Procedure, 12 June 1701, Edinburgh

Procedure, 30 December 1701, Edinburgh

Att Edinburgh The Twelth day of June Jaj viic and one years



Recommendation to the Committie appointed anent the mint

The Lords of his Majesties privy Councill Doe hereby Recommend to the Committie formerly appointed anent his Majesties mint to meet upon Wednesday nixt being the eighteinth instant at thrie of the Cloak in the afternoon in his Majesties Mint house; And Recommends to them to take tryall of his Majesties Mint conforme to the act of parliament anent the Mint and to hear and consider all such other Overtures or proposalls as shall be made to their Lordships by the Generall or other officers or servants of his Majesties Minthouse; And to report their oppinion to the Councill And continues the quorum of the said Committie as formerly to be any fyve of them.

Att Edinburgh The Twelth day of June Jaj viic and one years



Recommendation to the Committie appointed anent the mint

The Lords of his Majesties privy Councill Doe hereby Recommend to the Committie formerly appointed anent his Majesties mint to meet upon Wednesday nixt being the eighteinth instant at thrie of the Cloak in the afternoon in his Majesties Mint house; And Recommends to them to take tryall of his Majesties Mint conforme to the act of parliament anent the Mint and to hear and consider all such other Overtures or proposalls as shall be made to their Lordships by the Generall or other officers or servants of his Majesties Minthouse; And to report their oppinion to the Councill And continues the quorum of the said Committie as formerly to be any fyve of them.

1. NRS, PC1/52, 232.

1. NRS, PC1/52, 232.