Edinburgh the Fyfteinth day of January Jaj vjc nyntie five years
Act and Recomendation Drumond of Meginsh anent accompts
The Lords of his Majesties privy Councill having Considered a report of a Committie of ther oun number appointed for reviseing the accompts resting by his majesties forces to the Countrey Bearing that the said Committie haveing Considered the accompt given in to them as resting be his majesties forces to Adam Drumond of Meginsh and his tennents with the instructions and verificationes therof They Find that there are some articles of the said accompt stated as resting be the souldiers or troopers without Condescending upon the regiment or troop to which they belong And Therfore they have rejected these articles And Finds the haill other articles of the said accompt suficiently verified and proven either be recepts under the hands of the Souldiers or troopers or be the depositiones of the tennents taken before the Commissions of Supply within the shyre of […] Conforme to the report of the Commissioners wryten upon the end of the account and subscryved be the Commissioners Which recepts accompt and report theron2 were all produced and Considered be the Committee, And Finds that ther is resting be his majesties forces upon scots pay according as they are stated in Regiments or troopes by the said Adam Drumond Conforme to a Note written with his oun hand3 The soumes following Viz By my Lord Newbotles troop of horss the soume of fiftie five punds one shilling ten pennies scots Item by my Lord Rollo his troope of hors the soume of threttie punds fiftein shilling scots Item by the Earle of Eglingtoune his troop of horse nyntein shilling scots Item by my Lord Beilhaven his troop of horss the soume of two pund nyne shilling four pences scots Item by the Earle of Argyll his regiment of foot the soume of Eleven pund twelue shilling scots Item by the deceast Lord Cardross his regiment of dragoons one pund Eleven shilling scots, Item by the said Lord Beilhaven his said troop the soume of two pund nyntein shilling scots Item by the Lord Rollo his said troop thrie pund Eleven shilling scots Extending the saids haill soumes resting be the saids forces upon scots pay to the soume of ane Hundreth and five pund, Eightein shilling4 two penies scots, And the Committie Finds the haill articles quherof this soume is made up were all furnished preceiding the friday of February Jaj vjc nyntie one years And that they are all in the termes of the nynth act fourth session of this Current parliament entituled act for pole money and of the proclamation of Councill of the date the Last day of Jully Jaj vjc nyntie four years relative therto And Therfore Its the Committies oppinion that the said soume of ane hundred and five punds Eightein shilling two penies scots Is to be payed to the said Adam Drumond of Meginsch and his tennents out of the forsaid polemoney and that they are to be Recomended to the Lords Commissioners of his majesties thesaury for payment of the same accordingly as the said Report bears The saids Lords of his majesties privy Councill approves of the said report and Recomends to the Lords Commissioners of his majesties thesaury to cause payment be made out of the present pole money to the said5 Adam Drumond of Meginsh and his tennants of the above soume of ane hundreth five punds Eightein shilling two penies scots money.
1. NRS, PC2/25, 143v-144v.
2. Insertion.
3. The word ‘Viz’ scored out here.
4. The word ‘six’ scored out here.
5. The word ‘David’ scored out here.
1. NRS, PC2/25, 143v-144v.
2. Insertion.
3. The word ‘Viz’ scored out here.
4. The word ‘six’ scored out here.
5. The word ‘David’ scored out here.