act Captain James Mudie Anent executeing any letters att his or his factors instance against William Mudie att the head burgh of the shyre or stewartrie in respect ther is not tutus accessus
23 September 1701(pm)
Act: Act in favours of Mr William Thomson for puting up his bond
25 September 1701
Act: Act Lord Advocat anent printeing the abridgements as within
Act: Act for ane aliment Anna Anderson and her Children
Act: Act for half ane years stipend to Mr James Crocket
Warrant: Warrand to the sheriff of Aberdeen for sequestration of Sir Alexander and Mr Thomas Forbes papers
26 September 1701
Act: Act for sequestrating the papers of the Estait of Greigstoune
29 September 1701
Procedure: [Note of no business]
4 November 1701
Procedure: [Note of no business]
6 November 1701
Act: Act for a Contribution to the persones who suffered by the fyre in the Land mercat
11 November 1701
Act: Act for passing Andrew Mortounes Patent per Saltum
13 November 1701
Procedure: [Note of no business]
18 November 1701
Procedure: [Note of no business]
24 November 1701
Procedure: [Note of no business]
25 November 1701
Procedure: [Note of no business]
27 November 1701
Procedure: [Note of no business]
2 December 1701
Procedure: [Note of no business]
8 December 1701
Procedure: [Note of no business]
9 December 1701
Procedure: [Note of no business]
11 December 1701
Procedure: [Note of no business]
23 December 1701
Procedure: [Note of no business]
25 December 1701
Procedure: [Note of no business]
30 December 1701
Procedure: [Note of no business]