Edinburgh the 25th Jully 1695
Act The Lady Pitsligo anent the stipend of Tyrie for repairing the Kirk
Anent the petition given in to the Lords of his majesties privy Councill be Lady Sophia Erskine Dowager of Pitsligo for her self and in name and behalf of the heritors and others in the paroch of Tyrie Shewing That quher by the twentie thrid act of the first session of this Current parliament Concerning patronadges vaccant stipends are appointed to be Imployed by the patrones upon pious uses within the paroch True It is that the said Kirk of Tyrie having vacked now since Jaj vjc nyntie two inclussive and quherof the stipend amounts but to about seven hundred merks The Lord Saltoune patron has upon applicatione to their Lordships obtained ane Thousand merks of the said bygone vaccand stipends to be Imployed upon the repairing of the peer and harbour of Frasersburgh whill in the mean time the Fabrick of the kirk it self and the ministers manse are notoriously knowen to have been these many years bypast in a very ill Conditione and by the vaccance now these four years are become so ruinous that it will requyre near as much expences to repair the same as the first building of them did Cast And seing the petitioners grudge not the patrons getting ane thousand merks towards ane use that is altogither without the bounds of the parish as said is provyding Consideration be hade of the ruinous Condition of their oun kirk and manse aforsaid and that the remander of the said vaccant stipends preceiding this date and ay and whill the kirk be planted or supplied Doe goe the full Length in putting the Church and manse in such ane suitable Condition as Law requyres and that the petitioners are Content the said remainder of the said vaccand stipend be Imployed upon the repairing of the kirk and manse as said is, at the sight of the said Lords would be pleased to name and appoint And Therfore humbly Craveing the saids Lords would be pleased to name and appoint2 Henry Caddell in Aberdour to be Collector for uplifting the remander of the vaccand stipends of the said paroch of Tyrie preceiding Whitsunday Last and ay and whill the same be planted or in the interim supplied and that to be Imployed at the sight of the said Lord Saltone patron or of the moderator of the presbytrie or any whom they or the saids Lords should think fitt to appoint upon the repairatione and building of the said kirk of Tyrie and Ministers Manse therat according as the expences of the same shall be estimate by skillfull workmen He the said Hary Caddell allwayes finding suficient Cautione to make his intromissione furthcomeing and Imploy the same ut supra as the said petition bears The Lords of his majesties privy Councill Having Considered the above petitione given in to them be the above Lady Sophia Erskine Dowager of Pitsligo for herself and in name of the heritors and others in the paroch of Tyrie They heirby allow the vaccand stipend of the kirk of Tyrie preceiding the terme of Whitsunday Last by past remaineing over and above the said soume of ane Thousand merks given in to the Lord Saltoune for repairing the harbour of Frasersburgh To be Imployed at the sight of the said Lord Saltoune patron of the said kirk and of the moderator of the presbytrie within which the said kirk Lyes for repairing and building of the said kirk and ministers manse therat And Nominats and appoints Henry Calder in Aberdour to be Collector for uplifting the said remander vaccant stipend, And Ordaines the heritors Lyfrenters Wodsetters titullars tacksmen of teynds tennents possessors and others Lyable in payment of the said remander vaccant stipend of Tyrie to make payment to the said factor of the said remander vaccant stipend In Respect the said factor has given bond and found suficient Cautione acted in the books of privy Councill That he shall apply the said remander vaccant stipend to be Collected as said is to be Imployed at sight of the saids Lord Saltoun and moderator of the presbytrie for repairing and building the said kirk and ministers manse And Ordaines Letters of horning under the signet of Councill to be direct at the instance of the said factor against the heritors and others forsaids Lyable in payment of the remander vaccant stipend upon production of a decreet of Locallity and incaice ther be non Ordaines the heritors and others forsaids To make payment of their respective proportiones of the said vaccant stipend according as they shall be Decerned by the Judge ordinar.
1. NRS, PC2/25, 309r-310r.
2. Sic.
1. NRS, PC2/25, 309r-310r.
2. Sic.