Act, 15 January 1695, Edinburgh

Warrant, 31 December 1695, Edinburgh

Edinburgh the Fyfteinth day of January Jaj vjc nyntie five years



Act and Recomendation The Toune of Paisley anent accompts

The Lords of his Majesties privy Councill having Considered a report of a Committie of their oun number appointed for reviseing the accompts resting be his majesties forces to the Countrey Bearing that the said Comittie haveing Considered the accompt given in to them as resting be the Earle of Glencairne his regiment of foot to the inhabitants of the above toune of Paisley with the instructiones and verificationes therof They Find the haill articles of the said accompt sufficiently verified and proven both be recepts and be the parties oathes except the last article being for half a Croun which is be oath without recept And also be the report of the Commissioners of Supply within the Shyre of Ranfrew Bearing that the inhabitants Creditors in the accompt instructed the haill articles therof (except the Last) before them by wryt and verified the last be the parties oath before them, And that they deponed that the articles in the accompt was furnished be them to the officers and souldiers in the Earle of Glencairne his regiment as they are Stated in the accompt dureing the space therin mentioned as weell these for which ther is wryte produced as that article for which ther is no wryt, and that the same are all truely resting and no part therof payed which account wryt recepts and report were produced to and Considered be the said Committie And Finds that the haill articles of the said accompt are all preceiding the first day of February Jaj vjc and nyntie one years, and are all in the termes of the nynth act fourth sessione of this Current parliament Entituled act for pole money dated the twentie nynth day of May Jaj vjc nyntie thrie years and of the proclamation of Councill dated the Last of Jully Jaj vjc nyntie four years relative therto And Finds that by the said accompt verified and instructed as said is, Ther is resting be the said Earle of Glencairne his said regiment to the Inhabitants within the said toune of Paisley the said soume of five hundreth fiftie two punds Eleven shilling Eight penies scots And it is the opinion of the Comittie that the said soume is to be payed to the saids inhabitants out of the said polemoney And that the saids inhabitants are to be recomended to the Lords Commissioners of ther Majesties thesaury for payment of the same accordingly as the said report in itself more fully bears. The saids Lords of his majesties privy Councill Approves of the said report and Recomends to the Lords Commissioners of his majesties thesaury to Cause payment be made out of the present polemoney to the said Inhabitants of Paisley the above soume of Fyve Hundreth fiftie two punds Eleven shilling Eight penies scots

Edinburgh the Fyfteinth day of January Jaj vjc nyntie five years



Act and Recomendation The Toune of Paisley anent accompts

The Lords of his Majesties privy Councill having Considered a report of a Committie of their oun number appointed for reviseing the accompts resting be his majesties forces to the Countrey Bearing that the said Comittie haveing Considered the accompt given in to them as resting be the Earle of Glencairne his regiment of foot to the inhabitants of the above toune of Paisley with the instructiones and verificationes therof They Find the haill articles of the said accompt sufficiently verified and proven both be recepts and be the parties oathes except the last article being for half a Croun which is be oath without recept And also be the report of the Commissioners of Supply within the Shyre of Ranfrew Bearing that the inhabitants Creditors in the accompt instructed the haill articles therof (except the Last) before them by wryt and verified the last be the parties oath before them, And that they deponed that the articles in the accompt was furnished be them to the officers and souldiers in the Earle of Glencairne his regiment as they are Stated in the accompt dureing the space therin mentioned as weell these for which ther is wryte produced as that article for which ther is no wryt, and that the same are all truely resting and no part therof payed which account wryt recepts and report were produced to and Considered be the said Committie And Finds that the haill articles of the said accompt are all preceiding the first day of February Jaj vjc and nyntie one years, and are all in the termes of the nynth act fourth sessione of this Current parliament Entituled act for pole money dated the twentie nynth day of May Jaj vjc nyntie thrie years and of the proclamation of Councill dated the Last of Jully Jaj vjc nyntie four years relative therto And Finds that by the said accompt verified and instructed as said is, Ther is resting be the said Earle of Glencairne his said regiment to the Inhabitants within the said toune of Paisley the said soume of five hundreth fiftie two punds Eleven shilling Eight penies scots And it is the opinion of the Comittie that the said soume is to be payed to the saids inhabitants out of the said polemoney And that the saids inhabitants are to be recomended to the Lords Commissioners of ther Majesties thesaury for payment of the same accordingly as the said report in itself more fully bears. The saids Lords of his majesties privy Councill Approves of the said report and Recomends to the Lords Commissioners of his majesties thesaury to Cause payment be made out of the present polemoney to the said Inhabitants of Paisley the above soume of Fyve Hundreth fiftie two punds Eleven shilling Eight penies scots

1. NRS, PC2/25, 144v-145r.

1. NRS, PC2/25, 144v-145r.