Act, 28 February 1695, Edinburgh

Warrant, 31 December 1695, Edinburgh

At Edinburgh thursday the tuentie and eight day of Februarie Jaj vjc nynty and fyve years



Act Andrew Johnstoune and Ensigne Cockburne

The Lords of his Majesties privy Councill Doe Hereby Ordaine Ensigne […] Cockburne ane of the officers come from Flanders for Recruits To delyver to the Clerks of privy Council the bond granted to Him by Andrew Johnstoune presently prisoner in the Cannongate tolbooth for returneing to Flanders under the penalty of fyve Hundred merks In respect they find it instructed by papers produced to them That the said Andrew was illegallie carried away last year to Flanders contraire to ane express warrand of the Comittie of privie Councill which with ane instrument of intimatione made to Major Borthwick by whom the said Andrew was then illegallie seized was also produced to the Councill And Declairs the said Andrew to be a freeman and Discharges him to be molested by any persone as a Desertor And Declairs the said Ensigne Cockburne to be free of any oblidgement given by him to any officer in Flanders for reproduceing the persone of the said Andrew And appoynts the officer to whom any such oblidgement is granted to delyver up the same to the said Ensigne to be Cancelled and gives order and warrand to the Baillies of the Cannongate and keeper of their Tolbooth to sett the said Andrew at liberty furth thereof And ordaines Horneing on fyfteen dayes and others needfulle to be direct Hereupon in forme as effeires.

At Edinburgh thursday the tuentie and eight day of Februarie Jaj vjc nynty and fyve years



Act Andrew Johnstoune and Ensigne Cockburne

The Lords of his Majesties privy Councill Doe Hereby Ordaine Ensigne […] Cockburne ane of the officers come from Flanders for Recruits To delyver to the Clerks of privy Council the bond granted to Him by Andrew Johnstoune presently prisoner in the Cannongate tolbooth for returneing to Flanders under the penalty of fyve Hundred merks In respect they find it instructed by papers produced to them That the said Andrew was illegallie carried away last year to Flanders contraire to ane express warrand of the Comittie of privie Councill which with ane instrument of intimatione made to Major Borthwick by whom the said Andrew was then illegallie seized was also produced to the Councill And Declairs the said Andrew to be a freeman and Discharges him to be molested by any persone as a Desertor And Declairs the said Ensigne Cockburne to be free of any oblidgement given by him to any officer in Flanders for reproduceing the persone of the said Andrew And appoynts the officer to whom any such oblidgement is granted to delyver up the same to the said Ensigne to be Cancelled and gives order and warrand to the Baillies of the Cannongate and keeper of their Tolbooth to sett the said Andrew at liberty furth thereof And ordaines Horneing on fyfteen dayes and others needfulle to be direct Hereupon in forme as effeires.

1. NRS, PC1/50, 138.

1. NRS, PC1/50, 138.