Edinburgh the Twentie fourth day of January Jaj vjc nyntie five years
Act William Callander
Anent a Petition given in to the Lords of his Majesties privy Councill be William Callander or eldest Lawfull sone to the deceast Lodovick Callander of Darrator Shewing That quher the petitioners father deceast this very day Did some years agoe Dispone his wholl Lands and Estate to him and such airs as he was pleased to nominat Lykeas a very Litle before his decease He renewed the said depositiones But yet throw the solicitatione and influence of one John Willisone ane agent who maried his Daughter the petitioners sister as the petitioner is informed made some alterations, Which can nowayes subsist in Law, And that in all reasone since the petitioner is now in Flanders in his Majesties Service and beside the right of the forsaid Dispositione Is undoubtedly appeareand air and ought to have all his rights preserved to him intire untill that he be Liberat and that all matters be Legally setled, And Seing It is both necessary and Ordinar that the saids Lords should Interpose in such cases. And Therfore humbly suplicating the saids Lords to the effect aftermentioned The saids Lords of his majesties privy Councill Having Considered this petition given in to them be the above William Callander, They heirby Ordaine the above Willisone to see and answer the same, and in the mean tyme ordaines the Clerks of privy Councill to sequestrat all the Cabinats Chists or other Lockfast Looms quherin the papers belonging to the defunct either in the house quher he dyed or else wher are lying with their oun Sealls, And appoints the said John Willisone to Give his oath before the Lord Advocat anent the haveing or abstracting the saids papers.
1. NRS, PC2/25, 155r-155v.
1. NRS, PC2/25, 155r-155v.