At Holyrudhouse the tuenty eight day of May one thousand sex Hundred nynty and fyve years
Act anent the Earle of Buchans continowing at Liberty
His majesties High Commissioner and Lords of privy Councill Doe hereby exoner and discharge Lwetenant John Erskine Leutt Governour of the Castle of Stirling for what may be laid to his charge in permitting the late Earle of Buchane to goe furth of the said Castle to John Keirie of Gogar his house albeit the Earle hes not returned to the Castle but gone to Edinburgh and allow’s the said late Earle to remaine at liberty in Edinburgh in respect of his great weakness and dangerous Conditione The Earle first giving bond and finding sufficient Cautione acted in the books of privy Councill That He shall reenter himself prisoner within the said Castle of Stirling so soon as he shall be able to travell thether and in the meantyme that He shall live peaceablie under and with all submissione to the present Goverment of his majestie King William and that He shall not act consult nor contryve anything in prejudice thereof nor converse or correspond with any Rebells under the penalty of fyve Hundred pounds sterling in case he shall transgress in any part of the premisses.
1. NRS, PC1/50, 198.
1. NRS, PC1/50, 198.